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This programme is subject to change

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Energy Events Centre
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Pohiri (formal Maori welcome)
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Opening Plenary: Waiora: Promoting planetary health and sustainable development for all
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Welcome Reception
Energy Events Centre
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Pohiri (formal Maori welcome)
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Opening Plenary: Waiora: Promoting planetary health and sustainable development for all
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Welcome Reception

Energy Events Centre
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Pohiri (formal Maori welcome)
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Opening Plenary: Waiora: Promoting planetary health and sustainable development for all
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Welcome Reception

Monday, April 8, 2019

Energy Events Centre - Plenary
Energy Events Centre
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM Plenary session: Ensure health equity throughout the life course, within and among countries, making each member of the global society an empowered life-long learner
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Morning Tea - Monday
10:45 AM - 12:15 PM Master Class - Monday Parallel session: Are health care organisations healthy? Parallel session: Community based approaches to health promotion and services Parallel session: Governance, planning and policy
Parallel session: E-health and health inequality (FR-ENG) Parallel session: Planning for healthy families Parallel session: Global experiences with health promoting schools Parallel session: Health promotion at the end of life
Parallel session: Increasing reflection between research and practice Parallel session: Vaping up a storm Parallel session: Obesity prevention interventions Parallel session: Resilience and mental health promotion
Parallel session: Taking action: Refugee and migrant health Symposium: The Tassie Kids Study: Building a whole of population evidence base to inform health and education policies and services in the early years Parallel session: Preventing and managing diabetes Symposium: International perspectives on promoting population mental health and wellbeing as a critical strategy for sustainable health development
Parallel session: Towards secure and sustainable food systems Workshop: Towards racial equity in public health organizations Parallel session: Youth mental wellbeing Symposium: Using evidence to improve health equity: The role of evaluation capacity building in health promotion organisations
Poster circle A: Addressing child health Workshop: What changes are needed to realise an integrated approach to cancer prevention, care and treatment in New Zealand and achieve equity of outcomes? Workshop: Applying the behaviour change wheel to health behaviour interventions
Poster circle B: Collaborating for health (FR-ENG)
Poster circle C: Promoting strategies for healthy eating and physical activity
Symposium: International Indigenous Cohort Collaborative: Wise practices in undertaking Indigenous cohort studies
Workshop: Innovation reset in health promotion
Workshop: Participating, protecting and promoting a new food security/food sovereignty infrastructure
Workshop: TEKA: Māori youth solutions for problem gambling in Aotearoa/New Zealand
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Lunch - Monday - Sponsored by the Australian Health Promotion Association
12:45 PM - 1:30 PM Meet the Authors (ENG-FR)
1:45 PM - 3:15 PM Sub plenary: Local solutions for promoting planetary health: Salutogenic, Health Literate Settings and Systems Sub plenary: Pacific Networks: Healthy Islands Vision for Sustainable Development Sub plenary: Health Promotion Legislation- Against All Odds Sub plenary: Advancing the debate about the role of HIA in enhancing governance for planetary health
Sub plenary: The challenges of implementing the results of the PAHO/WHO Commission on Equity and Health Inequalities in the Americas / Los retos de implementar los resultados de la Comisión de la OPS/OMS sobre Equidad y Desigualdades en Salud de las Américas (ENG-FR-ESP) Sub plenary: Ngā reo wāheke – Young People Shaping Healthy Futures
3:15 PM - 3:45 PM Afternoon Tea - Monday
3:45 PM - 5:15 PM Alternative showings: New technologies - capacity building and youth engagement for health promotion Parallel session: Changing health behaviours in the workplace Parallel session: Apps and web solutions for health and wellbeing Parallel session: Housing as a determinant of health
Parallel session: Healthy and sustainable diets Parallel session: Disrupting tobacco retailing Parallel session: Climate justice: Addressing inequities due to climate change Parallel session: Sense of coherence and a positive perception of health
Parallel session: Implementing healthy cities Parallel session: Evaluation and health promotion planning Parallel session: Health promoting schools - successes and challenges Roundtable: Addressing the social determinants of health to promote health equity (ENG-FR)
Parallel session: Inequalities on maternal health and child development as determinants of health (FR-ENG) Parallel Session: Planning and evaluation for achieving Sustainable Development Goals Parallel session: Promoting health during childhood Symposium: The best investment in health: What have HPFs learned after decades?
Parallel session: Positive and holistic perspectives on health Symposium: Determinants of Health indicators to achieve Sustainable Development Goals for Indigenous Peoples Symposium: The importance of traffic injury prevention to promote health and safety: Policies and practice around the globe
Parallel session: Social inequalities in health Workshop: Building effective governance for planetary health Workshop: A youth empowerment approach to understanding and addressing health inequalities: Participate, engage, and be inspired
Poster circle A: Classroom to playground: Schools matter! (ENG-ESP)
Poster circle B: Empowering for equity and Indigenous health (ENG-ESP)
Poster circle C: Healthy cities make the world sustainable
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Alternative showing: Art - digital Workshop: A cross-cultural model to promoting equitable health care to persons from a refugee background Workshop: Capturing diverse views and voices: Citizen science and crowd sourcing in health promotion Workshop: “Real” community participation, what does it entail and how to plan (or not to plan)?
Workshop: Applying a life-course perspective to the Social Ecological Model: Identifying needs, gaps, successes, and goals in public health practice, research and policy Workshop: Contemporary health impact assessments: Developing new approaches in response to practical challenges and opportunities Workshop: HealthLit4Kids: Building health literacy from the schoolyard Workshop: Climate change is a health promotion issue – what will it take to get action to respond?
Workshop: Indigenous public health: Raising voices on the global stage, indigenous working group for the World Federation of Public Health Associations Workshop: Critiquing the Red Lotus Health Promotion Model – a critical practice approach Workshop: Making wellbeing everyone’s business - building your appetite for workplace wellbeing Workshop: Co-designing health services with Māori communities
Workshop: Let´s share how do we teach health promotion to undergraduates? Workshop: Road safety and its impact with children and adolescents: Strategies and best practices around the globe Workshop: The “Global Health and Education” UNESCO chair, a new initiative in the field of health promotion Workshop: PATH – empowering our peoples through a creative and mana-enhancing strategic planning process
Workshop: Salutogenesis as a modus operandi for planetary health and the role of health literate information and communication technologies (ICT) Workshop: Tips for writing and reviewing for peer-reviewed health promotion journals: A practical guide
Energy Events Centre - Plenary
Energy Events Centre
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM Plenary session: Ensure health equity throughout the life course, within and among countries, making each member of the global society an empowered life-long learner
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Morning Tea - Monday
10:45 AM - 12:15 PM Master Class - Monday
Parallel session: E-health and health inequality (FR-ENG)
Parallel session: Increasing reflection between research and practice
Parallel session: Taking action: Refugee and migrant health
Parallel session: Towards secure and sustainable food systems
Poster circle A: Addressing child health
Poster circle B: Collaborating for health (FR-ENG)
Poster circle C: Promoting strategies for healthy eating and physical activity
Symposium: International Indigenous Cohort Collaborative: Wise practices in undertaking Indigenous cohort studies
Workshop: Innovation reset in health promotion
Workshop: Participating, protecting and promoting a new food security/food sovereignty infrastructure
Workshop: TEKA: Māori youth solutions for problem gambling in Aotearoa/New Zealand
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Lunch - Monday - Sponsored by the Australian Health Promotion Association
12:45 PM - 1:30 PM Meet the Authors (ENG-FR)
1:45 PM - 3:15 PM Sub plenary: Local solutions for promoting planetary health: Salutogenic, Health Literate Settings and Systems
Sub plenary: The challenges of implementing the results of the PAHO/WHO Commission on Equity and Health Inequalities in the Americas / Los retos de implementar los resultados de la Comisión de la OPS/OMS sobre Equidad y Desigualdades en Salud de las Américas (ENG-FR-ESP)
3:15 PM - 3:45 PM Afternoon Tea - Monday
3:45 PM - 5:15 PM Alternative showings: New technologies - capacity building and youth engagement for health promotion
Parallel session: Healthy and sustainable diets
Parallel session: Implementing healthy cities
Parallel session: Inequalities on maternal health and child development as determinants of health (FR-ENG)
Parallel session: Positive and holistic perspectives on health
Parallel session: Social inequalities in health
Poster circle A: Classroom to playground: Schools matter! (ENG-ESP)
Poster circle B: Empowering for equity and Indigenous health (ENG-ESP)
Poster circle C: Healthy cities make the world sustainable
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Alternative showing: Art - digital
Workshop: Applying a life-course perspective to the Social Ecological Model: Identifying needs, gaps, successes, and goals in public health practice, research and policy
Workshop: Indigenous public health: Raising voices on the global stage, indigenous working group for the World Federation of Public Health Associations
Workshop: Let´s share how do we teach health promotion to undergraduates?
Workshop: Salutogenesis as a modus operandi for planetary health and the role of health literate information and communication technologies (ICT)

8:30 AM - 10:00 AM Plenary session: Ensure health equity throughout the life course, within and among countries, making each member of the global society an empowered life-long learner
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Morning Tea - Monday
10:45 AM - 12:15 PM Parallel session: Are health care organisations healthy? Parallel session: Community based approaches to health promotion and services
Parallel session: Planning for healthy families Parallel session: Global experiences with health promoting schools
Parallel session: Vaping up a storm Parallel session: Obesity prevention interventions
Symposium: The Tassie Kids Study: Building a whole of population evidence base to inform health and education policies and services in the early years Parallel session: Preventing and managing diabetes
Workshop: Towards racial equity in public health organizations Parallel session: Youth mental wellbeing
Workshop: What changes are needed to realise an integrated approach to cancer prevention, care and treatment in New Zealand and achieve equity of outcomes?
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Lunch - Monday - Sponsored by the Australian Health Promotion Association
12:45 PM - 1:30 PM
1:45 PM - 3:15 PM Sub plenary: Pacific Networks: Healthy Islands Vision for Sustainable Development Sub plenary: Health Promotion Legislation- Against All Odds
3:15 PM - 3:45 PM Afternoon Tea - Monday
3:45 PM - 5:15 PM Parallel session: Changing health behaviours in the workplace Parallel session: Apps and web solutions for health and wellbeing
Parallel session: Disrupting tobacco retailing Parallel session: Climate justice: Addressing inequities due to climate change
Parallel session: Evaluation and health promotion planning Parallel session: Health promoting schools - successes and challenges
Parallel Session: Planning and evaluation for achieving Sustainable Development Goals Parallel session: Promoting health during childhood
Symposium: Determinants of Health indicators to achieve Sustainable Development Goals for Indigenous Peoples
Workshop: Building effective governance for planetary health
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Workshop: A cross-cultural model to promoting equitable health care to persons from a refugee background Workshop: Capturing diverse views and voices: Citizen science and crowd sourcing in health promotion
Workshop: Contemporary health impact assessments: Developing new approaches in response to practical challenges and opportunities Workshop: HealthLit4Kids: Building health literacy from the schoolyard
Workshop: Critiquing the Red Lotus Health Promotion Model – a critical practice approach Workshop: Making wellbeing everyone’s business - building your appetite for workplace wellbeing
Workshop: Road safety and its impact with children and adolescents: Strategies and best practices around the globe Workshop: The “Global Health and Education” UNESCO chair, a new initiative in the field of health promotion

8:30 AM - 10:00 AM Plenary session: Ensure health equity throughout the life course, within and among countries, making each member of the global society an empowered life-long learner
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Morning Tea - Monday
10:45 AM - 12:15 PM Parallel session: Governance, planning and policy
Parallel session: Health promotion at the end of life
Parallel session: Resilience and mental health promotion
Symposium: International perspectives on promoting population mental health and wellbeing as a critical strategy for sustainable health development
Symposium: Using evidence to improve health equity: The role of evaluation capacity building in health promotion organisations
Workshop: Applying the behaviour change wheel to health behaviour interventions
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Lunch - Monday - Sponsored by the Australian Health Promotion Association
12:45 PM - 1:30 PM
1:45 PM - 3:15 PM Sub plenary: Advancing the debate about the role of HIA in enhancing governance for planetary health
Sub plenary: Ngā reo wāheke – Young People Shaping Healthy Futures
3:15 PM - 3:45 PM Afternoon Tea - Monday
3:45 PM - 5:15 PM Parallel session: Housing as a determinant of health
Parallel session: Sense of coherence and a positive perception of health
Roundtable: Addressing the social determinants of health to promote health equity (ENG-FR)
Symposium: The best investment in health: What have HPFs learned after decades?
Symposium: The importance of traffic injury prevention to promote health and safety: Policies and practice around the globe
Workshop: A youth empowerment approach to understanding and addressing health inequalities: Participate, engage, and be inspired
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Workshop: “Real” community participation, what does it entail and how to plan (or not to plan)?
Workshop: Climate change is a health promotion issue – what will it take to get action to respond?
Workshop: Co-designing health services with Māori communities
Workshop: PATH – empowering our peoples through a creative and mana-enhancing strategic planning process
Workshop: Tips for writing and reviewing for peer-reviewed health promotion journals: A practical guide

Energy Events Centre - Plenary
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM Plenary session: Ensure health equity throughout the life course, within and among countries, making each member of the global society an empowered life-long learner
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Morning Tea - Monday
10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Lunch - Monday - Sponsored by the Australian Health Promotion Association
12:45 PM - 1:30 PM
1:45 PM - 3:15 PM
3:15 PM - 3:45 PM Afternoon Tea - Monday
3:45 PM - 5:15 PM
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM

Energy Events Centre
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM Plenary session: Ensure health equity throughout the life course, within and among countries, making each member of the global society an empowered life-long learner
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Morning Tea - Monday
10:45 AM - 12:15 PM Master Class - Monday
Parallel session: E-health and health inequality (FR-ENG)
Parallel session: Increasing reflection between research and practice
Parallel session: Taking action: Refugee and migrant health
Parallel session: Towards secure and sustainable food systems
Poster circle A: Addressing child health
Poster circle B: Collaborating for health (FR-ENG)
Poster circle C: Promoting strategies for healthy eating and physical activity
Symposium: International Indigenous Cohort Collaborative: Wise practices in undertaking Indigenous cohort studies
Workshop: Innovation reset in health promotion
Workshop: Participating, protecting and promoting a new food security/food sovereignty infrastructure
Workshop: TEKA: Māori youth solutions for problem gambling in Aotearoa/New Zealand
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Lunch - Monday - Sponsored by the Australian Health Promotion Association
12:45 PM - 1:30 PM Meet the Authors (ENG-FR)
1:45 PM - 3:15 PM Sub plenary: Local solutions for promoting planetary health: Salutogenic, Health Literate Settings and Systems
Sub plenary: The challenges of implementing the results of the PAHO/WHO Commission on Equity and Health Inequalities in the Americas / Los retos de implementar los resultados de la Comisión de la OPS/OMS sobre Equidad y Desigualdades en Salud de las Américas (ENG-FR-ESP)
3:15 PM - 3:45 PM Afternoon Tea - Monday
3:45 PM - 5:15 PM Alternative showings: New technologies - capacity building and youth engagement for health promotion
Parallel session: Healthy and sustainable diets
Parallel session: Implementing healthy cities
Parallel session: Inequalities on maternal health and child development as determinants of health (FR-ENG)
Parallel session: Positive and holistic perspectives on health
Parallel session: Social inequalities in health
Poster circle A: Classroom to playground: Schools matter! (ENG-ESP)
Poster circle B: Empowering for equity and Indigenous health (ENG-ESP)
Poster circle C: Healthy cities make the world sustainable
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Alternative showing: Art - digital
Workshop: Applying a life-course perspective to the Social Ecological Model: Identifying needs, gaps, successes, and goals in public health practice, research and policy
Workshop: Indigenous public health: Raising voices on the global stage, indigenous working group for the World Federation of Public Health Associations
Workshop: Let´s share how do we teach health promotion to undergraduates?
Workshop: Salutogenesis as a modus operandi for planetary health and the role of health literate information and communication technologies (ICT)

8:30 AM - 10:00 AM Plenary session: Ensure health equity throughout the life course, within and among countries, making each member of the global society an empowered life-long learner
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Morning Tea - Monday
10:45 AM - 12:15 PM Parallel session: Are health care organisations healthy?
Parallel session: Planning for healthy families
Parallel session: Vaping up a storm
Symposium: The Tassie Kids Study: Building a whole of population evidence base to inform health and education policies and services in the early years
Workshop: Towards racial equity in public health organizations
Workshop: What changes are needed to realise an integrated approach to cancer prevention, care and treatment in New Zealand and achieve equity of outcomes?
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Lunch - Monday - Sponsored by the Australian Health Promotion Association
12:45 PM - 1:30 PM
1:45 PM - 3:15 PM Sub plenary: Pacific Networks: Healthy Islands Vision for Sustainable Development
3:15 PM - 3:45 PM Afternoon Tea - Monday
3:45 PM - 5:15 PM Parallel session: Changing health behaviours in the workplace
Parallel session: Disrupting tobacco retailing
Parallel session: Evaluation and health promotion planning
Parallel Session: Planning and evaluation for achieving Sustainable Development Goals
Symposium: Determinants of Health indicators to achieve Sustainable Development Goals for Indigenous Peoples
Workshop: Building effective governance for planetary health
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Workshop: A cross-cultural model to promoting equitable health care to persons from a refugee background
Workshop: Contemporary health impact assessments: Developing new approaches in response to practical challenges and opportunities
Workshop: Critiquing the Red Lotus Health Promotion Model – a critical practice approach
Workshop: Road safety and its impact with children and adolescents: Strategies and best practices around the globe

8:30 AM - 10:00 AM Plenary session: Ensure health equity throughout the life course, within and among countries, making each member of the global society an empowered life-long learner
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Morning Tea - Monday
10:45 AM - 12:15 PM Parallel session: Governance, planning and policy
Parallel session: Health promotion at the end of life
Parallel session: Resilience and mental health promotion
Symposium: International perspectives on promoting population mental health and wellbeing as a critical strategy for sustainable health development
Symposium: Using evidence to improve health equity: The role of evaluation capacity building in health promotion organisations
Workshop: Applying the behaviour change wheel to health behaviour interventions
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Lunch - Monday - Sponsored by the Australian Health Promotion Association
12:45 PM - 1:30 PM
1:45 PM - 3:15 PM Sub plenary: Advancing the debate about the role of HIA in enhancing governance for planetary health
Sub plenary: Ngā reo wāheke – Young People Shaping Healthy Futures
3:15 PM - 3:45 PM Afternoon Tea - Monday
3:45 PM - 5:15 PM Parallel session: Housing as a determinant of health
Parallel session: Sense of coherence and a positive perception of health
Roundtable: Addressing the social determinants of health to promote health equity (ENG-FR)
Symposium: The best investment in health: What have HPFs learned after decades?
Symposium: The importance of traffic injury prevention to promote health and safety: Policies and practice around the globe
Workshop: A youth empowerment approach to understanding and addressing health inequalities: Participate, engage, and be inspired
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Workshop: “Real” community participation, what does it entail and how to plan (or not to plan)?
Workshop: Climate change is a health promotion issue – what will it take to get action to respond?
Workshop: Co-designing health services with Māori communities
Workshop: PATH – empowering our peoples through a creative and mana-enhancing strategic planning process
Workshop: Tips for writing and reviewing for peer-reviewed health promotion journals: A practical guide

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Energy Events Centre - Plenary
Energy Events Centre
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM Plenary: Make all urban and other habitats inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable and conducive to health and wellbeing
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Morning Tea - Tuesday
10:45 AM - 12:15 PM Master Class - Tuesday Morning Parallel session: Obesity and risk factors Parallel session: Facing the impact of climate change: Environmental health literacy Parallel session: Designing environment for healthy ageing
Parallel session: LGBTI health Parallel session: Promoting healthy pregnancies Parallel session: Preventing infectious disease Parallel session: Strategies to improve mental health
Parallel session: School programs for planetary health and justice (ENG-FR-ESP) Parallel session: Tobacco control policy: Successes and aspirations Parallel session: Psychosocial risk factors and youth health Parallel session: Transformational organisations, human rights and health
Parallel session: Tackling food insecurity Symposium: Critical health education and health promotion in schools: Tensions, alignments and new possibilities Parallel session: Schools as a setting for health promotion Symposium: Building sustainable and empowering structures for family wellbeing and child welfare
The case of Nunavik, Quebec
Parallel session: Thinking in systems to improve evaluation Workshop: Mountains of meaning: Health promotion to the end of our days Parallel session: Transforming outdoor environments for health Symposium: Healthy equity through health activism on racism
Poster circle A: Advocating for health through research and policy (ENG-ESP) Workshop: The FotoFeedback Method™: Learn about and participate in this photo-based evaluation tool
Poster circle B: Policy and partnerships for health and sustainability (ENG-ESP)
Poster circle C: The barriers and social norms affecting women's health
Workshop: Addressing unconscious bias to promote health equity
Workshop: Arts therapy to create and deepen the understanding of health promotion messages for health inequities
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Lunch - Tuesday - Sponsored by the Australian Health Promotion Association
Meet the Authors 2a
1:45 PM - 3:15 PM Sub plenary: Creative and participatory approaches to promote planetary health and sustainable development – Prospects for the future of health promotion Sub plenary: Local solutions to global challenges Sub plenary: Creating meaning – building stories for promoting health literacy and transforming environmental health Sub plenary: Country perspectives on addressing the social determinants of health for effective implementation of the SDGs
Sub plenary: Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals at the Local Level: The Example of Francophone Healthy Cities (ENG-FR-ESP) Sub plenary: The Efficacy of Indigenous Health Promotion for Planetary Wellbeing Sub plenary: Promoting Health, Sustainable Development & Education for All: Toward Systems-Focused Action
3:15 PM - 3:45 PM Afternoon Tea - Tuesday
3:45 PM - 5:15 PM Master Class - Tuesday Afternoon Parallel session: Emancipatory indigenous health promotion Parallel session: Active transport and health Parallel session: Health promoting university approach
Parallel session: Multisectoral governance at different scales (ENG-FR) Parallel session: Give every child the best start in life Parallel session: Framing the right questions: Climate change and health Parallel session: Perspectives on health impact assessment and health in all policies
Parallel session: Poverty and vulnerability as determinants of health Parallel session: Tobacco control: Initiation to cessation Parallel session: Measurement and applications of health literacy Roundtable: Partnerships to promote inclusive habitats
Parallel session: Sustainable food systems Symposium: Beating NCDs equitably: A systems approach for health promotion and the primary prevention of NCDs Parallel session: Preventing injuries at home and on the road Symposium: Measuring success of health promoting school: Global exchange of experience and step forward
Parallel session: Tools and models for innovations in health promotion Workshop: Health literacy in a social context: Measurement, research gaps and future directions Roundtable: Adaptation strategies to climate changes Symposium: Promoting indigenous food sovereignty for enhancing food security, nutrition and health equity
Parallel session: Urban design for healthy cities Workshop: Kaitiaki Ahurea: Effective health promotion in Māori communities Workshop: Indigenous gaze: Transforming community through reclaiming health literacy practice, utilising methods of co-design, art-based creation and collaboration
Poster circle A: "Whats that you're eating?" Food, nutrition and health (ENG-FR)
Poster circle B: Building our team: Practice, preparation, participation
Poster circle C: The screen: Friend or fiend?
Workshop: Clarifier les concepts et faire preuve d’innovation pour relancer la promotion de la santé et l’équité dans les pays de l’Afrique Subsaharienne (FR)
Workshop: Community-engaged health promotion strategies to reduce health inequities
Workshop: Examining a framework for describing, assessing and strengthening systems for chronic disease prevention that integrates complex systems thinking
Workshop: Outil sur la production des effets de l’action intersectorielle locale destiné à ses gestionnaires et praticiens (FR)
Workshop: Raising awareness of mental health in higher education: A working model for teachers to in higher education
Workshop: What should health promoters be taught? Mapping the ‘Core Canons’ of a teaching curriculum for 21st Century practice
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Alternative showing: Art - non-digital Workshop: Addressing food related challenges to promote human and planetary health Workshop: Children expose a life of poverty in a land of plenty: Visual anthropology to promote health equity Workshop: Advocating for the future of our planet - a skills based workshop
Workshop: Tips for authors and reviewers on getting published in global/international health promotion journals Workshop: Applying social theories in health promotion research: Challenges and opportunities for advancing health equity Workshop: Community Health Ethics Board (CHEB) for health promotion practitioners - what is it? What’s the best fit? Workshop: How to build community partnerships in research practice for co-designing interventions: Learnings from the OL@-OR@ study
Workshop: Top tips for working with local government to promote community health Workshop: Creating a sustainable Hauraki - from a Rangatahi perspective for intergenerational benefits Workshop: Elaborando mapas de activos para salud como una estrategia de enseñanza-aprendizaje para la Promoción de la Salud (ESP) Workshop: Measuring health literacy among vulnerable populations: Learning about the challenges and possibilities to accelerate health and equity?
Workshop: Using social media as a tool for health promotion and health equity Workshop: Family health promotion: Co-created dialogue tools to facilitate mutual familial involvement in health and illness Workshop: Teaching health professionals to practice Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) for mother at home Workshop: Public outreach and media engagement for health researchers, advocates and professionals: Tips and tricks
Workshop: Measuring organizational health literacy or health literacy sensitivity of systems / settings / organizations – assessment tools and experiences of implementation Workshop: Translating research into meaningful outcomes: An asset literacy approach Workshop: Re-imagining health promotion practice through reflexivity to address planetary health
Energy Events Centre - Plenary
Energy Events Centre
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM Plenary: Make all urban and other habitats inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable and conducive to health and wellbeing
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Morning Tea - Tuesday
10:45 AM - 12:15 PM Master Class - Tuesday Morning
Parallel session: LGBTI health
Parallel session: School programs for planetary health and justice (ENG-FR-ESP)
Parallel session: Tackling food insecurity
Parallel session: Thinking in systems to improve evaluation
Poster circle A: Advocating for health through research and policy (ENG-ESP)
Poster circle B: Policy and partnerships for health and sustainability (ENG-ESP)
Poster circle C: The barriers and social norms affecting women's health
Workshop: Addressing unconscious bias to promote health equity
Workshop: Arts therapy to create and deepen the understanding of health promotion messages for health inequities
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Lunch - Tuesday - Sponsored by the Australian Health Promotion Association
Meet the Authors 2a
1:45 PM - 3:15 PM Sub plenary: Creative and participatory approaches to promote planetary health and sustainable development – Prospects for the future of health promotion
Sub plenary: Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals at the Local Level: The Example of Francophone Healthy Cities (ENG-FR-ESP)
3:15 PM - 3:45 PM Afternoon Tea - Tuesday
3:45 PM - 5:15 PM Master Class - Tuesday Afternoon
Parallel session: Multisectoral governance at different scales (ENG-FR)
Parallel session: Poverty and vulnerability as determinants of health
Parallel session: Sustainable food systems
Parallel session: Tools and models for innovations in health promotion
Parallel session: Urban design for healthy cities
Poster circle A: "Whats that you're eating?" Food, nutrition and health (ENG-FR)
Poster circle B: Building our team: Practice, preparation, participation
Poster circle C: The screen: Friend or fiend?
Workshop: Clarifier les concepts et faire preuve d’innovation pour relancer la promotion de la santé et l’équité dans les pays de l’Afrique Subsaharienne (FR)
Workshop: Community-engaged health promotion strategies to reduce health inequities
Workshop: Examining a framework for describing, assessing and strengthening systems for chronic disease prevention that integrates complex systems thinking
Workshop: Outil sur la production des effets de l’action intersectorielle locale destiné à ses gestionnaires et praticiens (FR)
Workshop: Raising awareness of mental health in higher education: A working model for teachers to in higher education
Workshop: What should health promoters be taught? Mapping the ‘Core Canons’ of a teaching curriculum for 21st Century practice
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Alternative showing: Art - non-digital
Workshop: Tips for authors and reviewers on getting published in global/international health promotion journals
Workshop: Top tips for working with local government to promote community health
Workshop: Using social media as a tool for health promotion and health equity

8:30 AM - 10:00 AM Plenary: Make all urban and other habitats inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable and conducive to health and wellbeing
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Morning Tea - Tuesday
10:45 AM - 12:15 PM Parallel session: Obesity and risk factors Parallel session: Facing the impact of climate change: Environmental health literacy
Parallel session: Promoting healthy pregnancies Parallel session: Preventing infectious disease
Parallel session: Tobacco control policy: Successes and aspirations Parallel session: Psychosocial risk factors and youth health
Symposium: Critical health education and health promotion in schools: Tensions, alignments and new possibilities Parallel session: Schools as a setting for health promotion
Workshop: Mountains of meaning: Health promotion to the end of our days Parallel session: Transforming outdoor environments for health
Workshop: The FotoFeedback Method™: Learn about and participate in this photo-based evaluation tool
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Lunch - Tuesday - Sponsored by the Australian Health Promotion Association
1:45 PM - 3:15 PM Sub plenary: Local solutions to global challenges Sub plenary: Creating meaning – building stories for promoting health literacy and transforming environmental health
Sub plenary: The Efficacy of Indigenous Health Promotion for Planetary Wellbeing
3:15 PM - 3:45 PM Afternoon Tea - Tuesday
3:45 PM - 5:15 PM Parallel session: Emancipatory indigenous health promotion Parallel session: Active transport and health
Parallel session: Give every child the best start in life Parallel session: Framing the right questions: Climate change and health
Parallel session: Tobacco control: Initiation to cessation Parallel session: Measurement and applications of health literacy
Symposium: Beating NCDs equitably: A systems approach for health promotion and the primary prevention of NCDs Parallel session: Preventing injuries at home and on the road
Workshop: Health literacy in a social context: Measurement, research gaps and future directions Roundtable: Adaptation strategies to climate changes
Workshop: Kaitiaki Ahurea: Effective health promotion in Māori communities
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Workshop: Addressing food related challenges to promote human and planetary health Workshop: Children expose a life of poverty in a land of plenty: Visual anthropology to promote health equity
Workshop: Applying social theories in health promotion research: Challenges and opportunities for advancing health equity Workshop: Community Health Ethics Board (CHEB) for health promotion practitioners - what is it? What’s the best fit?
Workshop: Creating a sustainable Hauraki - from a Rangatahi perspective for intergenerational benefits Workshop: Elaborando mapas de activos para salud como una estrategia de enseñanza-aprendizaje para la Promoción de la Salud (ESP)
Workshop: Family health promotion: Co-created dialogue tools to facilitate mutual familial involvement in health and illness Workshop: Teaching health professionals to practice Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) for mother at home
Workshop: Measuring organizational health literacy or health literacy sensitivity of systems / settings / organizations – assessment tools and experiences of implementation Workshop: Translating research into meaningful outcomes: An asset literacy approach

8:30 AM - 10:00 AM Plenary: Make all urban and other habitats inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable and conducive to health and wellbeing
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Morning Tea - Tuesday
10:45 AM - 12:15 PM Parallel session: Designing environment for healthy ageing
Parallel session: Strategies to improve mental health
Parallel session: Transformational organisations, human rights and health
Symposium: Building sustainable and empowering structures for family wellbeing and child welfare
The case of Nunavik, Quebec
Symposium: Healthy equity through health activism on racism
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Lunch - Tuesday - Sponsored by the Australian Health Promotion Association
1:45 PM - 3:15 PM Sub plenary: Country perspectives on addressing the social determinants of health for effective implementation of the SDGs
Sub plenary: Promoting Health, Sustainable Development & Education for All: Toward Systems-Focused Action
3:15 PM - 3:45 PM Afternoon Tea - Tuesday
3:45 PM - 5:15 PM Parallel session: Health promoting university approach
Parallel session: Perspectives on health impact assessment and health in all policies
Roundtable: Partnerships to promote inclusive habitats
Symposium: Measuring success of health promoting school: Global exchange of experience and step forward
Symposium: Promoting indigenous food sovereignty for enhancing food security, nutrition and health equity
Workshop: Indigenous gaze: Transforming community through reclaiming health literacy practice, utilising methods of co-design, art-based creation and collaboration
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Workshop: Advocating for the future of our planet - a skills based workshop
Workshop: How to build community partnerships in research practice for co-designing interventions: Learnings from the OL@-OR@ study
Workshop: Measuring health literacy among vulnerable populations: Learning about the challenges and possibilities to accelerate health and equity?
Workshop: Public outreach and media engagement for health researchers, advocates and professionals: Tips and tricks
Workshop: Re-imagining health promotion practice through reflexivity to address planetary health

Energy Events Centre - Plenary
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM Plenary: Make all urban and other habitats inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable and conducive to health and wellbeing
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Morning Tea - Tuesday
10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Lunch - Tuesday - Sponsored by the Australian Health Promotion Association
1:45 PM - 3:15 PM
3:15 PM - 3:45 PM Afternoon Tea - Tuesday
3:45 PM - 5:15 PM
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM

Energy Events Centre
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM Plenary: Make all urban and other habitats inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable and conducive to health and wellbeing
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Morning Tea - Tuesday
10:45 AM - 12:15 PM Master Class - Tuesday Morning
Parallel session: LGBTI health
Parallel session: School programs for planetary health and justice (ENG-FR-ESP)
Parallel session: Tackling food insecurity
Parallel session: Thinking in systems to improve evaluation
Poster circle A: Advocating for health through research and policy (ENG-ESP)
Poster circle B: Policy and partnerships for health and sustainability (ENG-ESP)
Poster circle C: The barriers and social norms affecting women's health
Workshop: Addressing unconscious bias to promote health equity
Workshop: Arts therapy to create and deepen the understanding of health promotion messages for health inequities
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Lunch - Tuesday - Sponsored by the Australian Health Promotion Association
Meet the Authors 2a
1:45 PM - 3:15 PM Sub plenary: Creative and participatory approaches to promote planetary health and sustainable development – Prospects for the future of health promotion
Sub plenary: Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals at the Local Level: The Example of Francophone Healthy Cities (ENG-FR-ESP)
3:15 PM - 3:45 PM Afternoon Tea - Tuesday
3:45 PM - 5:15 PM Master Class - Tuesday Afternoon
Parallel session: Multisectoral governance at different scales (ENG-FR)
Parallel session: Poverty and vulnerability as determinants of health
Parallel session: Sustainable food systems
Parallel session: Tools and models for innovations in health promotion
Parallel session: Urban design for healthy cities
Poster circle A: "Whats that you're eating?" Food, nutrition and health (ENG-FR)
Poster circle B: Building our team: Practice, preparation, participation
Poster circle C: The screen: Friend or fiend?
Workshop: Clarifier les concepts et faire preuve d’innovation pour relancer la promotion de la santé et l’équité dans les pays de l’Afrique Subsaharienne (FR)
Workshop: Community-engaged health promotion strategies to reduce health inequities
Workshop: Examining a framework for describing, assessing and strengthening systems for chronic disease prevention that integrates complex systems thinking
Workshop: Outil sur la production des effets de l’action intersectorielle locale destiné à ses gestionnaires et praticiens (FR)
Workshop: Raising awareness of mental health in higher education: A working model for teachers to in higher education
Workshop: What should health promoters be taught? Mapping the ‘Core Canons’ of a teaching curriculum for 21st Century practice
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Alternative showing: Art - non-digital
Workshop: Tips for authors and reviewers on getting published in global/international health promotion journals
Workshop: Top tips for working with local government to promote community health
Workshop: Using social media as a tool for health promotion and health equity

8:30 AM - 10:00 AM Plenary: Make all urban and other habitats inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable and conducive to health and wellbeing
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Morning Tea - Tuesday
10:45 AM - 12:15 PM Parallel session: Obesity and risk factors
Parallel session: Promoting healthy pregnancies
Parallel session: Tobacco control policy: Successes and aspirations
Symposium: Critical health education and health promotion in schools: Tensions, alignments and new possibilities
Workshop: Mountains of meaning: Health promotion to the end of our days
Workshop: The FotoFeedback Method™: Learn about and participate in this photo-based evaluation tool
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Lunch - Tuesday - Sponsored by the Australian Health Promotion Association
1:45 PM - 3:15 PM Sub plenary: Local solutions to global challenges
Sub plenary: The Efficacy of Indigenous Health Promotion for Planetary Wellbeing
3:15 PM - 3:45 PM Afternoon Tea - Tuesday
3:45 PM - 5:15 PM Parallel session: Emancipatory indigenous health promotion
Parallel session: Give every child the best start in life
Parallel session: Tobacco control: Initiation to cessation
Symposium: Beating NCDs equitably: A systems approach for health promotion and the primary prevention of NCDs
Workshop: Health literacy in a social context: Measurement, research gaps and future directions
Workshop: Kaitiaki Ahurea: Effective health promotion in Māori communities
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Workshop: Addressing food related challenges to promote human and planetary health
Workshop: Applying social theories in health promotion research: Challenges and opportunities for advancing health equity
Workshop: Creating a sustainable Hauraki - from a Rangatahi perspective for intergenerational benefits
Workshop: Family health promotion: Co-created dialogue tools to facilitate mutual familial involvement in health and illness
Workshop: Measuring organizational health literacy or health literacy sensitivity of systems / settings / organizations – assessment tools and experiences of implementation

8:30 AM - 10:00 AM Plenary: Make all urban and other habitats inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable and conducive to health and wellbeing
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Morning Tea - Tuesday
10:45 AM - 12:15 PM Parallel session: Facing the impact of climate change: Environmental health literacy
Parallel session: Preventing infectious disease
Parallel session: Psychosocial risk factors and youth health
Parallel session: Schools as a setting for health promotion
Parallel session: Transforming outdoor environments for health
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Lunch - Tuesday - Sponsored by the Australian Health Promotion Association
1:45 PM - 3:15 PM Sub plenary: Creating meaning – building stories for promoting health literacy and transforming environmental health
3:15 PM - 3:45 PM Afternoon Tea - Tuesday
3:45 PM - 5:15 PM Parallel session: Active transport and health
Parallel session: Framing the right questions: Climate change and health
Parallel session: Measurement and applications of health literacy
Parallel session: Preventing injuries at home and on the road
Roundtable: Adaptation strategies to climate changes
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Workshop: Children expose a life of poverty in a land of plenty: Visual anthropology to promote health equity
Workshop: Community Health Ethics Board (CHEB) for health promotion practitioners - what is it? What’s the best fit?
Workshop: Elaborando mapas de activos para salud como una estrategia de enseñanza-aprendizaje para la Promoción de la Salud (ESP)
Workshop: Teaching health professionals to practice Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) for mother at home
Workshop: Translating research into meaningful outcomes: An asset literacy approach

8:30 AM - 10:00 AM Plenary: Make all urban and other habitats inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable and conducive to health and wellbeing
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Morning Tea - Tuesday
10:45 AM - 12:15 PM Parallel session: Designing environment for healthy ageing
Parallel session: Strategies to improve mental health
Parallel session: Transformational organisations, human rights and health
Symposium: Building sustainable and empowering structures for family wellbeing and child welfare
The case of Nunavik, Quebec
Symposium: Healthy equity through health activism on racism
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Lunch - Tuesday - Sponsored by the Australian Health Promotion Association
1:45 PM - 3:15 PM Sub plenary: Country perspectives on addressing the social determinants of health for effective implementation of the SDGs
Sub plenary: Promoting Health, Sustainable Development & Education for All: Toward Systems-Focused Action
3:15 PM - 3:45 PM Afternoon Tea - Tuesday
3:45 PM - 5:15 PM Parallel session: Health promoting university approach
Parallel session: Perspectives on health impact assessment and health in all policies
Roundtable: Partnerships to promote inclusive habitats
Symposium: Measuring success of health promoting school: Global exchange of experience and step forward
Symposium: Promoting indigenous food sovereignty for enhancing food security, nutrition and health equity
Workshop: Indigenous gaze: Transforming community through reclaiming health literacy practice, utilising methods of co-design, art-based creation and collaboration
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Workshop: Advocating for the future of our planet - a skills based workshop
Workshop: How to build community partnerships in research practice for co-designing interventions: Learnings from the OL@-OR@ study
Workshop: Measuring health literacy among vulnerable populations: Learning about the challenges and possibilities to accelerate health and equity?
Workshop: Public outreach and media engagement for health researchers, advocates and professionals: Tips and tricks
Workshop: Re-imagining health promotion practice through reflexivity to address planetary health

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Energy Events Centre - Plenary
Energy Events Centre
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM Plenary session: Build effective, accountable and inclusive governance at all levels that promotes, peace, justice and respect of human rights
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Morning Tea - Wednesday
10:45 AM - 12:15 PM Master Class - Wednesday Parallel session: Asian update on tobacco control and cessation Parallel session: Emancipation of women: Opportunities and experiences Parallel session: Creating health promoting universities
Parallel session: Achieving a healthy and competent healthy workforce (ENG-ESP) Parallel session: Equitable use of contraception Parallel session: Healthy eating Parallel session: Health promotion and dementia among older adults
Parallel session: Combating structural barriers to healthy eating Parallel session: Healthy family and healthy child Parallel session: Strengthening and engaging communities Symposium: Digital health, health literacy and wellbeing
Parallel session: Effectiveness of taxation in reduction of NCD burden Parallel session: Improving community health care systems Parallel session: The power of advocacy and legislation for climate change Symposium: How do we promote health equity and men's health through policies and programmes?
Lessons learned from around the world
Parallel session: Evaluation of technology based health promotion Symposium: Community-based participatory research: An inclusive, local governance approach to achieve health equity Parallel session: Youth and health Workshop: A heart-focussed approach to empowerment and equity
Poster circle A: Beware! Universities can damage your health Workshop: Women are the backbone: Health promotion, gender equity and post disaster crisis and recovery efforts (Hurricane Maria and Hurricane Irma) in Puerto Rico Workshop: Identifying and resolving data gaps on adolescent reproductive health in low and middle-income countries
Poster circle B: Community empowerment from all corners of the world
Poster circle C: Healthy cities, healthy world (ENG-FR)
Symposium: Environments for health equity in older age: Taking a life course perspective
Workshop: How to evaluate complex health promotion programs in the real world
Workshop: The broker role in connecting the primary care and the physical activity sector
Workshop: Urban design embeds Maori and indigenous systems to ensure oranga in West Auckland communities continue to thrive and prosper….
Workshop: Visual communication; Concepts, theory, practice - building on health literacy
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Lunch - Wednesday - Sponsored by the Australian Health Promotion Association
Meet the Authors 3a (ENG-ESP)
1:45 PM - 3:15 PM Sub plenary: Act positive across the life course: How Salutogenesis promotes Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as resources for wellbeing and planetary health Sub plenary: Information sources for promoting planetary health: acting on health impacts of climate change through behavioural risk factor surveillance systems Sub plenary: Wellbeing for everyone in a challenging world: Community and spiritual health promotion perspectives Sub plenary: Advancing Workforce Capacity for Health Promoting Sustainable Development
Sub plenary: Smart Health Promotion in a Digital Era (ENG-FR-ESP) Sub plenary: Healthy land, water and people: Indigeneity, relationships and planetary health
3:15 PM - 3:45 PM
Afternoon Tea - Wednesday
3:45 PM - 5:15 PM Alternative showings: New technologies - C3: Co-design, collaboration and communication Parallel session: Living smoke-free Parallel session: Improving the health of children and young people Parallel session: Capacity building of health promotion workforce
Parallel session: Improving health promotion practice (ENG-FR-ESP) Parallel session: Supporting women and families to give children a healthy start Parallel session: Leadership skills for health promotion Parallel session: Justice and law as health determinants
Parallel session: Local food environments: Differences from around the world Parallel session: Women empowerment: Addressing gender equalities Parallel session: Planning and development for healthier communities Roundtable: Innovations in indigenous people's health promotion
Parallel session: National policies to promote health Symposium: Building organizational capacity for health equity Parallel session: Preventing cancer and cardiovascular disease Symposium: Developing innovative alternative way of prompting healthy growth in early childhood using mobile apps
Parallel session: Promoting health literacy early in life Workshop: Structured Interview Matrix (SIM): An effective interactive tool for engaging vulnerable communities in sustainable health promoting activities Parallel session: Promoting active lifestyle Symposium: The rhetoric of locational disadvantage: International perspectives
Parallel session: Public health and local urban planning Workshop: UNESCO Chair on Global Health and Education: Inclusion/exclusion mechanisms embedded in the dominant processes of knowledge production and dissemination in health education Symposium: Towards effective health literacy policies
Poster circle A: Approaches to sexual health
Poster circle B: Making way for equity in curricula (ENG-FR)
Poster circle C: Working it out: Employment as a determinant of health
Workshop: Exploring the application of the concept of health literacy in different health and life settings
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM General Assembly
Energy Events Centre - Plenary
Energy Events Centre
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM Plenary session: Build effective, accountable and inclusive governance at all levels that promotes, peace, justice and respect of human rights
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Morning Tea - Wednesday
10:45 AM - 12:15 PM Master Class - Wednesday
Parallel session: Achieving a healthy and competent healthy workforce (ENG-ESP)
Parallel session: Combating structural barriers to healthy eating
Parallel session: Effectiveness of taxation in reduction of NCD burden
Parallel session: Evaluation of technology based health promotion
Poster circle A: Beware! Universities can damage your health
Poster circle B: Community empowerment from all corners of the world
Poster circle C: Healthy cities, healthy world (ENG-FR)
Symposium: Environments for health equity in older age: Taking a life course perspective
Workshop: How to evaluate complex health promotion programs in the real world
Workshop: The broker role in connecting the primary care and the physical activity sector
Workshop: Urban design embeds Maori and indigenous systems to ensure oranga in West Auckland communities continue to thrive and prosper….
Workshop: Visual communication; Concepts, theory, practice - building on health literacy
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Lunch - Wednesday - Sponsored by the Australian Health Promotion Association
Meet the Authors 3a (ENG-ESP)
1:45 PM - 3:15 PM Sub plenary: Act positive across the life course: How Salutogenesis promotes Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as resources for wellbeing and planetary health
Sub plenary: Smart Health Promotion in a Digital Era (ENG-FR-ESP)
3:15 PM - 3:45 PM
Afternoon Tea - Wednesday
3:45 PM - 5:15 PM Alternative showings: New technologies - C3: Co-design, collaboration and communication
Parallel session: Improving health promotion practice (ENG-FR-ESP)
Parallel session: Local food environments: Differences from around the world
Parallel session: National policies to promote health
Parallel session: Promoting health literacy early in life
Parallel session: Public health and local urban planning
Poster circle A: Approaches to sexual health
Poster circle B: Making way for equity in curricula (ENG-FR)
Poster circle C: Working it out: Employment as a determinant of health
Workshop: Exploring the application of the concept of health literacy in different health and life settings
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM General Assembly

8:30 AM - 10:00 AM Plenary session: Build effective, accountable and inclusive governance at all levels that promotes, peace, justice and respect of human rights
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Morning Tea - Wednesday
10:45 AM - 12:15 PM Parallel session: Asian update on tobacco control and cessation Parallel session: Emancipation of women: Opportunities and experiences
Parallel session: Equitable use of contraception Parallel session: Healthy eating
Parallel session: Healthy family and healthy child Parallel session: Strengthening and engaging communities
Parallel session: Improving community health care systems Parallel session: The power of advocacy and legislation for climate change
Symposium: Community-based participatory research: An inclusive, local governance approach to achieve health equity Parallel session: Youth and health
Workshop: Women are the backbone: Health promotion, gender equity and post disaster crisis and recovery efforts (Hurricane Maria and Hurricane Irma) in Puerto Rico
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Lunch - Wednesday - Sponsored by the Australian Health Promotion Association
1:45 PM - 3:15 PM Sub plenary: Information sources for promoting planetary health: acting on health impacts of climate change through behavioural risk factor surveillance systems Sub plenary: Wellbeing for everyone in a challenging world: Community and spiritual health promotion perspectives
3:15 PM - 3:45 PM
Afternoon Tea - Wednesday
3:45 PM - 5:15 PM Parallel session: Living smoke-free Parallel session: Improving the health of children and young people
Parallel session: Supporting women and families to give children a healthy start Parallel session: Leadership skills for health promotion
Parallel session: Women empowerment: Addressing gender equalities Parallel session: Planning and development for healthier communities
Symposium: Building organizational capacity for health equity Parallel session: Preventing cancer and cardiovascular disease
Workshop: Structured Interview Matrix (SIM): An effective interactive tool for engaging vulnerable communities in sustainable health promoting activities Parallel session: Promoting active lifestyle
Workshop: UNESCO Chair on Global Health and Education: Inclusion/exclusion mechanisms embedded in the dominant processes of knowledge production and dissemination in health education
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM General Assembly

8:30 AM - 10:00 AM Plenary session: Build effective, accountable and inclusive governance at all levels that promotes, peace, justice and respect of human rights
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Morning Tea - Wednesday
10:45 AM - 12:15 PM Parallel session: Creating health promoting universities
Parallel session: Health promotion and dementia among older adults
Symposium: Digital health, health literacy and wellbeing
Symposium: How do we promote health equity and men's health through policies and programmes?
Lessons learned from around the world
Workshop: A heart-focussed approach to empowerment and equity
Workshop: Identifying and resolving data gaps on adolescent reproductive health in low and middle-income countries
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Lunch - Wednesday - Sponsored by the Australian Health Promotion Association
1:45 PM - 3:15 PM Sub plenary: Advancing Workforce Capacity for Health Promoting Sustainable Development
Sub plenary: Healthy land, water and people: Indigeneity, relationships and planetary health
3:15 PM - 3:45 PM
Afternoon Tea - Wednesday
3:45 PM - 5:15 PM Parallel session: Capacity building of health promotion workforce
Parallel session: Justice and law as health determinants
Roundtable: Innovations in indigenous people's health promotion
Symposium: Developing innovative alternative way of prompting healthy growth in early childhood using mobile apps
Symposium: The rhetoric of locational disadvantage: International perspectives
Symposium: Towards effective health literacy policies
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM General Assembly

Energy Events Centre - Plenary
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM Plenary session: Build effective, accountable and inclusive governance at all levels that promotes, peace, justice and respect of human rights
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Morning Tea - Wednesday
10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Lunch - Wednesday - Sponsored by the Australian Health Promotion Association
1:45 PM - 3:15 PM
3:15 PM - 3:45 PM
Afternoon Tea - Wednesday
3:45 PM - 5:15 PM
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM General Assembly

Energy Events Centre
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM Plenary session: Build effective, accountable and inclusive governance at all levels that promotes, peace, justice and respect of human rights
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Morning Tea - Wednesday
10:45 AM - 12:15 PM Master Class - Wednesday
Parallel session: Achieving a healthy and competent healthy workforce (ENG-ESP)
Parallel session: Combating structural barriers to healthy eating
Parallel session: Effectiveness of taxation in reduction of NCD burden
Parallel session: Evaluation of technology based health promotion
Poster circle A: Beware! Universities can damage your health
Poster circle B: Community empowerment from all corners of the world
Poster circle C: Healthy cities, healthy world (ENG-FR)
Symposium: Environments for health equity in older age: Taking a life course perspective
Workshop: How to evaluate complex health promotion programs in the real world
Workshop: The broker role in connecting the primary care and the physical activity sector
Workshop: Urban design embeds Maori and indigenous systems to ensure oranga in West Auckland communities continue to thrive and prosper….
Workshop: Visual communication; Concepts, theory, practice - building on health literacy
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Lunch - Wednesday - Sponsored by the Australian Health Promotion Association
Meet the Authors 3a (ENG-ESP)
1:45 PM - 3:15 PM Sub plenary: Act positive across the life course: How Salutogenesis promotes Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as resources for wellbeing and planetary health
Sub plenary: Smart Health Promotion in a Digital Era (ENG-FR-ESP)
3:15 PM - 3:45 PM
Afternoon Tea - Wednesday
3:45 PM - 5:15 PM Alternative showings: New technologies - C3: Co-design, collaboration and communication
Parallel session: Improving health promotion practice (ENG-FR-ESP)
Parallel session: Local food environments: Differences from around the world
Parallel session: National policies to promote health
Parallel session: Promoting health literacy early in life
Parallel session: Public health and local urban planning
Poster circle A: Approaches to sexual health
Poster circle B: Making way for equity in curricula (ENG-FR)
Poster circle C: Working it out: Employment as a determinant of health
Workshop: Exploring the application of the concept of health literacy in different health and life settings
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM General Assembly

8:30 AM - 10:00 AM Plenary session: Build effective, accountable and inclusive governance at all levels that promotes, peace, justice and respect of human rights
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Morning Tea - Wednesday
10:45 AM - 12:15 PM Parallel session: Asian update on tobacco control and cessation
Parallel session: Equitable use of contraception
Parallel session: Healthy family and healthy child
Parallel session: Improving community health care systems
Symposium: Community-based participatory research: An inclusive, local governance approach to achieve health equity
Workshop: Women are the backbone: Health promotion, gender equity and post disaster crisis and recovery efforts (Hurricane Maria and Hurricane Irma) in Puerto Rico
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Lunch - Wednesday - Sponsored by the Australian Health Promotion Association
1:45 PM - 3:15 PM Sub plenary: Information sources for promoting planetary health: acting on health impacts of climate change through behavioural risk factor surveillance systems
3:15 PM - 3:45 PM
Afternoon Tea - Wednesday
3:45 PM - 5:15 PM Parallel session: Living smoke-free
Parallel session: Supporting women and families to give children a healthy start
Parallel session: Women empowerment: Addressing gender equalities
Symposium: Building organizational capacity for health equity
Workshop: Structured Interview Matrix (SIM): An effective interactive tool for engaging vulnerable communities in sustainable health promoting activities
Workshop: UNESCO Chair on Global Health and Education: Inclusion/exclusion mechanisms embedded in the dominant processes of knowledge production and dissemination in health education
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM General Assembly

8:30 AM - 10:00 AM Plenary session: Build effective, accountable and inclusive governance at all levels that promotes, peace, justice and respect of human rights
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Morning Tea - Wednesday
10:45 AM - 12:15 PM Parallel session: Creating health promoting universities
Parallel session: Health promotion and dementia among older adults
Symposium: Digital health, health literacy and wellbeing
Symposium: How do we promote health equity and men's health through policies and programmes?
Lessons learned from around the world
Workshop: A heart-focussed approach to empowerment and equity
Workshop: Identifying and resolving data gaps on adolescent reproductive health in low and middle-income countries
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Lunch - Wednesday - Sponsored by the Australian Health Promotion Association
1:45 PM - 3:15 PM Sub plenary: Advancing Workforce Capacity for Health Promoting Sustainable Development
Sub plenary: Healthy land, water and people: Indigeneity, relationships and planetary health
3:15 PM - 3:45 PM
Afternoon Tea - Wednesday
3:45 PM - 5:15 PM Parallel session: Capacity building of health promotion workforce
Parallel session: Justice and law as health determinants
Roundtable: Innovations in indigenous people's health promotion
Symposium: Developing innovative alternative way of prompting healthy growth in early childhood using mobile apps
Symposium: The rhetoric of locational disadvantage: International perspectives
Symposium: Towards effective health literacy policies
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM General Assembly

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Energy Events Centre - Plenary
Energy Events Centre
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM Parallel session: Indigenous health promotion and evaluation Parallel session: Alcohol use and prevention of alcohol related injuries Parallel session: Benchmarking for climate change success Parallel session: Advancements in health promotion theories
Parallel session: International research, health determinants and systems (FR-ESP) Parallel session: Overcoming barriers to prevention of infectious diseases Parallel session: Empowering communities for better health Parallel session: Promoting healthy and successful ageing
Parallel session: Mobilising intersectoral consensus and action Parallel session: What makes children healthy? Views from around the world Parallel session: Implementation and impact of health promotion in schools Parallel session: System approach for workplace health promotion
Parallel session: Participation in healthy cities Roundtable: Dialogue on the commercial determinants of health as a global force for promoting health, preventing NCD and achieving planetary health Parallel session: Stress, distress and social capital Symposium: Closing the tap and not mopping the floor: Promoting oral health and reducing oral health inequalities
Parallel session: Research and planning for health equity Symposium: Improving health literacy for climate change: An innovative strategy Parallel session: The burden of NCDs: Prevention and management Symposium: Participatory research to improve wellbeing and reduce substance use with indigenous communities
Perspectives and experiences from Canada, United States and Australia
Poster circle A: Connecting for health and wellbeing Workshop: Embodying mental health and wellbeing: A fun, experiential learning process Workshop: Working with health literacy at the national level for multi-sector impact on health and equity: Let's take a strengths-based approach
Poster circle B: Healthy women, healthy world
Poster circle C: Social capital for elderly
Workshop: Building capacity to address health inequities through 'Learning by Doing' training
Workshop: Developing a person-centred measure of health literacy
Workshop: Engaging youth in complex health and policy issues, through Photovoice
Workshop: Funding for the sustainable development goals: International taxation reforms
Workshop: Narrative approaches to health promotion: Some sparkling new conceptual directions for the field
Workshop: Retrofitting colonial organisations – what’s your role?
Workshop: Throwaway people....throwaway planet - sharing learnings from the UK
Workshop: Wairuatanga: Integrating the fourth article of Te Tiriti o Waitangi into health promotion and health education
10:15 AM - 10:45 AM Morning Tea - Thursday
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Plenary session: Design and implement effective and fair climate change adaptation strategies
11:45 AM - 12:50 PM Closing Ceremony

Energy Events Centre - Plenary
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
10:15 AM - 10:45 AM Morning Tea - Thursday
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Plenary session: Design and implement effective and fair climate change adaptation strategies
11:45 AM - 12:50 PM Closing Ceremony
