Rob McGowan

Rongoā Māori Practitioner 

He Whakapapa

Ka ora te whenua, ka ora te tangata. 
When the land is well, the people will be well.

Tiwaiwaka was first written by Rob McGowan, (known as Pa Ropata to many) a prominent Rongoā Māori practitioner, well respected for his work in the restoration of Rongoā Māori practise and traditional knowledge of native plants and medicines in Aotearoa New Zealand. Pa’s foundational knowledge of Rongoā Māori comes from Kaumatua on the Whanganui River, and he has spent the last 30-40 years learning and sharing his knowledge about Te Waonui o Tāne.  He is the author of “Rongoā Māori - a practical guide to  traditional Maori Medicine” 2009, and is the Amo Aratu for Ngā Whenua Rahui (NWR) a ministerial fund established in 1991 to provide funding for the protection of indigenous ecosystems and Māori land.

He is  one of the original founders of Tane’s Tree Trust, a non profit  dedicated to encouraging land owners to successfully plant and  sustainably manage indigenous trees for multiple uses. He holds monthly wananga alongside leading Rongoā practitioner Donna Kerridge through

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