Award Category Details
- Commercial Partnership Award: Awarded to an organisation within the sport and recreation sector which has formed an outstanding partnership with a commercial organisation
- Community Impact Award: Awarded to a project which positively impacts community sport
- Event Excellence Award: Awarded to a sport or recreation event displaying best practice
- Innovation Excellence Award: Awarded to an organisation within the sport and recreation sector displaying exceptional innovation
- High Performance Campaign Award: Awarded to an outstanding high performance campaign
- Future Leaders Scholarship To identify and promote an exceptional emerging leader with the potential to make a significant contribution to the Sport and Recreation sector
Commercial Partnership Award
The purpose of the Commercial Partnership Award is to identify, celebrate, promote and encourage exceptional partnering with a commercial entity in the sport and recreation sector. The winner of the Commercial Partnership Award will be recognised for their outstanding partnership based on:
- key results against the partnership’s original objectives
- innovation and creativity in the nature of the relationship
- barriers to the partnership and how they were overcome
- best practice partner relationship management.
One applicant for this award to be a non-commercial organisation with involvement in the sport and recreation sector and the second applicant must be a commercial organisation.
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Community Impact Award
The purpose of the Community Impact Award is to identify, celebrate, promote and encourage collaborative projects which have a positive impact on the community and community sport. Entries may involve collaborations between sporting organisations, schools, clubs and other local organisations. Entries are preferred for small scale and discrete projects, rather than umbrella community programmes with multiple and disparate streams of activity. The winner of the Community Impact Award will be recognised for their outstanding impact based on:
- results against planning and objective
- the barriers and challenges overcome
- innovation/bridge building.
Applications for this award are open to any organisation with involvement in the sport and recreation sector.
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Event Excellence Award
The purpose of the Event Excellence Award is to identify, celebrate, promote and encourage best practice event planning and delivery in the sport and recreation sector. The winner of the Event Excellence Award will be recognised for their outstanding event based on:
- key results against strategic planning and objectives
- benefits and value generated for the sport and wider community
- event design and delivery
- achievement of participation targets
- financial planning and performance
- stakeholder relationships and evidence of early engagement
- quality management practices (financial, risk, and people)
- innovation.
Who Can Apply?
Organisers of not-for-profit or commercial sport and recreation events may apply.
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Innovation Excellence Award
The purpose of the Innovation Excellence Award is to identify, celebrate, promote and encourage innovation in the sport and recreation sector. The winner of the Innovation Excellence Award will be recognised for their outstanding innovation based on:
- innovation design and delivery – the ‘X’ factor
- stakeholder relationships
- quality management practices (financial, risk, and people)
- key results against planning and objectives
- barriers faced and overcome.
Who Can Apply?
Applications for this award are open to any organisation with involvement in the sport and recreation sector.
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High Performance Campaign Award
The purpose of the High Performance Campaign Award is to identify and celebrate a high performance campaign that has achieved an exceptional outcome for the athlete or team involved. The winner of the High Performance Campaign Award will tell the story of the campaign through the people who came together to support the athlete(s) to prepare and ultimately deliver their best performance. The story will be judged against the following criteria:
- How the people (coach, athlete and support team) in the campaign worked together to achieve the result
- The quality of their planning and preparation
- How they overcame challenges and setbacks
- Their ability to out-learn their competition
- How the campaign created a sustainable approach that makes performance repeatable
- The performance goal against the performance outcome
Only specific sporting campaigns, (from individual athletes or teams) will be considered - this does not include whole programmes with athletes competing in a range of disciplines or multiple teams.
Future Leaders Scholarship
The purpose of the Future Leaders Scholarship is to identify, celebrate, promote and encourage an emerging leader, aged 40 or under, who has a proven track record of leadership, including leading teams and projects, building relationships inside and outside their organisation and showing a commitment to their community and through these attributes the potential to make a major contribution to our sporting sector.Who Can Apply?
- 1. Nominations for this award are open to any individual aged 40 or under at the time of entry, who is currently employed in the sport and recreation sector.
- The nominee’s current CV
- Completed application form.
- A photo of the nominee in a high-resolution format suitable for video.
2. Individuals must be nominated by their Chief Executive or Line Manager (in this case endorsed by their Chief Executive).
3. Nominations must include:
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