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Precision forestry - Session 1

WSP Room
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
WSP Room


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Dr Juan Suarez
Remote Sensing Scientist
Forest Research

Creation of a Digital Twin of the Forest of Dean in South England for precision forestry applications

1:30 PM - 1:45 PM



Project leader of the Remote Sensing Applications programme. Main research activities include Earth Observation technologies like LiDAR, Thermography, Time-series analysis of optical Satellite Imagery, Terrestrial Laserscanning, Structure from Motion and Hyperspectral Analysis applied to: Forest Inventory, Monitoring Forest Health and Tree Physiology. He has authored or co-authored more than 50 peer-reviewed papers, two books and presented to more than 100 oral presentations at international conferences. He undertakes peer-reviews for several scientific journals and is also invited editor in Current Forestry Reports (ISSN: 2198-6436) (Impact factor 10.975). He is the founder of ForestSAT.com, and a member of SRUK (Spanish Researchers in the UK) and the Spanish Association of Forestry. He is a visiting Professor at the Universities of Santiago de Compostela (Spain); and a research fellow at Swansea University (UK). He is a regular collaborator of the Chinese Academy of Forestry and Finnish Academy. He has co-supervised 15 PhD students.
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Dr Francesca Giannetti
University of Florence

Estimating Canopy and Stand structure in Hybrid Poplar Plantations combining Digital Terrestrial Photography and Multispectral UAV Imagery.

1:45 PM - 2:00 PM



Researcher at University of Florence at the GeoLab Laboratory of Forest Geomatics in the field of Remote Sensing applied to Forest Monitoring and Precision Forestey. She has a PhD in Forestry and MSc in Forest Science and One in Remote Sensing and GIS System. In the last year She worked on integrete field data with multi-surce RS data to monitor different aspect related with forest developing different application in the context of precision forestry.
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Ms Julia Rieder
PhD Student
University of Wuerzburg

Simplified Tree Competition Analysis: Introducing TreeCompR for Inventory Data and 3D Point Clouds

2:00 PM - 2:15 PM



Julia Rieder studied Applied Physical Geography in Würzburg, Germany, where she focused on the soil water balance in Bavarian forests using geophysical methods, soil analysis and LiDAR data. In August 2021 she started her PhD in the group of Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schuldt (TU Dresden, Germany), investigating drought-induced tree mortality of European beech in Bavaria. Julia is now working within the Earth Observation Research Cluster at the Department of Remote Sensing at the Julius-Maximilians-University of Wuerzburg, Germany.
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Dr Ning Ye
Postdoctoral Researcher
University of Canterbury

Individual Tree Biomass Estimation of Durable Eucalyptus using UAV LiDAR

2:15 PM - 2:30 PM



Ning Ye is a postdoctoral researcher in Forestry at the University of Canterbury. She obtained a BSc degree in Geographical Information System from Wuhan University and an MSc degree in Geoinformation Science and Earth Observation from the University of Twente. For her PhD at the School of Forestry, her research focused on classifying New Zealand's native forests using optical satellite imagery. This research enabled accurate classification of the highly diverse native vegetation in New Zealand at a finer scale and at a lower cost. Currently, she is working on an NZDFI project that aims to use drone LiDAR data to generate a New Zealand-specific Eucalyptus biomass model.
Mr Reinis Cimdins
Doctoral Researcher
University of Eastern Finland

Assessing forest structural complexity: insights from alternative laser scanning approaches

2:30 PM - 2:45 PM



Reinis Climdins has experience in laser scanning data acquisition, processing and analytics regarding forest monitoring. His current work is related to ALS and TLS structural complexity estimations in boreal forest conditions.
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Dr Jonathan Batchelor
Postdoctoral Scholar
University Of Washington

Drone Based, Multispectral Photogrammetric Point Clouds to Classify Fire Severity at Differing Canopy Height Strata

2:45 PM - 3:00 PM



Jonathan specializes in fine-scale remote sensing technologies such as drone-based digital aerial photogrammetry and terrestrial lidar. Trees, drones, and lidar points galore! Using fine-scale remote sensing techniques to quantify processes and change at a local level to then develop models for landscape-level characterization of vegetation structure regarding fire effects and habitat.
Prof Alexis Achim
Université Laval



Alexis Achim is a full professor and the Vice-dean for research in the faculty of forestry, geography and geomatics at Laval University in Canada. His research focused on the adaptation of silviculture to climate change. He is the principal investigator of Silva21 a Canada-wide research project that aims to provide data, tools and practical solutions to improve the resilience of Canadian forests to various disturbances and sources of stress, thereby contributing to the health of these ecosystems and the well-being of the communities that depend on them.
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Dr Mitch Bryson
University of Sydney



Dr. Mitch Bryson is currently the director for the undergraduate mechatronics program and a lecturer in the school of Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering at the University of Sydney, Australia. He is a research expert in aerial and marine robotic navigation, mapping and sensor fusion, working in applications in marine science and forestry using computer vision, hyperspectral imaging and laser scanning. He leads the ACFR Forestry research group that performs research into new technologies and techniques for measuring and managing forest resources using state-of-the-art sensors, autonomous systems and intelligent processing algorithms.