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Detection of drought and water stress

WSP Room
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
11:45 AM - 12:45 PM
WSP Room


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Dr Michele Dalponte
Fondazione Edmund Mach

The impact of late spring frost and summer heat waves on forests of the Italian Alps analyzed through Sentinel-2 multi-temporal images

11:45 AM - 12:00 PM



Michele Dalponte is currently a Researcher at the Forest Ecology Unit at the Edmund Mach Foundation (Italy). His research activity is in the area of remote sensing applied to forestry and ecology, in particular the analysis of forest areas using hyperspectral, multispectral, SAR and lidar data. His most recent works are focused on forest disturbances such as forest windthrows and bark beetles outbreaks. He is author or co-author of more than 75 journal papers, and he is referee for many remote sensing journals.
Dr David Helman
Senior Lecturer (assistant Professor)
Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Detecting drought stress using machine learning and hyperspectral drone imagery in a mixed Mediterranean forest

12:00 PM - 12:15 PM



David Helman is the head of the Modeling & Monitoring Vegetation Systems Lab (M&M-VS; http://davidhelman.weebly.com) at the Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His M&M-VS lab focuses on two main research topics: (1) climate–CO2–vegetation systems feedback and (2) vertical urban farming, which includes developing monitoring tools for use in autonomous systems. David’s lab uses a plethora of tools to study different aspects of these two topics in controlled experiments and natural environments, from high-tech sensors, handheld cameras, and cameras and sensors onboard drones and satellites to empirical and more complex numerical modeling. He aims to understand the climate-environment-vegetation link and develop precision agriculture and forest tools to gain more (production) with less (resources). David’s lab also aims to provide creative solutions to tackle current and future food security challenges.
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Prof Alexandre Morin-Bernard
Assistant Professor
Laval University

Investigating growth response to drought in a boreal forest using permanent sample plots, Landsat time series and airborne laser scanning data

12:15 PM - 12:30 PM



Alexandre Morin-Bernard is assistant professor in the Department of Wood and Forest Sciences at Laval University in Quebec City, Canada. His research involves the integration of remotely sensed data, mainly from satellite imagery and airborne laser scanning, with information gathered from field sampling campaigns and dendrochronology to investigate the effects of forest management practices, natural disturbances, and climate-driven stress on the structure, growth, and vigour of forest ecosystems.
Dr Temuulen Sankey
Northern Arizona University

Forest Response to Extreme Drought and Thinning: UAV and ECOSTRESS-based estimates of Canopy Temperature and Evapotranspiration

12:30 PM - 12:45 PM



Dr. Sankey is a remote sensing professor at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Arizona, USA. She studies climate change and land management impacts on forest health and the ecohydrological cycle. Dr. Sankey uses satellite images as well as UAV-based and terrestrially-based images to study forest dynamics. Specifically, her expertise focuses on hyperspectral, thermal, and lidar data fusion to examine impacts of forest fire and thinning on various components of the ecohydrological cycle including snow, soil moisture, and vegetation and land surface evapotranspiration.
Dr Tomas Poblete
Lecturer & Research Fellow, Precision Agriculture & Remote Sensing
The University of Melbourne



Dr. Tomas Poblete is Lecturer and Research Fellow in Precision Agriculture & Remote Sensing from the School of Agriculture, Food and Ecosystem Sciences (SAFES), Faculty of Science (FoS). Dr. Poblete is a Bioinformatics Engineer, with a Bachelor in Bioinformatics Science, and a PhD in Agricultural Science. Tomas’s research projects have comprised the use of multispectral and thermal sensors onboard UAVs for agricultural applications. His current research is focused on the implementation of Machine/Deep Learning Algorithms using hyperspectral and thermal imagery in agricultural, biosecurity and forestry applications.