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Remotely sensed data products in support of carbon monitoring and other land management decisions - Session 2

Bay Trust Forum
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Main Plenary - Bay Trust Forum


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Dr Nancy French
Senior Scientist, Fellow
Michigan Tech Research Institute

Mapping Circumpolar Fire Emissions for Carbon Cycle Modeling

3:30 PM - 3:48 PM



Dr. Nancy French is a Senior Scientist and Technical Fellow at the Michigan Tech Research Institute in Ann Arbor Michigan. Dr. French's expertise is in research and applications of Earth observation and spatial data to ecology and vegetation studies. Her primary research has focused on the use of remote sensing and geospatial technologies for studying wildfires and their effect on the terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere. Her research has included mapping and monitoring burn severity and the development of geospatial methods for quantifying wildland fire emissions of carbon and air pollutants.
Dr Sean Healey
Research Ecologist
USDA Forest Service

Expanded observation of forest albedo documents significant offsets to reported carbon benefits

4:42 PM - 5:00 PM



Sean Healey studies climate- and management-relevant forest processes using remote sensing and inventory data. He is a member of the GEDI Science Team and the outgoing Landsat Science Team.
Dr Piotr Tompalski
Research Scientist
Canadian Forest Service

Remote Sensing-based Aboveground Biomass Yield Curves for Dominant Boreal Tree species

4:06 PM - 4:24 PM



Piotr was born and raised in Poland, where he pursued his studies in forestry at the University of Agriculture in Krakow. He earned his Ph.D. in 2013 and subsequently moved to Vancouver to work as a Post-Doctoral Fellow and Research Associate in Dr. Nicholas Coops' lab. In 2021, Piotr joined the Canadian Forest Service, where he currently works as a Research Scientist. In his research, Piotr utilizes a variety of remote sensing data sources, including laser scanning, photogrammetry, and satellite imagery, to enhance carbon monitoring and reporting. His recent work has focused on using multi-temporal datasets to quantify forest growth dynamics.
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Prof Gintautas Mozgeris
Vytautas Magnus University

Modernization and transformation of Lithuanian National Forest Inventory: the role of remote sensing

4:24 PM - 4:42 PM



Gintautas Mozgeris (Dr.) Professor at the Department of Forest Sciences, Faculty of Forests and Ecology of Agriculture Academy, Vytautas Magnus University, head of the department and chief researcher at the Centre of Excellence Forest 4.0, Vytautas Magnus University. His research interests cover GIS, spatial modelling, aerial photography using all types of aircraft platforms, hyperspectral imaging, image and LiDAR data processing, orthophoto production, natural resource inventories and management planning, land use change and habitat modelling, forestry decision support systems. He took an active part in development and implementation of geographic information systems and remote sensing in Lithuanian forestry. He has more than 25 years’ experience in university teaching, supervising Ph.D. students and research.
Dr Samuel Hislop
Carbon Analyst

Combining remote sensing with biophysical process modelling to track carbon stocks and flows

3:48 PM - 4:06 PM



Sam has a diverse work experience, including roles in spatial analysis and emergency management with the Victorian Government (2005-2013). From 2016 to 2019, he completed a PhD degree in Remote Sensing at RMIT University and the University of Twente. From 2019 to 2023, Sam worked at the Department of Primary Industries NSW as a Spatial Scientist in the Forest Science unit. Sam has published several papers on his research, which has generally focussed on different techniques for monitoring forests with remote sensing. Sam is currently working as a Land Sector Carbon Analyst at FLINTpro.
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Dr Andrew Hudak
Research Forester
US Forest Service



Andrew Hudak got his Ph.D. in 1999 from the University of Colorado. From 1999-2001, he began working for the U.S. Forest Service as a postdoctoral Research Ecologist with the Pacific Northwest Research Station. Since 2001, he has worked as a Research Forester with the Rocky Mountain Research Station. He currently studies biophysical relationships between field and remotely sensed data, including estimating aboveground biomass carbon across the western U.S. from airborne lidar, Landsat time series, and other environmental data; predicting fuel/carbon loads from 3D point cloud metrics at multiple scales; and relating fuel consumption to energy flux and fire effects.