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Forest health

Downer Room
Thursday, September 12, 2024
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Downer Room


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Dr Henning Buddenbaum
Senior Scientist
Trier University

Sentinel-2 and EnMAP-based analysis of a Red Needle Cast Outbreak in New Zealand

9:00 AM - 9:15 AM



Henning studied and did his PhD at Trier University, Germany. After working in the EnMAP Core Science Team for ten years, he started as director of the Research Institute of Applied Geosciences at Trier University where he does, among several other topics, research in forest remote sensing using Lidar, hyperspectral, and multispectral data. Since 2019, he cooperates with Scion in New Zealand in hyperspectral tree health studies.
Mr Benjamin Steer
Remote Sensing Scientist

Automatic Detection of Red Needle Cast Outbreaks in Radiata Pine Plantations in New Zealand using Multi-scene, Multi-temporal Satellite Imagery

9:15 AM - 9:30 AM



Ben is a remote sensing scientist at Scion. Ben has a background in the remote sensing of coral reef islands and in addressing the impacts of climate change on these vulnerable landforms. At Scion, Ben's research revolves around the use of remote sensing to map planted forest throughout New Zealand, detect disease in forests, and monitor invasive species.
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Mr Shiva Pariyar
PhD candidate
University of Canterbury

Developing an individual tree model to quantify crown damage of Coastal Grey Box (Eucalyptus bosistoana F. Muell.) using UAV in New Zealand

9:30 AM - 9:45 AM



Shiva Pariyar is a first-year PhD student at the New Zealand School of Forestry, University of Canterbury. He earned a Master of Forest Ecosystem Science from the University of Melbourne in 2016 and a Bachelor of Science from Tribhuvan University of Nepal in 2010. With 13 years of service to the Government of Nepal in various capacities, he brings extensive experience to his research pursuits. Shiva's current focus lies in assessing Eucalyptus crown damage in New Zealand using cutting-edge remote sensing technologies such as UAV LiDAR and photogrammetry.
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Ms Aurora Bozzini
Phd Candidate
University of Padova

Early detection of Bark Beetles by Drone Images differs in Endemic and Epidemic Populations

9:45 AM - 10:00 AM



After a Master Degree in Land and Environmental Science and Technology, where she firstly approached the subjects of proximal and remote sensing, Aurora began to work in the forest entomology research group at the University of Padova (DAFNAE Department) as a Research Fellow, dealing with remote sensing (analysis of satellite imagery) applications for the detection and mapping of the Eurasian spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus L.) outbreaks in the South-Eastern Alps after the storm “Vaia” (occurred in late October of 2018). After that, in October 2022 she began her PhD program focusing on application of remote sensing for the early-detection of I. typographus infestations (i.e., detection of recently attacked trees, for a timely management of the outbreaks). Passionate about environmental, earth and climate sciences, her research interests include the detection and spatial analysis of forest pest infestations, remote sensing data processing methods and statistical and geostatistical analysis of environmental data.
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Dr Luiza Tymińska-Czabańska
University of Agriculture in Krakow

Modeling the Effect of Stand and Site characteristics on the probability of Mistletoe Infestation in Scots Pine Stands using Remote Sensing Data

10:00 AM - 10:15 AM



Luiza Tymińska-Czabańska - Doctor of Forestry. Specialist in modelling forest growth under changing environmental and climatic conditions. She also conducts research on forest mortality and disturbances caused by climate change using remote sensing data. Author of several scientific publications on forest dynamics modelling. She has participated in many national and international research projects.
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Dr Russell Main
Remote Sensing Scientist

Early Detection of Myrtle Rust on Pōhutukawa Using Indices Derived from Hyperspectral and Thermal Imagery

10:15 AM - 10:30 AM



Russell is a Remote Sensing Scientist at Scion in Rotorua, New Zealand, and has a background in multi-sensor and multi-disciplinary remote sensing research in Southern Africa. Presently, his work revolves around the application of hyperspectral and thermal methods for the extraction of phenotypic traits in New Zealand forests.
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Prof Jianbo Qi
Associate Professor
Beijing Normal University



Jianbo Qi is an associate professor from Bejing Normal University, China. He recieved his Ph.D degree from both Beijing Normal University and Unviersy of Toulouse, France. His major focus is 3D radiative transfer modeling of vegetation, parameter retrieval as well as LiDAR data processing. He developed an 3D radiative transfer model named LESS, which has been frequently used in remote sensing studies of land surfaces, as well as a popular LiDAR ground filtering algorithm named CSF, which has been adopted by many LIDAR processing software over the world, e.g., the widely used Cloudcompare.