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Innovative uses of multisource remote sensing data in forest biodiversity conservation and restoration

Skellerup Room
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Skellerup Room


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Dr Francesca Giannetti
University of Florence

Multitemporal Multispectral UAV, Ecophysiology, and Genetic Data for monitoring Forest Dieback in Remote-Abyssal Beech Population

3:30 PM - 3:48 PM



Researcher at University of Florence at the GeoLab Laboratory of Forest Geomatics in the field of Remote Sensing applied to Forest Monitoring and Precision Forestey. She has a PhD in Forestry and MSc in Forest Science and One in Remote Sensing and GIS System. In the last year She worked on integrete field data with multi-surce RS data to monitor different aspect related with forest biodiversity.
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Prof Guang Zheng
Nanjing University

Mapping canopy heights by fusing optical, radar, and GEDI data in the Kruger National Park, South Africa

3:48 PM - 4:06 PM



Dr. Guang Zheng is a Professor of Remote Sensing at the International Institute for Earth System Science (ESSI) of Nanjing University (NJU). He got his Ph.D. from the Remote Sensing and Geospatial Analysis Laboratory (RSGAL)at the University of Washington (UW). He worked closely with Precision Forestry Cooperative (PFC)to understand the forest canopy structure and its implications and interactions with the radiation regime and physiological processes of the terrestrial ecosystem.
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Dr Nicolò Camarretta
Remote Sensing Scientist
Scion Research Institute

Differentiating eucalypt tree species and provenances using UAV hyperspectral imagery and machine learning

4:06 PM - 4:24 PM



During his career, Nicolò has mainly focused on the use of remote sensing to map and monitor forest ecosystems. He favored the use of LiDAR sensors, both airborne (airplane and UAV) and terrestrial, to study forest structural complexity, to effectively monitor ecological restoration plantings (at the individual tree-level in Tasmania’s temperate forest) and in disturbed tropical ecosystems (at the plot level in the tropical lowlands of Sumatra, Indonesia). Nicolò has also worked with imaging spectroscopy (hyperspectral) sensors (mounted on satellite, airplanes, and UAVs), to successfully segregate between species and between genetic provenances of the same species (individual tree and provenance phenotyping). His current research is focusing on (i) the monitoring of forest health status and disease expression though satellite imagery, and (ii) on the use of regional level airborne laser scanning (ALS) to map, quantify and monitor the growth of the exotic forest estate of New Zealand.
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Mr Saif Khan
Data Scientist
University of Canterbury

Leveraging Aerial RGB Imagery and Machine Learning for Monitoring Vegetation Encroachment in Dynamic Braided River Ecosystems of New Zealand

4:24 PM - 4:42 PM



Saif is a spatial ecologist and passionate about biodiversity conservation. Saif’s doctoral studies (Zoology Department, Otago University, NZ) focused on assessing the applicability of different remote sensing tools to assess braided river bird habitats. He developed a deep-learning model for automated detection and counting of braided river bird colonies on aerial images. He has a BSc and MSc in Forestry (Khulna University, Bangladesh; Copenhagen University, Denmark and Bangor University, UK) and Biology (Ecology; Lakehead University, Canada). He has worked with IUCN, UNDP and FAO in Bangladesh and has been a research fellow at UNEP-WCMC at Cambridge, UK and has also been a civil servant for the Bangladesh Government working for the Ministry of Science and ICT. At GRI, Saif is working as a Postdoctoral Fellow with the Eco-index programme (https://eco-index.nz/), focusing on developing detectors for various biodiversity indicators for tracking outcomes of conservation investments.
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Dr Francesca Giannetti
University of Florence


3:30 PM - 5:00 PM


Researcher at University of Florence at the GeoLab Laboratory of Forest Geomatics in the field of Remote Sensing applied to Forest Monitoring and Precision Forestey. She has a PhD in Forestry and MSc in Forest Science and One in Remote Sensing and GIS System. In the last year She worked on integrete field data with multi-surce RS data to monitor different aspect related with forest developing different application in the context of precision forestry.