Sponsorship and Exhibition

If you would like to discuss sponsorship opportunities, please contact Nigel Crump, Chair, Potatoes Australia admin@potatoesaustralia.com.au .

World Potato Congress Inc. is a non-profit organisation supported by a group of volunteer directors representing potato jurisdictions around the world. Congress events are hosted in partnership with local host committees.

Potatoes Australia Ltd. is proud to host the 12th World Potato Congress. Potatoes Australia was established in 2021 to create a strong, national voice for the largest horticultural industry in Australia. It recognises the diverse needs of all potato industry sectors – fresh, seed and processing – and also the complex value chain involved in producing, preparing and marketing high quality produce.

Unlike many agricultural and horticultural bodies, Potatoes Australia represents all components of the value chain, in order to achieve meaningful change and progression for the whole of the industry where there are issues or opportunities that impact all participants. Examples include biosecurity, market access, consumer demand, and R&D investment decisions.

Why you should be involved in WPC 2024

The Congress will provide an excellent opportunity for the potato industry to network, make new business connections, engage with the global audience, and secure contracts whilst attending WPC 2024.

The central focus of the exhibition space will ensure maximum footfall and engagement of the delegates. Our meeting spaces are located off the exhibition hall with catering, seating, networking and business meeting spaces, all centrally located to maximise engagement with our supporting partners.

The 12th World Potato Congress welcomes partners to select and consider tailoring a bespoke sponsorship package. There are 4 key sponsorship packages, plus other individual additional items available to sponsor on the pages to follow. You also have the option to book a trade display space at the Congress.

Sustaining Partners 

Our World Potato Congress Inc Sustaining Partners can be viewed here.

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor

Plenary Speaker Sponsorship

Barista Sponsors

Charity Partner

General Sponsors

Media Partner

For over 15 years, Food Innovation Online Corp (PotatoPro.com) has been the established information provider for the global potato industry. Thousands of PotatoPros in America, Europe and Asia use PotatoPro.com’s website, Social Media, Newsletters or Notifications to stay informed of News, Customer/Supplier information, Products, Events and Statistics to gain Business Insight or for marketing their products.

PotatoPro has more than 10k+ Subscribers to the Weekly Newsletter (Sign Up) that is sent with a range of free email services.

Connect with us!

PotatoPro Facebook Page
PotatoPro LinkedIn Group
PotatoPro LinkedIn
PotatoPro on Twitter

Contact Us
Email: wpc@theconferencecompany.com
Freephone (within Aus): 1800 193 405
Telephone : +64 9 360 1240

Address: Level 35, International Tower One 100 Barangaroo Avenue, Sydney, NSW, 2000, Australia

The Conference Company