Yves Kenfack is an Economic Affairs Officer at UNCTAD. Since 1997, he has been working with the Competition and Consumer Policies Branch and the Trade Negotiation and Commercial Diplomacy Branch.
Yves has an extensive high-level experience in providing policy formulation and implementation advise to governments in developing and emerging markets economies on issues related to trade, competition and consumer protection, particularly in Africa. Since 2001 and 2006 he has been involved in servicing the UNCTAD Intergovernmental Group of Experts (IGE) on Competition Law and Policy and the UNCTAD Intergovernmental Group of Experts (IGE) on Consumer Protection Law and Policy. Yves is involved in the design and implementation of capacity-building projects on competition and consumer policies in developing country and in Africa in particular.
He is coordinating UNCTAD's work on how to mainstream gender the impact assessment of competition and advocacy activities of competition agencies in the developing world. He Co-coordinating UNCTAD Working Group on Cross border Cartel, and UNCTAD Working Group on Gender and Consumer Protection.
Yves has also worked with the World Trade Organization where he has contributed to the preparation of country trade policy reports for French speaking countries in Africa.
Yves has studied Applied Economics and Industrial Organization at the Universities of Yaoundé (Cameroon) and Caen, Aix-Marseille II (France) respectively. He also holds a graduate degree on Commodities Trading and Business Administration from the University of Geneva and is a MIT Sloan Fellow.
From 2006 to 2020 Yves has been an acting member of the United Nations Office of Geneva’s Local Committee on Contracts (LCC). The LCC periodically reviews and provides advice to the Director of the Division of Administration on whether proposed procurement actions are in accordance with the United Nations Financial Regulations and Rules (FRRs)..