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TSANZ SIG Orals: Evidence-Based Medicine and Practice

Track 5
Tuesday, March 26, 2024
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Theatrette 2


Dr Freya Berenyi
Respiratory Advanced Trainee
Royal Melbourne Hospital

Consideration of diversity and socioeconomic inclusions in clinical trial protocols for use of long-term antibiotics in bronchiectasis: a systemic review

10:30 AM - 10:45 AM



Freya is a final year Advanced Trainee at Royal Melbourne Hospital. She has completed her training through the RMH, Alfred and St Vincent's Hospital.
Dr Angela Burge
Research Fellow
Monash University

Breathing exercises for breathlessness in chronic respiratory disease: systematic review

10:45 AM - 11:00 AM



Angela is a physiotherapist at the Alfred Hospital and research fellow in the Central Clinical School at Monash University
Dr Angela Burge
Research Fellow
Monash University

Graded exercise therapy for fatigue in chronic respiratory disease

11:00 AM - 11:15 AM



Angela is a physiotherapist at the Alfred Hospital and a research fellow in the Central Clinical School at Monash University
Dr Emily Lawton
Royal Adelaide Hospital

New Respiratory Rapid Access Service reduces ED presentations and hospital admissions.

11:15 AM - 11:30 AM



Emily Lawton is a Respiratory and Sleep Physician South Australia. She completed her undergraduate and physician training in the UK NHS before undertaking specialist training in Australia. She is the lead physician running the Respiratory Rapid Access Service at the RAH and developed and chairs the RAH pulmonary hypertension MDM.
Dr William Soon
Austin Health

Topic coverage and working party representation of TSANZ documents

11:30 AM - 11:45 AM



William Soon is a Junior Doctor from Austin Health, Melbourne who is interested in Respiratory and Sleep Medicine
Dr Adam Sykes
Queensland Health

Preventable respiratory hospital readmissions and the utilisation of reduction strategies

11:45 AM - 12:00 PM



Adam Sykes is a current basic physician trainee working at The Prince Charles Hospital in Brisbane. He wishes to pursue a career in respiratory medicine and has a special interest in COPD/ asthma.
Dr Mariana Hoffman
Research Fellow
Monash University


10:30 AM - 12:00 PM


Mariana Hoffman is a research fellow with expertise in pulmonary rehabilitation, oxygen therapy and inspiratory muscle training. Mariana is a physiotherapist by background, master in adapted physical activity and doctor in rehabilitation sciences.
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Dr Arwel Jones
Research Fellow
Monash University


10:30 AM - 12:00 PM


Arwel is a research fellow at the Respiratory Research@Alfred group of Monash University. He is currently the convenor of the COPD and Evidence-Based Medicine and Practice Special Interest Groups of TSANZ. Arwel’s main research interests are in the treatment and prevention of respiratory infections and exacerbations of chronic lung disease, which involves work in the areas of pulmonary rehabilitation, infection control, oral corticosteroids and vaccination.