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TSANZ / ANZSRS Joint Poster Wine & Cheese session

Sunday, March 24, 2024
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Exhibition Hall


Dr Andrew Abboud
Basic Physician Trainee
Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District

Empyema: does culture status matter?



Andrew is a basic physician trainee working undergoing his training in the Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District. He has a special interest in respiratory and infectious diseases medicine.
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Prof Emeritus Michael Abramson
Professor Emeritus
Monash University

Respiratory symptoms after coalmine fire and pandemic: a longitudinal analysis



Michael Abramson is now Emeritus Professor in the School of Public Health & Preventive Medicine at Monash University in Melbourne. He is also an honorary respiratory physician at the Alfred hospital. He has a long standing research interest in the effects of air pollution upon respiratory health and for 9 years led the Hazelwood Health Study, which investigated the long-term health effects of a fire in an open-cut brown coal mine. He was Deputy Chair of the Working Party that wrote the TSANZ position statement on Asthma and Landscape Fire Smoke.
Miss Kamila Abutalieva
PhD Student
Woolcock Institute of Medical Research

Investigating Inhaler Choice in COPD Community Patients - ICOCO Study



Miss Kamila Abutalieva is a second-year PhD student in the Quality Use of Respiratory Medicines Group at Woolcock Institute of Medical Research and the University of Sydney. Her research focuses on COPD management, inhaler use optimisation, and exploring the experiences of people with COPD in regard to their inhalers.
Miss Sara Adham
Medical Student
University of Queensland

Towards Virtual Nodule Care (VNC) for the Management of Indeterminate Solitary Pulmonary Nodules (SPN): A Literature Review



Sara, a dedicated third-year medical student, possesses a profound passion for conducting research in the captivating field of thoracic medicine. Her aspiration is to make a positive impact on the lives of patients. In her free time, she enjoys painting and observing birds in their natural habitats.
Dr Mohmedsaqib Akhunji
Junior Medical Officer
South Western Sydney Local Health District

Referrals to a home-based multidisciplinary intervention for breathless COPD patients



Dr Mohmedsaqib Akhunji is an early career researcher, currently working full-time as a junior medical officer within South Western Sydney Local Health District. He graduated the Bachelor of Medical Studies/Doctor of Medicine program at Bond University in 2022. His research interests include the intersection of mental health and respiratory disease.
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Mr Suleman Almerdasi
PhD Student
RMIT University

Carnosine enhances pulmonary-rehabilitation for COPD: evidence from a preclinical model



Suleman Almerdasi is a PhD candidate in Biomedical Science within the Respiratory Research Group at the School of Health and Biomedical Sciences at RMIT University.
Ms Hooria Alowiwi
Phd Student
University of Sydney

Variability in Peak Expiratory Flow Rates of Healthy Adults



Hooria is a respiratory scientist, and a PhD candidate in respiratory medicine at the university of Sydney and Physiology and Imaging Group of Woolcock Institute of Medical Research.
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Dr Eliso Alves Pereira Neto
Lecturer In Physiotherapy (Acute Care)
University of South Australia

Blood flow restricted exercise: prescription impact on peripheral blood flow



Elisio is a lecturer in acute care physiotherapy at the University of South Australia, where he also completed his PhD in 2022. His research focuses on investigating and developing novel exercise strategies for people with cardiorespiratory conditions - covering physiological mechanisms, efficacy, adherence and stakeholders perspectives.
Dr Niranjan Babu Ananda Setty
Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital

Asthma in young adults: A single center retrospective study



Senior clinical fellow in asthma and airways at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, WA. Has completed MRCP and European diploma in critical care medicine in the UK and completed a fellowship in sleep and interventional pulmonology. Interested in airways and interventional side of respiratory medicine. Has completed training in respiratory medicine and has been involved in research studies involving covid and an associate investigator of recent trial on electrical impedance tomography comparing it with spirometry. He has a strong record of activities relating to clinical quality improvement, and continues to be actively engaged in clinical research.
Dr Niranjan Babu Ananda Setty
Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital

Radial EBUS with Ultrathin Bronchoscopy for peripheral lung lesions has high diagnostic yield – A single centre experience.



Senior clinical fellow in asthma and airways at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, WA. Has completed MRCP and European diploma in critical care medicine in the UK and completed a fellowship in sleep and interventional pulmonology. Interested in airways and interventional side of respiratory medicine. Has completed training in respiratory medicine and has been involved in research studies involving covid and an associate investigator of recent trial on electrical impedance tomography comparing it with spirometry.
Dr Niranjan Babu Ananda Setty
Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital

Endobronchial valves for persistent air leak in secondary pneumothorax: the western Australian experience



Senior clinical fellow in asthma and airways at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, WA. Has completed MRCP and European diploma in critical care medicine in the UK and completed a fellowship in sleep and interventional pulmonology. Interested in airways and interventional side of respiratory medicine. Has completed training in respiratory medicine and has been involved in research studies involving covid and an associate investigator of recent trial on electrical impedance tomography comparing it with spirometry.
Dr Hamza Azam
Advanced Trainee
Respiratory Department

Burden of obstructive sleep apnoea at a major tertiary centre



Hamza Azam is a second year respiratory advanced trainee currently training at Campbelltown hospital who is presenting alongside Vriti Shukla the respiratory clinical nurse consultant at Nepean hospital
Dr Hamza Azam
Advanced Trainee
Respiratory Department

Diagnostic yield and complications rate of transbronchial forcep lung biopsy



Hamza is a second year respiratory advanced trainee currently training at Campbelltown hospital with an interest in interventional pulmonology
Dr Lydia Balzat
Sleep Advanced Trainee
Gold Coast University Hospital / Queensland Health

Regional Sleep Disorders Centre Resource Utilisation for Motor Neurone Disease



Lydia Balzat is a Sleep Advanced Trainee at the Gold Coast University Hospital with an interest in non-invasive ventilation in chronic disease.
Dr Jessica Barker
Paediatric Respiratory Fellow
Queensland Children's Hospital

Screening for mood and behavioural changes in children on Elexacaftor/Tezacaftor/Ivacaftor (ETI).



Jessica is an advanced trainee in paediatric respiratory and sleep medicine, and a general paediatrician. Her training has included fellowships at John Hunter Children's, Sydney Children's and Queensland Children's Hospitals. She is passionate about improving health equity for rural and disadvantaged children and good coffee.
Dr Adrian Barnett
Respiratory Physician
Mater Public Hospital

Video telephone directly observed inhaler therapy in asthma



Adrian Barnett is a respiratory physician with an interest in asthma working in a difficult asthma clinic at Mater Hospital South Brisbane.
Mr Kristian Barry
Hudson Institute of Medical Research

Deletion of NLRP3 from myeloid cells of the innate immune system reduces disease burden in a murine model of silicosis.



Kristian graduated from a Bachelor of Science with honours majoring in Immunology in 2020. He is now a third-year PhD student under Michelle Tate investigating the role of the NLRP3 inflammasome in pulmonary disease with an interest in the role of inflammation during silicosis.
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Dr Chris Barton
Associate Professor
Monash University

Health Information Needs of Young Adults about E-cigarettes.



A/Prof Barton is based in the Department of General Practice, Monash University. His research group conducts research into the lived and patient experience of primary care patients with a focus on chronic respiratory illness, vaping and smoking cessation.
Dr Dylan Beinart
Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital

Transoesophageal approach to lung and adrenal gland biopsy using endoscopic ultrasonography; A single Centre experience



Dylan Beinart is a 2nd year trainee in Respiratory Medicine in Perth, Western Australia with a special interest in airways disease. He has a variety of experience in both basic science and clinic research. Dylan has accepted a prestigious fellowship at the Royal Brompton Hospital in London for 2025
Dr Dylan Beinart
Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital

Small airways dysfunction in asthma measured by impulse oscillometry



Dylan Beinart is a 2nd year trainee in Respiratory Medicine in Perth, Western Australia with a special interest in airways disease. He has a variety of experience in both basic science and clinic research. Dylan has accepted a prestigious fellowship at the Royal Brompton Hospital in London for 2025
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Prof Scott Bell
Senior Physician
The Prince Charles Hospital

Mycobacteria acquisition from potable water



Professor Scott Bell is the Chief Executive of the Translational Research Institute and a Senior Physician of the Adult Cystic Fibrosis Centre at The Prince Charles Hospital where he has worked since 1996 in Brisbane. He was Director between 1996-2015. As a clinician scientist, he leads the Lung Bacteria Laboratory at UQ. Scott has >300 peer reviewed publications and has received grant support >$24 million. His research interests include acquisition and transmission pathways for human infection and his multi-disciplinary research has resulted in significant changes to clinical practice and policy implementation globally. He has been principal investigator on numerous pivotal CFTR modulator trials. He was the Editor of the Journal of Cystic Fibrosis from 2013 until 2020 and co-led the Lancet Commission on the future of CF care which was published in 2020.
Dr Kirsten Bennett
Respiratory Advanced Trainee
Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital

Prediction models underestimate lung cancer risk in asbestos exposed individuals



Dr Kirsten Bennett is a respiratory advanced trainee and is undertaking a PhD in occupational lung disease, with a special interest in lung cancer, dust diseases and contemporary radiology technologies.
Dr Kirsten Bennett
Respiratory Advanced Trainee
Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital

Managing screen-detected lung cancers and the effect of age



Dr Kirsten Bennett is a respiratory advanced trainee and is undertaking a PhD in occupational lung disease. She has a special interest in lung cancer, dust diseases and contemporary radiology technologies.
Dr Edwina Biancardi
Royal Darwin Hospital

Chest Computed Tomography findings among adult Aboriginal Australians with Bronchiectasis in the Top End Northern Territory Australia



Edwina Biancardi is a respiratory and sleep physicians working in the Top End of the Northern Territory with a keen interest in Aboriginal respiratory health.
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Dr Daniel Bird
Sleep Fellow
The Prince Charles Hospital

Is NT-proBNP a useful biomarker in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension?



Daniel is an Advanced trainee in his second year of core training at the Gold Coast University Hospital having previous trained at the Princess Alexandra hospital. He has a special interest in pulmonary hypertension and fibrotic lung diseases.
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Dr Daniel Bird
Sleep Fellow
The Prince Charles Hospital

A Retrospective Analysis and Descriptor of Patients with Progressive Pulmonary Fibrosis in an Australian Population



Daniel is an Advanced trainee in his second year of core training at the Gold Coast University Hospital having previous trained at the Princess Alexandra hospital. He has a special interest in pulmonary hypertension and fibrotic lung diseases.
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Dr Daniel Bird
Sleep Fellow
The Prince Charles Hospital

3 year Mortality Data for COPD Patients Who Received Acute Non-Invasive Ventilation



Daniel is an Advanced trainee in his second year of core training at the Gold Coast University Hospital having previous trained at the Princess Alexandra hospital. He has a special interest in pulmonary hypertension and fibrotic lung diseases.
Dr Elias Bitzer
BPT registrar
Cairns Hospital / Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service

Non-cancer diagnosis following lobectomy referred from lung cancer multidisciplinary team



Eli is a Registrar from Cairns Hospital BPT. He enjoys team sports, playing the piano and has recently planted a basil bush following the price hike at Woolies.
Dr Tamara Blake
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Child Health Research Centre

Feasibility of home-based oscillometry monitoring in paediatric Cystic Fibrosis



Tamara is a clinical measurement scientist and research fellow with the Queensland Cystic Fibrosis Research Program. She has significant experience in a wide range of clinically available lung function techiqnues. Her research aims to improve the detection and understanding the progression of CF lung disease in children.
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Dr Kaj Blokland
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Woolcock Institute of Medical Research

Gravitational lung density gradient in asthma with fixed airflow obstruction



Dr Blokland has research interests in cell biology, airway physiology, chronic airways and lung disease, with a special interest in fixed airway obstruction. His expertise includes complex measures of lung function, 3D imaging and molecular and cell biology
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Dr Jane Bourke
Associate Professor
Monash University

Mouse precision-cut lung slices as a novel model of early bacterial infection with Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus



Associate Professor Jane Bourke leads the Respiratory Pharmacology Group at Monash University . She has unique expertise with the application of precision cut lung slices and has applied this approach to animal models and human tissues to study disease mechanisms and test novel therapeutic interventions.
Dr Jake Brennan
Medical Registrar
Queensland Health

Acute fibrinous organising pneumonia: atypical presentation as multiple spiculated opacities



Dr Jake Brennan is a medical registrar based in Cairns, Queensland, with a strong interest in thoracic medicine and medical education.
Dr Samuel Brookes
Thoracic Medicine Registrar
Central Adelaide Local Health Network / SA Health

Outcomes From 25 Years of the South Australian Lung Transplant Unit



Studied bachelor medical science and doctor of medicine at Flinder's University. Current second year respiratory registrar at central adelaide local health network.
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Ms Sarah Brown
Phd Candidate
University of Sydney

Engagement and adherence to the mobile pulmonary rehabilitation (m-PR) app.



Ms Sarah Brown is a PhD candidate from the University of Sydney and her thesis is evaluating the effectiveness of the mobile pulmonary rehabilitation (m-PR) platform in people with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Sarah was awarded the Better Breathing Foundation (BBF) Scholarship in 2021 to complete her PhD thesis with the m-PR Research Collaborative. She currently works as a Physiotherapist at Royal North Shore Hospital where she has over 8 years of clinical experience. In this time, she has developed a special interest in the management of people with chronic lung disease and chronic respiratory failure.
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Dr Matthew Bruorton
Paediatric Advanced Trainee
Women's and Children's Hospital

Feasibility study of X-ray Velocimetry imaging in children with CF



Dr Matthew Bruorton is the current Cystic Fibrosis Fellow at the Women's and Children's Hospital in Adelaide. He is undertaking his advanced training in Paediatric Respiratory and Sleep Medicine and has started his PhD through The University of Adelaide this year.
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Ms Catherine Buchan
Respiratory Nurse Consultant/PhD Candidate
Alfred Health / Monash University

Oxygen therapy implementation guidance in Australian hospitals: a systematic review



Catherine Buchan is an experienced respiratory and sleep nurse consultant having worked at the Alfred for over 20 years. She is trained in Critical Care and Master of Nursing Science. Catherine is a research assistant and PhD candidate in A/Prof Smallwood’s research team. She has a passion for providing holistic biopsychosocial person-centred integrated care.
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Ms Catherine Buchan
Respiratory Nurse Consultant/PhD Candidate
Alfred Health / Monash University

Non-invasive ventilation implementation guidance in Australian hospitals: a systematic review



Catherine Buchan is an experienced respiratory and sleep nurse consultant worked at the Alfred over 20 years. Her postgrad Critical Care and Master of Nursing Science. Catherine is a research assistant and PhD candidate in A/Prof Smallwood’s research team. She has a passion for providing holistic biopsychosocial person-centred integrated care.
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Ms Annabelle Button
Paediatric & Intensive Care Physiotherapist
Te Whatu Ora Waitaha

Exercise capacity pre and post Trikafta in a New Zealand paediatric Cystic Fibrosis population



Annabelle Button is a paediatric and intensive care physiotherapist at Te Whatu Ora, Waitaha. She has special interests in Cystic Fibrosis, Bronchiectasis and Chronic Cough management. A current special interest is the implementation of exercise capacity testing across paediatric respiratory groups.
Dr Alvenia Cairncross
Senior Research Officer
University of Western Australia

Laryngeal hypersensitivity, inducible laryngeal obstruction, and dysfunctional breathing – community prevalence.



Dr Cairncross is an early career researcher at The University of Western Australia who manages the Airway Structure-Function Program at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital under the mentorship of Alan James and Peter Noble.
Dr Jack Callum
Manchester Foundation Trust

The Role of Eosinophil Counts in Bronchoalveolar Lavage in the Diagnosis and Management of Interstitial Lung Disease



Dr Jack Callum is a respiratory physician from Sydney, Australia with an interest in ILD and TB currently doing a clinical and research fellowship in the United Kingdom.
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Dr Miriam Cameron
Respiratory Fellow
Queensland Children's Hospital

Empyema in children: increasing prevalence and new insights into management.



Dr Miriam Cameron is currently a final year Respiratory Fellow at the Queensland Children's Hospital. She has completed training in sleep medicine and is a PhD candidate with the University of Queensland. Her research interests include aspiration lung disease and improving provision of services within paediatric respiratory and sleep medicine.
Dr Sarah Cameron
Resident Medical Officer
The Prince Charles Hospital

Observational prospective study of SARS-CoV-2 infection outcomes in adults with cystic fibrosis attending a large centre in Australia.



Dr Sarah Cameron is a basic physician trainee currently training in Brisbane, Australia.
Dr Robert Carroll
Consultant Physician
Mater Health Services

Follow up of an Outpatient PE Pathway Audit



Dr Robert Carroll is a Respiratory and Sleep physician at Mater Hospital. His research interests involve pulmonary vascular diseases and is actively involved in junior doctor and registrar education.
Dr Allison Carroll
Paediatric Respiratory Medicine Physician
Cardio Respiratory Sleep

Paediatric Lung Transplant in Australia: Program Evaluation from a Health Care Provider Perspective



Dr. Carroll is a paediatric respiratory medicine specialist who recently completed her Australian credentials at Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne while completing a Master's in Public Health in Evaluation and Implementation Science at the University of Melbourne. Originally from Canada, she has interest and experience in paediatric lung transplant program delivery.
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Miss Olivia Carroll
University of Newcastle

Female sex hormones modulate asthma severity by altering cellular metabolism



Olivia Carroll is an early career respiratory researcher at the University of Newcastle and Hunter Medical Research Institute. Olivia utilises a combination of pre-clinical murine models and clinical patient data to investigate the complex interplay between female sex hormones, cellular metabolism and asthma.
Dr Harriet Caterson
Respiratory Advanced Trainee
Royal North Shore Hospital

Interpretation of Lung Restriction in Patients with SE Asian Ancestry



Harriet is a Respiratory Advanced Trainee at Royal North Shore Hospital. She has a Masters of Public Health and Diploma of Tropical Medicine. Her interests lie in global and public health and making health care more accessible in lower resource settings.
Dr Harriet Caterson
Respiratory Advanced Trainee
Royal North Shore Hospital

Retrospective Audit of Tertiary Hospital Emergency Department Management of Acute Severe Asthma



Harriet Caterson is a second year Respiratory Advanced Trainee, currently at Royal North Shore Hospital. She has her Masters in Public Health and a Diploma in Tropical Medicine. She is passionate about global and public health and how to optimise care in low resource settings.
Dr Daryl Chan
Advanced Trainee
NSW Health

Intrapleural Fibrinolytic Therapy Outcomes in a regional NSW hospital



Dr Daryl Chan is a current NSW Respiratory Advanced Trainee with a special interest in pleural medicine.
Dr Michelle Chee
General Medicine Advanced Trainee
Austin Health / Northern Health

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis update: AILDR in comparison with AIPFR



Dr Michelle Chee completed her Basic Physician Training at Eastern Health and is a current General Medicine Advanced Trainee at Austin/ Northern Health in Melbourne with a keen interest in Interstitial Lung Disease.
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Mr Hao Chen
Phd Candidate
Centenary Institute

Revealing lung periphery alterations in COPD via spatial transcriptomics



Hao is a dedicated and accomplished third-year PhD student at the UTS Centenary Centre for Inflammation in Sydney. His research focuses on COPD and spatial transcriptomics. With a passion for unraveling the complexities of COPD, Hao is poised to make significant contributions to our understanding of this debilitating condition.
Dr Louis Chhor
Respiratory Advanced Trainee
Eastern Health

Comparison of hospitalised AECOPDs secondary to SARS-CoV-2 versus the other respiratory viruses



Louis is a 1st year respiratory advanced trainee at Barwon Health, who is interested in all aspects of respiratory medicine, especially COPD and ILD.
Dr Y Jane Choi
Research Associate
University of Western Australia

Creatine supplementation attenuates pathogen-induced airway inflammation in pediatric primary airway epithelial cells



Dr Jane Choi recently completed her PhD at the University of Western Australia and Telethon Kids Institute. Her research focuses on simple interventions to target pulmonary inflammation and oxidative stress arising during early life.
Ms Melissa Chong
Grade 2 Physiotherapist
Alfred Health

PR location does not influence time spent outside the house



Melissa Chong is an experienced physiotherapist at Alfred Health. She has worked across various clinical settings, and developed an interest in chronic respiratory disease whilst working in pulmonary rehabilitation since 2021.
Dr Wai-Kuen Chow
Staff Specialist - Respiratory And Sleep Medicine
Western Sydney Local Health District

Hospital-in-the-Home program reduced readmission rate by 50% in COPD-related conditions



Dr Wai Kuen Chow is a Respiratory and Sleep Physician. She is the Medical Lead for the Hospital in the Home and inTouch Services for Western Sydney Local Health District.
Mrs Simmie Chung
University of Sydney

Enhancing Early Detection and Management of Lung Cancer: A Scoping Review A Pharmacist-Led Lung Health Assessment and Triage Initiative



Simmie Chung is an education focussed academic in the School of Pharmacy (SPS) and a registered pharmacist with over twenty five years of experience in various settings, with a special interest in lung cancer screening. Her skills and experience in teaching are based on a wide and diverse career experience spanning: academic teaching, community practice, hospital and pharmaceutical industry. She has made considerable contributions to learning and teaching in the SPS through high quality teaching, academic leadership as Program Director for NAPE ITP and in support of colleagues inside and outside of SPS through formal and informal mentoring.
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Dr Alice Crawford
Respiratory Consultant
Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital

Likelihood of discharge is associated with respiratory outpatient appointment time



Alice Crawford is an asthma and airways consultant at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, WA. As an early career clinician-researcher, Alice is interested in portable spirometry and the early detection of VCD/ILO.
Dr Biljana Cvetkovski
Early Career Researcher
Woolcock Institute of Medical Research

Unlocking the potential of longitudinal pharmacy dispensing records: a focus on adherence and determinants



Prof Bosnic-Anticevich is a respiratory pharmacist, and research leader at the Woolcock Institute of Medical Research. She is recognised internationally as an expert in the Quality Use of Respiratory Medicines.
Dr Simone Dal Corso
Research Fellow
Monash University

Fidelity of home-based pulmonary rehabilitation for COPD referred from general practice



Simone Dal Corso is a research fellow at Respiratory Research@Alfred, Monash University, and has extensive experience with pulmonary rehabilitation for people with chronic respiratory disease.
Dr Emily D'Arcy
Resident Medical Officer
Gold Coast University Hospital / Queensland Health

Evaluation of Suspected Pulmonary Embolism in Pregnant and Post-Partum Patients



Dr Emily D'Arcy is a Resident Medical Offficer at Gold Coast University Hospital. This research project has been performed under the supervision of Dr Maninder Singh, Medical Director Department of Respiratory and Sleep Medicine at Gold Coast University Hospital.
Assoc Prof Paul Dawson
Principal Research Fellow
Mater Research Institute / University of Queensland

Plasma sulphate levels are elevated in bronchiectasis.



A/Prof Paul Dawson is a medical research team leader at Mater Research Institute UQ. Paul completed a PhD in Dept. Medicine at the PA Hospital. He has extensive experience with clinical genetic screening and biomedical research, with a particular focus on the physiological roles and regulation of sulfate.
Miss Maddison Deery
Clinical Research/Trials Administration Officer
University of Queensland

Mental health and sleep quality in children receiving Elexacaftor/Tezacaftor/Ivacaftor therapy



Maddison Deery is a recent graduate of the Bachelor of Exercise Science degree. She currently works as a Research Assistant with the Children’s Health and Environment Program. Her research interest includes respiratory and mental health in children with Cystic Fibrosis.
Miss Maddison Deery
Clinical Research/Trials Administration Officer
University of Queensland

Anxiety, resilience, and quality of life in paediatric Cystic Fibrosis



Maddison Deery is a recent graduate of the Bachelor of Exercise Science degree. She currently works as a Research Assistant with the Children’s Health and Environment Program. Her research interest includes respiratory and mental health in children with Cystic Fibrosis.
Dr George Denby
Advanced Trainee
Queensland Health

Evaluation of video directly observed therapy in a tuberculosis service



George Denby is a second year trainee in respiratory medicine. He has an interest in complex respiratory infectious disease.
Dr Anindita Dey
Basic Physician Trainee
Shoalhaven District Memorial Hospital

Hypercalcaemia in the Presence of Granulomatous Pneumonitis: A Challenging Diagnostic Case



Dr. Anindita Dey, a Basic Physician trainee within the South Eastern Sydney Local Health District network, developed a keen interest in respiratory medicine during her RMO year at St. George Hospital. Her passion deepened after her father's tragic COVID-19-related passing. With a Master's in Internal Medicine from the University of Sydney, she aspires to become dual-trained in Respiratory and Geriatric Medicine.
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Dr Olivia Dixon
Respiratory Advanced Trainee
Princess Alexandra Hospital

The utility of genetic testing in adults with pulmonary fibrosis: A retrospective cohort study.



Dr Olivia Dixon is a respiratory and sleep advanced trainee, currently completing a fellowship in sleep medicine at the Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane, Queensland.
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Miss Laura Dowling
Phd Candidate
University of Newcastle / Hunter Medical Research Institute

The influence of the gut microbiome and metabolome in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): a systematic review



Laura Dowling is a PhD candidate at the University of Newcastle. Laura is a member of the nutrition and immunometabolism theme within the Immune Health Research Program at the Hunter Medical Research Institute investigating the role of the gut microbiome and metabolome in the pathogenesis of COPD.
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Dr Leona Dowman
Research Fellow
Monash University

Prediction of pulmonary hypertension in interstitial lung disease using two different algorithms



Dr Leona Dowman is a senior exercise physiologist in the pulmonary rehabilitation program at Austin Health in Melbourne. She has extensive experience in both research and clinical care for people with interstitial lung disease (ILD), specifically in pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) and the management of oxygen requirements during exercise
Dr Victor Duong
Respiratory and Sleep Physician
Northern Health

Feasibility of tele-ultrasound for remote examination of the chest: A systematic review



Dr Victor Duong is a respiratory physician and PhD candidate based at Northern Health in Victoria. He has a special interest in pleural diseases and his thesis is focused on improving the ambulatory management of individuals with malignant pleural effusions.
Dr Mathew Eapen
Senior Research Scientist
Mucpharm Pty Ltd

Effect of nebulised BromAc®, a potent mucolytic, in a mechanically ventilated ex-vivo muco-obstructive ovine lung model.



Dr Eapen currently works as a Senior Research Scientist at Mucpharm Pty Ltd and is engaged in identifying the effect of mucolytic and biofilm eradication formulations in respiratory and infection experimental models. His PhD and post-doctoral research was in respiratory medicine, primarily focusing on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Dr Brydie Egan
Blacktown Hospital

Is Catheter Directed Thrombolysis safe and effective when initial therapy for Pulmonary Embolism fails? Outcomes from use of Catheter Directed Thrombolysis for rescue reperfusion.



Dr Jimmy Chien is a Senior Staff Specialist and the Clinical Lead for the PE Response Team at Westmead Hospital
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Dr Nina Eikelis
Director, Medical and Clinical Affairs

Emphysema affects lung expansion and ventilation in COPD patients



Dr. Nina Eikelis, Director of Medical and Clinical Affairs at 4DMedical, is a Monash University PhD graduate with over 18 years experience in biomedical research. Trained at Baker Heart Diabetes Institute and Swinburne University of Technology, Nina's experience involves extensive clinical work complemented by a wide range of molecular skills.
Dr Sanjay Farshid
Basic Physician Trainee
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital

Incidence of life-threatening pulmonary embolism before and after the pandemic



Sanjay Farshid is a Basic Physician Trainee at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney. He has an interest in Respiratory Medicine and is affiliated with the University of Sydney.
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Dr David Fielding
Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital

ION robotic bronchoscopy improves on EBUS bronchoscopy for lung nodules.



Physician at RBWH. Interventional pulmonologist
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Mr Anthony Flynn
Director, Research, Information and Evaluation
Asthma Australia

Asthma through my eyes: A child and carer view of managing Asthma



Anthony is the senior manager of research, information and evaluation at Asthma Australia. In this role he oversees Asthma Australia’s research program, strategic evaluation plans and supervises the quality development of consumer information and education resources. Anthony has a Masters Degree in Social Sciences and is a registered nurse who specialised in critical care nursing. He is responsible for connecting the need of the person with asthma with strategic research and evaluation decisions and the translation of these into consumer benefit.
Dr Kwun Fong
The Prince Charles Hospital / University of Queensland

International Lung Screen Trial of lung cancer screening enrolment



Professor Kwun is a Thoracic and Sleep Physician at The Prince Charles Hospital and University of Queensland Thoracic Research Centre (UQTRC). His research interests focus on making and translating research discoveries to improve health outcomes of people affected by lung disease particularly lung cancer by early detection, screening and biomarkers.
Dr Geraud Freer
Intensive Care Registrar
John Hunter Hospital

PSGN induced diffuse alveolar haemorrhage in the context of vaping



Geraud Freer is a dual trainee with the College of Intensive Care Medicine and the Royal Australasian College of Physicians.
Dr Megan Frohlich
Respiratory Research Fellow
Sydney Children's Hospital

Establishing in vitro models of PCD airways: a personalised medicine pipeline



Megan is a PhD candidate at the University of New South Wales alongside her Advanced Training in Paediatric Respiratory and Sleep Medicine.
Dr Megan Frohlich
Respiratory Research Fellow
Sydney Children's Hospital

Assessment of outcomes using phase-resolved functional lung (PREFUL) MRI in a child with Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia



Megan is a PhD candidate through the University of New South Wales as well as an advanced trainee in paediatric respiratory and sleep medicine. Her research focus is on personalised medicine in primary ciliary dyskinesia.
Dr Roderick Gavey
Cairns Hospital

Resolution of Mycobacterium abscessus disease following initiation of elexacaftor/tezacaftor/ivacaftor



Roderick Gavey is medical registrar with a keen interest in a career in Respiratory and Sleep Medicine. He is currently working in the Cairns Hospital Department of Thoracic and Sleep Medicine, as well as in a Medical Education Registrar role at James Cook University.
Dr Crystal Ghabach Bassil
Basic Physician Trainee
Concord Hospital

Massive enlargement of pulmonary hyalinizing granuloma following withdrawal of immunosuppression



Dr Crystal Ghabach Bassil, a basic physician trainee who has successfully passed the divisional examinations in 2023. She's enthusiastic about pursuing a career in respiratory medicine and plans to progress towards advanced training. She has worked alongside, Dr Veitch, adult respiratory and sleep physician at Concord hospital gaining valuable experience.
Dr Claire Gibbs
Medical Registrar
Logan Hospital

Survival and Mortality in Indigenous Patients with Bronchiectasis (NT)



Claire is a Medical Registrar who has worked between the Northern Territory and Queensland with an interest in Indigenous respiratory health. She has been fortunate to join Dr Heraganahally's research team from her Internship to continue to contribute to the literature surrounding this important topic.
Ms Anita Goldsworthy
Clinical Nurse - Thoracic Research
QLD Health

The Prince Charles Hospital Lung Bank contributes to Sherlock international lung cancer research.



Anita Goldsworthy is an experienced Thoracic Research Nurse at The Prince Charles Hospital, Queensland, Australia. Anita coordinates the enrolment of patients into the Lung Bank and manages clinical research studies to support lung disease and lung cancer research.
Dr Shamitha Goonewardene
Respiratory Advanced Trainee
Sunshine Coast University Hospital

Intrapleural fibrinolytic therapy for pleural infection: Real world experience at the Sunshine Coast University Hospital



Dr. Goonewardene is a Respiratory Advanced Trainee with special interests in pleural medicine and interventional pulmonology.
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Dr Amanda Griffiths
Consultant Respiratory & Sleep Paediatrician
Royal Children's Hospital

Evaluation of a transition model of care for adolescents on home respiratory support: description of a cohort



Dr Mandie Griffiths MBBS, BMedSc, FRACP Mandie is a paediatric respiratory and sleep physician and current Director of the Royal Children’s hospital (RCH) Sleep Unit, Melbourne. She also holds honorary Consultant appointments at the Victorian Respiratory Support Service (VRSS) at the Austin Hospital & Cabrini Hospital Sleep Unit. She trained in paediatrics at the RCH in Melbourne, before completing a 4 yr Respiratory & Sleep fellowship in both Melbourne (Monash and RCH) and Perth (Princess Margaret Hospital). She also completed a Sleep Mini-fellowship at the Froedtert Hospital, Milwaukee, Wisconsin in a program run by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.
Ms Jazmin Guayco Sigcha
PhD Candidate
University of Queensland / Thoracic Research Centre

Extracellular vesicles-associated microRNAs for early lung cancer diagnosis: a literature review



Jazmin Guayco-Sigcha completed her Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Honours) at the University of Queensland (UQ). Now a PhD Candidate at UQ Thoracic Research Centre, her research focuses on the use of biomarkers in lung cancer screening, with the objective of improving mortality rates by detecting cancer at an early stage.
Dr Xin Yue Guo
Basic Physician Trainee
Concord Repatriation General Hospital

Airflow limitation in hypersensitivity pneumonitis



Angela is a basic physician trainee at Concord Repatriation General Hospital with a keen interest in Respiratory medicine. She hopes to continue to produce quality research projects in Respiratory with the aim to translate into clinical practices that improve patient outcomes.
Mrs Kathleen Hall
Physiotherapist (ACFC) & Lecturer (ACU)
ACU/ ACFC The Prince Charles Hospital

Impact of elexacaftor/tezacaftor/ivacaftor on muscle strength and exercise capacity in adults with cystic fibrosis: real-world evidence from a large adult CF centre



Kathleen Hall is a senior lecturer in Physiotherapy at the Australian Catholic University Brisbane. She is also a long-standing Adult Cystic Fibrosis team member at The Prince Charles Hospital, working as a senior physiotherapist. Kathleen has just completed her PhD examining physiotherapy models of care in CF.
Dr David Hancock
Respiratory Advanced Trainee
Perth Children's Hospital

The AERIAL birth cohort: viral susceptibility and recurrent wheezing within the first year of life



Dr David Hancock is an early-career clinician researcher currently doing his advanced training in paediatric respiratory medicine at Perth Children's Hospital and working as a senior resarch officer at the Telethon Kids Institute.
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Dr Kerry Hancock
GP and Chair of RACGP Specific Interests Respiratory Medicine
Allergy and Lung Health Unit / Melbourne School of Population and Global Health

Exploring the recording of COPD management in Australian Primary Care



Dr Kerry Hancock is a GP with an interest in the primary care management of chronic respiratory diseases. She is the inaugural Chair RACGP Respiratory Medicine Specific Interest Group; Chair LFA Primary Care Clinical Council and an Honorary Fellow Allergy and Lung Health Unit where she is actively involved with the PRECURSOR Program.
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Dr Louise Hansell
Clinical Research Fellow
University of Sydney

Correlation between respiratory physiotherapy treatment and ultrasound detected lung reaeration



Louise holds a competitive clinical research fellow position through the University of Sydney and Northern Sydney Local Health District. Louise's research focuses on physiotherapy led diagnostic lung ultrasound. She is particularly interested in using lung ultrasound to monitor respiratory physiotherapy treatment effect and inform treatment selection.
Dr Soriah Harvey
Postdoctoral Research Assistant
University of Newcastle / Hunter Medical Research Institute

Asthma, gestational diabetes mellitus and adverse perinatal outcomes



Dr Harvey has a background in Nutrition & Dietetics and her research examines the role of key modifiable nutritional risk factors during pregnancy and early life in preventing adverse infant health outcomes.
Dr Tobias Harwood
Advanced Trainee
Canberra Hospital

Hospital Acquired Pneumonia in the Central Coast Local Health District



Dr Tobias Harwood is a current Advanced Trainee in Respiratory and Sleep Medicine. He has completed 2 years of training thus far, with 12 month placements at the Gosford and Canberra Hospital's. He is enthusiastic about clinical governance and the optimisation of patient care through practical changes in healthcare.
Dr Nusrat Homaira
Senior Lecturer
University of New South Wales

In-hospital complications associated with RSV in children under two years



Dr Nusrat Homaira is a medically trained paediatric respiratory epidemiologist and works as Senior Lecturer, Discipline of Paediatrics and Child Health UNSW Sydney and Research Scientist, Sydney Children’s Hospital, Randwick. She has 15 years of experience in prevention and control of respiratory disease of childhood in high- and low-income countries.
Dr Nusrat Homaira
Senior Lecturer
University of New South Wales

Risk factors for RSV ICU admission in children aged<2 years.



Dr Nusrat Homaira is a medically trained paediatric respiratory epidemiologist and works as Senior Lecturer, Discipline of Paediatrics and Child Health UNSW Sydney and Research Scientist, Sydney Children’s Hospital, Randwick. She has 15 years of experience in prevention and control of respiratory disease of childhood in high- and low-income countries.
Dr Xinxin Hu
Respiratory Advanced Trainee
Blacktown Hospital / NSW Health

The Prevalence of Pulmonary Hypertension Associated with Post-Tuberculosis Lung Disease



Xinxin is a current respiratory advanced trainee in NSW. He is passionate about medical research and has completed a Master of Medicine (Clinical Epidemiology) at the University of Sydney. During advanced training, he has contributed to research studies in pulmonary embolism, pleural disease, tuberculosis and lung cancer screening.
Dr Xinxin Hu
Respiratory Advanced Trainee
Blacktown Hospital / NSW Health

An Australian study on length of stay for pulmonary embolism



Xinxin is a current respiratory advanced trainee in NSW. He is passionate about medical research and has completed a Master of Medicine (Clinical Epidemiology) at the University of Sydney. During advanced training, he has contributed to research studies in pulmonary embolism, pleural disease, tuberculosis and lung cancer screening.
Dr Annette Huang
Liverpool Hospital

End-of-life care during COVID-19 case surges at a tertiary hospital



Annette is a first year medical registrar at Liverpool Hospital. She graduated from the University of Western Sydney in 2020.
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Ms Sarah Hug
PhD student
Curtin University

Consumer co-design enhances pulmonary rehabilitation access for people with COPD.



Sarah is a Senior Physiotherapist working within the respiratory and critical care areas at Royal Perth Hospital. She is also a PhD candidate at Curtin University. Her PhD is entitled 'optimising the impact of pulmonary rehabilitation for people with COPD', for which she has just completed a large mixed methods study across the tertiary hospitals in Perth.
Mrs Bianca Iacopetta
PhD Candidate
Institute for Respiratory Health / Edith Cowan University

Activity behaviours in patients with malignant pleural effusion: relationship with quality of life.



Bianca is a physiotherapist and early career researcher who has experience in the rehabilitation and management of respiratory conditions. She was awarded an Institute for Respiratory Health scholarship and is currently enrolled in a Doctor of Philosophy at Edith Cowan University, undertaken at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital.
Mrs Bianca Iacopetta
PhD Candidate
Institute for Respiratory Health / Edith Cowan University

Preliminary data of the Third PLeural Effusion And Symptom Evaluation (PLEASE-3) Study: Bendopnoea in patients with pleural effusion



Bianca is a physiotherapist and early career researcher who has experience in the rehabilitation and management of respiratory conditions. She was awarded an Institute for Respiratory Health scholarship and is currently enrolled in a Doctor of Philosophy at Edith Cowan University, undertaken at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital.
Mr Thishan Illankoon
Phd Student
Mater Research Institute / University of Queensland

Decline of Unfolded Protein Response with Age Increases Susceptibility to Infection and Inflammation



Thishan has recently commenced his PhD after completing his bachelor in biomedical science with honours from the University of Queensland. His focus is in the area of Immunology and aging, with a particular focus on the unfolded protein response in mucosal epithelial cells.
Dr Minoru Inomata
Assistant Director
Japanese Red Cross Medical Center

Immune checkpoint inhibitor in lung cancer with thick-walled cystic lesions



Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Philosophy in Medicine Japanese Red Cross Medical Center, Tokyo, Japan (April 2017 to present), Medical Doctor, with emphasis on department of Pulmonary Medicine, Deputy Director
Mr Zac Irwin
Medical Student
Univerisity of Melbourne

Social determinants of health in clinical trials of long-term oral antibiotics in COPD: a systematic review



Zac Irwin is a medical student from the University of Melbourne, based at the Royal Melbourne Hospital. He recently completed a research project during his third year of the course as part of the MDRS.
Dr Shiidheshwar J Ravichandran
Medical Registrar
Royal Darwin Hospital

Clinical and demographic parameters of Aboriginal patients with bronchiectasis



Dr Shiidheshwar is a medical registrar at the Royal Darwin Hospital where he is currently completing his basic physician training. He studied medicine in Monash Malaysia before coming to Darwin as an intern, where he fell in love with the Territory and it’s unique brand of medicine.
Dr Mahisha Jayakody
Physician Trainee
Western Health

Insights into asthma care from multi-cultural consumers and health educators



Mahisha Jayakody is a Physician Trainee with an interest in Respiratory Medicine and improving health outcomes for her patients.
Dr Reece Jefferies
Advanced Trainee
The Alfred Hospital

A retrospective review of the management of MDA5 associated ILD



Reece is a 3rd year advanced trainee in respiratory medicine, currently completing a year of lung transplant and pulmonary hypertension at The Alfred. He has special interests in interstitial lung disease, pulmonary hypertension, orphan lung disease and lung transplantation.
Dr Reece Jefferies
Advanced Trainee
The Alfred Hospital

MDA5 antibodies and interstitial lung disease: clinical characteristics and outcomes



Reece is a 3rd year advanced trainee in respiratory medicine, currently completing a year of lung transplant and pulmonary hypertension at The Alfred. He has special interests in interstitial lung disease, pulmonary hypertension, orphan lung disease and lung transplantation.
Dr Anne Johnson
Service Registrar
Royal Perth Hospital

Antifibrotic assessment and treatment outcomes in a tertiary hospital in Western Australia



Dr Anne Johnson is a medical graduate of The University of Notre Dame, Fremantle. She is currently completing her final year of Basic Physician Training at Royal Perth Hospital, with an interest in respiratory medicine. Dr Irene Moore is a consultant respiratory physician at Royal Perth Hospital, specialising in Interstitial Lung Diseases.
Dr James Johnston
Paediatric Respiratory Advanced Trainee
Women's and Children's Hospital

Clinical outcomes in a 12-18 year old cystic fibrosis cohort following commencement of Elexacaftor/Tezacaftor/Ivacaftor: a retrospective, single-centre audit



Dr James Johnston is an Advanced Trainee in Paediatric Respiratory Medicine from the Women's & Children's Hospital in Adelaide. He has a strong interest in health leadership, advocacy and paediatric lung disease including cystic fibrosis, non-CF bronchiectasis and asthma.
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Dr Kaustuv Joshi
Respiratory Registrar
Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital

Application of discharge criteria on sleep apnoea patients in clinic



Dr Kaustuv Joshi is a current Respiratory Medicine Advanced Trainee. Having obtained his primary medical degree from the University of Cambridge, UK, he went on to complete Basic Physician Training at the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital before joining the Respiratory Medicine Advanced Training programme in 2023.
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Dr Kaustuv Joshi
Respiratory Registrar
Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital

Endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial lymph node cryobiopsy: improving biopsy outcomes



Dr Kaustuv Joshi is a current Respiratory Medicine Advanced Trainee. Having obtained his primary medical degree from the University of Cambridge, UK, he went on to complete Basic Physician Training at the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital before joining the Respiratory Medicine Advanced Training programme in 2023.
Dr Aashima Juneja
Northern Health

Does spirometry report format influence the accuracy of COPD diagnosis?



Dr Aashima Juneja is a dedicated Basic Physician Trainee at Northern Health. She has a strong interest in Respiratory and Sleep Medicine. Outside of medicine she enjoys Pilates, spending quality time with family and friend and discovering local cafes.
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Dr Lisa Jurak
Research officer
The Prince Charles Hospital

Peripheral Blood T cell signatures during acute exacerbation of four common lung diseases: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, cystic fibrosis and non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis



Lisa completed her PhD in 2023 at the University of Queesland in the field of clinical proteomics and severe asthma. She has a special interest in the field of multi-omics, data science and the opportunities it offers when understanding respiratory diseases.
Prof Connie Katelaris
Senior Staff Specialist, Immunology & Allergy
Campbelltown Hospital

Corticosteroid Use in Children With Uncontrolled Asthma by Exacerbation History



Dr Katelaris is Professor in the Immunology & Allergy unit at Western Sydney University, is Head of Department and Senior Staff Specialist at Campbelltown Hospital and has a busy private consultant practice consulting on all aspects of allergic and immunologic disorders in children and adults.
Dr Greg Keir
Respiratory Physician
Princess Alexandra Hospital

‘Expected’ KCO correlates more accurately with ILD CT changes



Ramey is a second-year respiratory advanced trainee with an interest in interstitial lung disease and pulmonary hypertension.
Dr Sarah Kentwell
Respiratory Advanced Trainee Registrar
The Prince Charles Hospital

Triple CFTR modulator therapy reduces healthcare utilisation and cost - an analysis prior to PBS listing



Dr Sarah Kentwell is a 3rd year Respiratory Advanced Trainee Registrar at Gold Coast University Hospital, who completed Basic Physician Training at PA and Logan Hospitals, followed by 1st and 2nd year Advanced Training at Townsville University Hospital and The Prince Charles Hospital respectively.
Dr Min Young Kim
Respiratory Reg
NSW Health

Pulmonary Embolism Response Team outcome at St George hospital



Dr Min Young Kim is a respiratory advanced trainee at the st george hospital. She has special interest in PE, TB and pulmonary procedures.
Dr Min Young Kim
Respiratory Reg
NSW Health

Outcomes for patients with Multidrug-resistant Tuberculosis in Sydney Chest clinic



Presenting author is a Respiratory advanced trainee at St George hospital. She has a special interest in tuberculosis and pulmonary embolism.
Dr Min Young Kim
Respiratory Reg
NSW Health

A rare case of mediastinal dendritic neoplas



Dr Min Young Kim is currently working in St George hospital as a respiratory advanced trainee. She has a special interest in pulmonary intervention and tuberculosis.
Dr Louis Kirton
Clinical Research Fellow
Medical Research Institute of New Zealand / Te Whatu Ora Health Hawkes Bay

Automated oxygen titration in non-invasive respiratory support therapy: an RCT



Louis is a Clinical Research Fellow at the Medical Research Institute of New Zealand and an Advanced Trainee in Respiratory and Sleep Medicine (RACP) who is currently undertaking his first substantive body of research assessing the clinical applications of an automated oxygen control system
Dr Caroline Kronborg
Respiratory and Sleep Physician
Western Health

Anaphylaxis to short-acting beta-2 agonists in asthmatic adult.



Caroline is a Respiratory and Sleep Physician from Melbourne who practices in both the public and private health systems in Melbourne. She has strong interests in sleep medicine, asthma and allergic diseases.
Dr Maggie Lam
Postdoctoral Researcher
Hudson Institute of Medical Research

Global deletion of NLRP3 limits silica-induced inflammation and fibrosis in acute and chronic mouse models of silicosis



Maggie Lam is an early career researcher working at the Centre of Innate Immunity and Infectious Diseases at the Hudson Institute of Medical Research. Her project aims to identify novel therapies for the treatment of silicosis.
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Miss Harvika Latief
Monash Health

Sleep Health in Interstitial Lung Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis



Harvika is an international student at Monash University who joined the honours programme. Previously, she attended the University of Indonesia and finished her Bachelor of Medicine. She, accompanied by her supervisors Yet and Mark, was doing a systematic review and meta-analyses of sleep health in interstitial lung disease.
Miss Chloe Lawler
Research Assistant
Centre of Research Excellence in Pulmonary Fibrosis

The prevalence of treatable traits in patients with fibrosing interstitial lung disease



Chloe Lawler is an early career researcher currently working at the University of Sydney and the Royal Prince Alfred hospital on multiple studies with Professor Tamera Corte. She has completed a Bachelor of Science in microbiology, molecular and cell biology with Honours in microbiology.
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Dr Hong Le
Honorary Fellow
University of Queensland

Respiratory health in Vietnamese children during COVID-19 lockdown



Hong received a PhD in Public Health, The University of Queensland, Australia. Her qualification is public health, specialising in epidemiology, research methodology and environmental health. Hong has strong experience in community surveys and fieldwork. She has worked as a team leader for some international projects and collaborated with Vietnam.
Dr Emily Le Fevre
Advanced Trainee
Children's Hospital at Westmead

Increasing rates and acuity of paediatric empyema post COVID19 pandemic - single centre experience



Emily is a paediatric respiratory advanced trainee working at The Children's Hospital at Westmead. She is currently working in the cystic fibrosis team, however has an interest in paediatric empyema as well as the management of respiratory illnesses in acute medical retrieval.
Dr Shi Jie Lee
Medical Officer
Eastern Health

Outcomes of biologic therapy in a tertiary Severe Asthma Clinic



Bryce, Marnie and Beverley are resident doctors undertaking the basic physician training in Eastern Health, Victoria. Bryce completed internship in Albury Wodonga Health, while Marnie and Beverley started their internship in Eastern. As doctors early in their career, they have an interest in guideline-driven clinical care with a patient-first approach.
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Assoc Prof Joy Lee
Consultant Physician
Alfred and Austin Health

Fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) biomarker in uncontrolled asthma



A/Prof Lee performs postgraduate research in difficult asthma with the School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine at Monash University. A/Prof Lee is also an investigator in clinical trials for therapies in asthma and allergic nasal disease.
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Assoc Prof Joy Lee
Consultant Physician
Alfred and Austin Health

Baseline Characteristics and Oral Corticosteroid Reduction in Severe Asthma



A/Prof Lee performs postgraduate research in difficult asthma with the School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine at Monash University. A/Prof Lee is also an investigator in clinical trials for therapies in asthma and allergic nasal disease.
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Assoc Prof Joy Lee
Consultant Physician
Alfred and Austin Health

Mannitol provocation enhances laryngoscopic diagnosis of suspected inducible laryngeal obstruction



Dr Stephanie Stojanovic is an Allergist and Clinical Immunologist with a particular interest in the evaluation and management of all aspects of allergic disease. She is also experienced in the systematic assessment and management of severe and difficult-to-manage asthma and vocal cord dysfunction.
Dr Lok Ming Lee
Gold Coast University Hospital

Yield of genomic characterisation in endobronchial ultrasound transbronchial needle aspiration (EBUS-TBNA) in the workup of advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC): a single-centre retrospective audit



Dr Lok Ming Lee has completed her Basic Physician Training at the Gold Coast University Hospital, having completed her Medical Schooling at Griffith University in 2016. 2024 marks her first year of Respiratory Advanced Training, up at Townsville Hospital.
Dr Chui Lyn Leong
Respiratory Advanced Trainee
Austin Health

Factors influencing optimal care pathways - a Tasmanian perspective.



Dr Joyce Leong is a second-year respiratory advanced trainee at Austin Health and spent her first year of training in Hobart, Tasmania. Her main interests include thoracic oncology, ventilatory and pleural diseases.
Dr Chui Lyn Leong
Respiratory Advanced Trainee
Austin Health

Optimal lung cancer care pathways – a Tasmanian perspective



Dr Joyce Leong is a first-year respiratory advanced trainee at the Royal Hobart Hospital. Her respiratory interests include thoracic oncology, ventilation and pleural diseases.
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Dr Hayley Lewthwaite
Research Fellow
University of Newcastle

Understanding breathlessness in asthma



Dr Hayley Lewthwaite is an accredited exercise physiologist and postdoctoral research fellow with the NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Treatable Traits. Hayley's research focuses on improving understanding of the psychophysiological mechanisms of breathlessness in chronic respiratory disease, with the aim of optimising assessment and management approaches.
Dr Yunkai Li
Clinical Fellow
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital

Implications of the new lung function guidelines among ILD patients



Dr Li Yunkai Andrew is currently a Singaporean consultant respiratory physician who has had a keen interest in ILD and has been privileged to have had a clinical fellowship at RPA.
Dr Nathan Lieu
The Children's Hospital at Westmead

Serology screening in Cystic Fibrosis for early detection of Coeliac disease



Nathan is currently the Sleep Fellow at the Children's Hospital at Westmead.
Dr Weiling Lim
Associate Consultant
Changi General Hospital

Obstructive lung disease in an adult with prior bronchopulmonary dysplasia



Dr Lim is an Associate Consultant with the Department of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine at Changi General Hospital (CGH). She completed her specialty training in Respiratory Medicine and Intensive Care Medicine. Her interests lies in Sleep Medicine and Chronic Non-Invasive Ventilation.
Dr Matthew Lindfield
Respiratory and Sleep Medicine Advanced Trainee
Canberra Hospital

The use of oesophageal endoscopic ultrasound and fine needle aspiration: An Australian tertiary centre’s experience



Doctor Matthew Lindfield is a final year Advanced Trainee in Respiratory and Sleep Medicine. He has a keen interest in interventional pulmonology, lung cancer and reducing health disparities in rural and remote communities.
Dr Kak-Ming Ling
Senior Research Officer
Telethon Kids Institute

Bacteriophage therapy eradicates biofilm-residing bacteria using in vitro primary airway epithelial cells



Kak-Ming is an early career researcher from the Telethon Kids Institute. Her expertise lies in pediatric respiratory health, particularly concerning Cystic Fibrosis (CF). She explores the differences in CF mucus, aiming to understand phage activity against specific bacteria in the mucus-rich CF lung environment, dedicate to advance phage therapy in respiratory health.
Miss Wing Kwan Winky Lo
Medical Student
University of New South Wales

Emphysema and Lung Nodule Correlations Using LDCT Chest



Winky Lo is a fifth-year medical student at UNSW, Sydney who undertook her research year under the supervision of Professor Emily Stone and Dr Katrina Tonga in the Thoracic Medicine Department, St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney, Australia.
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Ms Lena Ly
PhD Candidate and Research Assistant
University of Melbourne / The Alfred / Monash University

SingINg For breathing in COPD aNd ILD pAtients: longitudinal qualitative interview study



Lena Ly is a PhD candidate at the University of Melbourne (St Vincent’s Hospital) and research assistant at the Chronic Respiratory Disease Research Group at Monash University and Alfred Health. Her research interests include advanced chronic respiratory diseases (particularly chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and interstitial lung disease) and palliative care.
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Ms Lena Ly
PhD Candidate and Research Assistant
University of Melbourne / The Alfred / Monash University

Virtual ethnography of SingINg For breathing in COPD aNd ILD pAtients



Lena Ly is a PhD candidate at the University of Melbourne (St Vincent’s Hospital) and research assistant at the Chronic Respiratory Disease Research Group at Monash University and Alfred Health. Her research interests include advanced chronic respiratory diseases (particularly chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and interstitial lung disease) and palliative care.
Dr Ryan Mackle
Respiratory Advanced Trainee
Sydney Children's Hospital

Parental perceptions and knowledge towards Asthma Action Plans



Ryan is a part-time paediatric respiratory advanced trainee at Sydney Children's Hospital, Randwick and is currently undertaking a PhD with a research focus on improving the equity, quality and access to paediatric asthma care
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Ms Sarah Madigan
Accredited Clinical Physiologist (Respiratory).
Southern Adelaide Local Health Network / Respiratory Function Laboratory

Physiological changes measured by cardiopulmonary exercise testing in Systemic Sclerosis.



Sarah is currently completing her PhD at Adelaide University thesis entitled: Cardiopulmonary exercise testing for screening of pulmonary hypertension in a clinical population of Scleroderma patients. This study aims to assess the use of cardiopulmonary exercise test as a non-invasive screening tool in a clinical cohort of Scleroderma patients.
Mr Rashad Mohammad Mahbub
Phd Student
University of Technology Sydney

Exploring the impact of low-dose particulate matter 2.5 exposure on pulmonary health



Rashad Mohammad Mahbub, a final PhD candidate at the University of Technology Sydney, is a molecular biologist turned bioinformatician. His research delves into the molecular landscape of chronic lung diseases, focusing on microbiome influence, transcriptomic responses, and therapeutic strategies. He is the recipient of the ERS Young Scientist 2023.
Dr Eleanor Majellano
Postdoctoral researcher
University of Newcastle

The acceptability and usability of a virtual healthcare model: Insights from pregnant women with asthma



She is a qualitative data analyst with 5+ years of experience in qualitative research and a postdoctoral researcher working with the Airway Disease Management Team and the Centre of Research Excellence in Treatable Traits. She has a great passion for understanding consumer perspectives and applies qualitative techniques to exploring consumers’ needs, attitudes, and motivations to inform a person-centred model of care in airway disease management. Her research also draws on theory and practice from social science to deliver theoretically informed insight into meanings, context, and complexity of health and healthcare needs unique to people with airway disease.
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Assoc Prof Henry Marshall
Thoracic Physician
The Prince Charles Hospital / University of Queensland

Lung cancer screening eligibility in Quitline Clients



Dr Marshall is a Thoracic Physician and researcher with a focus on lung cancer screening and smoking cessation.
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Assoc Prof Henry Marshall
Thoracic Physician
The Prince Charles Hospital / University of Queensland

A comparison of non-small cell lung cancer surgical care indicators between Victoria and Queensland



Dr Marshall is a Thoracic Physician and researcher with a focus on lung cancer screening and smoking cessation.
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Assoc Prof Henry Marshall
Thoracic Physician
The Prince Charles Hospital / University of Queensland

Screen2Quit: Engagement with a remote smoking cessation smartphone app randomized controlled trial in persons eligible for lung cancer screening



Dr Marshall is a Thoracic Physician and researcher with a focus on lung cancer screening and smoking cessation.
Mrs Karen Mattioli
Clinical Nurse Specialist
Fiona Stanley Hospital

Initial Experience from a Nurse Led Survivorship Clinic for Thoracic Cancer Survivors



Karen is the Clinical Nurse Specialist with the Thoracic Malignancy team at Fiona Stanley Hospital. She has a Clinical Master's in Medical Oncology Nursing. A specialist cancer nurse, Karen has a passion for cancer survivorship, smoking cessation and supporting healthy and self-determinate lifestyle choices for lung cancer survivors.
Dr Graeme Mattison
Respiratory Advanced Trainee & PhD Candidate
The Prince Charles Hospital / University of Queensland

Understanding the perceived value of wearables in cystic fibrosis care



Dr Graeme Mattison is a Respiratory and Sleep Medicine Advanced Trainee at The Prince Charles Hospital, Brisbane, Australia and a PhD scholar within the Faculty of Medicine, The University of Queensland. His research explores the role of wearables in chronic disease, focusing on the potential to improve cystic fibrosis care.
Dr Graeme Mattison
Respiratory Advanced Trainee & PhD Candidate
The Prince Charles Hospital / University of Queensland

Using wearables to characterise pulmonary exacerbation in cystic fibrosis



Dr Graeme Mattison is a Respiratory and Sleep Medicine Advanced Trainee at The Prince Charles Hospital, Brisbane, Australia and a PhD scholar within the Faculty of Medicine, The University of Queensland. His research explores the role of wearables in chronic disease, focusing on the potential to improve cystic fibrosis care.
Dr Anthony May
Research Fellow
Monash University

Remote pulmonary rehabilitation is commonly available in Australian services



Anthony has been a member of the Monash University Respiratory Research Group since 2019. His research aims to improve the pulmonary rehabilitation services for outpatients with chronic lung diseases. Anthony is currently the trial coordinator for an investigation into the effectiveness of remote pulmonary rehabilitation in COPD after hospital discharge.
Dr Carolyn McIntyre
Clinical Research Fellow
Institute for Respiratory Health

Accelerometry daily steps count predicts overall survival in malignant pleural effusion patients



Dr Carolyn McIntyre, a Clinical Research Fellow at the Institute for Respiratory Health, is the Leader of Allied Health Research within the Pleural Medicine Unit. Her research focuses on using supportive care modalities to mitigate the effects of advanced cancer and its treatment on physiological and psychosocial outcomes.
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Assoc Prof Zoe McKeough
Associate Professor
University of Sydney

Perx-R app for pulmonary rehabilitation: User experience testing



Zoe McKeough is an Associate Professor at Sydney University and managing director of the Better Breathing Foundation which supports research in respiratory diseases. Zoe has specialised in pulmonary rehabilitation as a clinician, researcher and educator. She has over 100 papers published in international journals and $5M in research funding.
Dr Claire McLaughlin
Medical Registrar
Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital

Personal spirometry appears accurate and feasible for remote lung function monitoring across multiple chronic lung conditions and varying patient ages.



Dr Claire McLaughlin is currently the research fellow in Respiratory Medicine at St John of God Subiaco after completing her basic physician training in 2022. She is looking forward to continuing her work in Respiratory Medicine in advanced training in 2024
Dr Irene Moore
Consultant Respiratory Physician
East Metropolitan Health Service

ILD registry gives new insights into the spectrum of disease in Australasia



Dr Irene Moore is a Consultant Respiratory Physician in Perth, WA with a specialist interest in interstitial lung disease. Trained in Northern Ireland, she has fellowship with both MRCP UK and FRACP in Australia. She has completed clinical fellowships in ILD and lung transplantation and is current member of the Australasian ILD Registry steering committee.
Dr Sean Morrison
Respiratory Medicine Advanced Trainee
Mater Hospital Brisbane

Asthma presentations to the Mater Emergency Department



Sean Morrison is a Respiratory Medicine Advanced Trainee at the Mater Hospital Brisbane interested in Asthma.
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Dr Alexander Mullin
Advanced Trainee
Wagga Wagga Base Hospital

A case report of tuberculosis with oesophageal perforation and mediastinitim



Dr Alexander Mullin is a final year advanced trainee in NSW with an interest in respiratory infectious diseases.
Dr Caitriona Murphy
Fiona Stanley Hospital

An Audit of The Diagnostic and Management Concordance of Pulmonary Lymphangioleiomyomatosis with American Thoracic Society (ATS)/Japanese Respiratory Society (JRS) Guidelines in a Tertiary Interstitial Lung Disease Respiratory Department



Caitriona is a junior doctor working with the Advanced Lung Disease Unit in Fiona Stanley Hospital. She graduated from Medicine in Trinity College Dublin, Ireland in 2020.
Miss Patricia Namubiru
Phd Student
QIMR - Berghofer

IL-33 induced neutrophilic inflammation and NETosis underlie rhinovirus-triggered exacerbations of asthma.



Patricia Namubiru, a second year PHD student at QIMR-Berghofer, studying under the guidance of As Prof. Simon Phipps in the Respiratory Immunology lab. Her work focuses on the contribution of neutrophils to the immunopathology of acute lower respiratory infections, asthma and bronchiectasis.
Dr Jessica Nash
PhD Candidate
Curtin University

The 2023 Landscape Survey of Lung Cancer Care in Australasia



Jessica is a Respiratory Physician at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, and a PhD candidate at Curtin University in Perth. Her PhD is focused on the identification of unwarranted variation in lung cancer care through the prospective collection of routine clinical data.
Dr Benjamin Nguyen
Staff Specialist
St Vincent's Hospital

Long-term mortality in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease requiring acute non-invasive ventilation with and without obstructive sleep apnoea



Dr Ben Nguyen is a Staff Specialist at St Vincent’s Hospital and a Visiting Medical Officer at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney. He also works as a clinician and researcher at the Woolcock Institute of Medical Research and is a Clinical Lecturer and PhD candidate at the University of Sydney.
Dr Phillip Nguyen
Respiratory Advanced Trainee
Westmead Hospital

Bronchial Anthracofibrosis: a rare complication of anthracosis



Phillip is a 2nd year Advanced Trainee at Westmead Hospital. His hobbies include hiking, soccer and photography.
Dr Kris Nilsen
Senior Associate

Fibrosis reduces ventilation and increases ventilation heterogeneity in ILD



Dr Nilsen is a Biomedical Engineer and Respiratory Physiologist. He is an expert in biological signal analysis and respiratory mechanics. He has specialised in developing new pulmonary function measures from functional imaging and the forced oscillation technique.
Dr James Nolan
Advanced Trainee
The Prince Charles Hospital

Long-term spirometry follow-up of Cystic Fibrosis patients after compassionate access Elexacaftor-tezacaftor-ivacaftor



Advanced Trainee respiratory and general medicine.
Dr Daniel Olesnicky
Advanced Trainee
Blacktown Hospital

The incidence of complications associated with the use of small-bore intercostal catheters in obese patients



1st year Respiratory Advanced Trainee
Dr Gerard Olive
Respiratory Physician
The Prince Charles Hospital

REBUTT (RCT of Comprehensive Tissue Sampling by rEBUS via Ultrathin Bronchoscopy versus CT-guided TTNA): protocol and first 9 cases



Dr Gerry Olive is a proud father of two beautiful children. In his spare time he is a Respiratory Physician and early career researcher undertaking a PhD in the lung nodule diagnostic pathway. He has a strong research interest in bronchoscopic approaches to peripheral lesions.
Dr David Owen-Conway
Medical Registrar
Cairns Hospital

De-isolation Practices for Inpatient Pulmonary Tuberculosis at Cairns Hospital



Dr David Owen-Conway is a second year Basic Physician Trainee at Cairns Hospital who is interested in gaining exposure to respiratory medicine particularly in Far North Queensland. He has been supported in this presentation by Dr James Brown, a Respiratory and Sleep Medicine consultant at Cairns Hospital.
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Ms Tanya Palmer
PhD Candidate and Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy Lecturer
Griffith University / CQUniversity

The examination of two tests measuring exertional dyspnea in COPD.



Ms Tanya Palmer is an academic and clinical physiotherapist with over 15 years’ experience working in acute care who is currently employed at Central Queensland University (CQU) and The Prince Charles Hospital. Ms Palmer leads the cardiorespiratory program at CQU and co-ordinates the clinical education program. Ms Palmer is currently completing her PhD at Griffith University examining the sensitivity of tests to measure exertional breathlessness in cardiopulmonary disease.
Dr Eugenie Pan
Respiratory Registrar
Peninsula Health

A re-examination of response rates to bronchial thermoplasty



Eugenie is a current General Medicine Advanced Trainee who will be beginning her Respiratory and Sleep Advanced Training in 2024. She is interested in all aspects of Respiratory Medicine including asthma, ILD and interventional pulmonology.
Dr Kate Parker
Research Manager
Te Whatu Ora Health

Te Oranga Pukahukahu: What implementation factors are important for developing a Māori led approach to lung cancer screening?



Kate Parker is the programme manager and co-investigator for Te Oranga Pukahukahu, the Lung Cancer Screening Research Programme, based in Auckland, New Zealand. With a PhD from University of Cardiff, she has a keen interest in research ethics and is a member of the NZ Health and Disability Ethics Committee.
Dr Amy Pascoe
Research Fellow
Monash University

Lack of participant diversity in COPD maintenance inhaler clinical trials



Amy is a Research Fellow with the Chronic Respiratory Disease Research Group at Monash University in Melbourne. In her current role she manages clinical trials targeting symptom relief and quality of life in chronic respiratory disease. Her research interests include health service delivery and healthcare inequity in chronic respiratory disease.
Mr Harry Patsamanis
Gm Consumer Programs and Partnerships
Lung Foundation Australia

Impact of peer support on consumers with chronic lung conditions.



Sahba Dehghani is the manager of the Peer Support program at Lung Foundation Australia. With a background in Physiotherapy and a special interest in community development she is currently focused on exploring the interplay between social action and primary health.
Dr Nicholas Peh
Principal Researcher
Fiona Stanley Hospital

Lung transplant outcomes were not negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in Western Australia



At the time of abstract submission, Nicholas Peh is a final year MD student at the university of Notre Dame Australia with an undergraduate in Biomedical Science from Monash University. His research background includes glioblastoma statistical analysis and work as part of Monash University’s Global Leadership and Advanced Research Program.
Ms Ara Perez
Respiratory Scientist
Royal Darwin Hospital

Sputum microbiology data among adult Aboriginal Australians with Bronchiectasis in the Top End Northern Territory Australia



Ara Perez is a dedicated respiratory scientist employed at RDH (Royal Darwin Hospital). With a background as a former Sleep Scientist at Darwin Respiratory Sleep Health, Ara has contributed significantly to the field through co-authoring several research papers. Her expertise lies in the intricate workings of respiratory and sleep health, making her a valuable asset in advancing scientific knowledge in this domain.
Ms Jennifer Phillips
Assistant Professor - Physiotherapy
Bond University

Concurrent validity and responsiveness of the Bronchiectasis Health Questionnaire



Jen Phillips has over 10 years of clinical experience in an inpatient hospital setting. She also works part time as an Assistant Professor of Physiotherapy at Bond University. She is currently completing a PhD investigating different airway clearance techniques for individuals during an exacerbation of bronchiectasis.
Ms Megan Poulsen
Alfred Health

Preferences regarding telehealth exercise interventions for adults with Cystic Fibrosis



Meg is an experienced respiratory physiotherapist working in the Cystic Fibrosis (CF) Service at Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, Victoria. She is currently completing her Master's by Research through Monash University and her project is related to the development of an online exercise program for adults with CF.
Dr Robert Qiu
Respiratory Advanced Trainee
Concord Repatriation General Hospital

Determinants and barriers to latent Tuberculosis treatment in Tertiary Centre



N/a - For poster presentation
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Mrs Senani Rathnayake Mudiyanselage
Phd Candidate
University of Technology Sydney

Cell-type specific regulation of human airway epithelial TSLP expression



Senani Rathnayake is a final year PhD candidate at the University of Technology Sydney and Woolcock Institute for Medical Research and an ERS short-term fellow at University Medical Center Groningen. Her expertise is in bioinformatics transcriptomic, methylomic and single-cell Transcriptomics data analysis and developing CRISPR-based cell-models related to respiratory research.
Dr Shriya Rattan
Paediatric Respiratory Advanced Training Registrar
Monash Health

Clinical features of children with cystic fibrosis screen positive indeterminate diagnosis [CFSPID] at Monash Children’s Hospital



Dr Shriya Rattan is a Paediatric Advanced Trainee undertaking specialty training in Respiratory Medicine at Monash Children's Hospital
Mr Jack Reeves
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital

Characteristics of post-COVID patients referred to pulmonary telerehabilitation



Mr Jack Reeves is a Physiotherapist at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and a PhD student at The University of Sydney. His research is currently exploring the effectiveness of post-COVID pulmonary telerehabilitation.
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Dr Andrew Reid
Post-doctoral Fellow
University of Newcastle

Airway cells from bronchiectasis patients demonstrate reduced mucociliary clearance in vitro



Dr Reid's expertise is in pre-clinical model design and development, targeting a range of respiratory diseases. Dr. Reid has currently developed a technique to target impaired mucociliary clearance in bronchiectasis using individual patient cells. Combining this model with current therapeutics can assess efficacy of current MCC-influencing drugs in these patients.
Mrs Nikki Reyne
PhD Candidate
Cystic Fibrosis Airway Research Group

Comparing lung ventilation using x-ray velocimetry across various mammals



Nikki completed a Bachelor of Animal Science at The University of Adelaide and spent 8 years working in animal laboratories. In 2018 Nikki joined Cystic Fibrosis Airway Research Group as a Research Assistant. Her role primarily involves overseeing the CF rat colony and assisting with rat procedures. In 2019, she undertook an honours with the team and then in 2021 commenced PhD in the field of CF airway gene therapy and lung imaging.
Mrs Nikki Reyne
PhD Candidate
Cystic Fibrosis Airway Research Group

X-ray Velocimetry detects peripheral lung ventilation defects in βENaC mice



Nikki completed a Bachelor of Animal Science at The University of Adelaide and spent 8 years working in animal laboratories. In 2018 Nikki joined Cystic Fibrosis Airway Research Group as a Research Assistant. Her role primarily involves overseeing the CF rat colony and assisting with rat procedures. In 2019, she undertook an honours with the team and then in 2021 commenced PhD in the field of CF airway gene therapy and lung imaging.
Ms Mary Roberts
Clinical Nurse Consultant
Westmead Hospital

Patients with chronic respiratory disease perceptions and use of mHealth



Mary is the CNC for Respiratory Ambulatory Care in Western Sydney Local Health District caring for patients with COPD and ILD. . Mary is an active member of the TSANZ and LFA and has and has a strong interest in clinical research in COPD, ILD, palliative care and pulmonary rehabilitation.
Dr Jayne Roberts
Respiratory Registrar
Alfred Health

Malignant pleural effusion management: An audit of current practice



Jayne Roberts completed her advanced training in respiratory medicine in 2023 and is a current sleep fellow at Monash Health
Miss Kubra Sacan
Physiotherapy Student (honours)
University of Sydney

Patterns and correlates of light intensity physical activity in COPD



Kubra Sacan is a final year Physiotherapy Honours student and is highly interested in the respiratory field. She is investigating the patterns of light intensity physical activity in COPD. Alongside receiving the highest mark for her research proposal, she's excited to see how this field may assist people with COPD.
Dr Gabriella Sachs
Respiratory Advanced Trainee
Gold Coast University Hospital

FDG-PET in evaluation of malignant ground glass pulmonary nodules



Gabriella Sachs is a first year respiratory advanced trainee at the Gold Coast University Hospital, Queensland
Prof Bandana Saini
Professor, Pharmacy Practice
University of Sydney

Short-acting beta-agonist overuse is risky, but how do users with asthma perceive and respond to this risk?



Professor Saini is a sleep and respiratory health services researcher and implementation scientist with significant experience in health service trials. She has successfully explored and helped establish the role of Australian pharmacists in chronic conditions such as asthma, COPD, insomnia or sleep apnea.
Dr Anthony Saponara
Queensland Health

High mortality despite adequate treatment: Pulmonary embolism in a regional Queensland Hospital



Anthony Saponara is a registrar at the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital with research interests in pulmonary vascular disease and obstructive lung disease.
Dr Athiththa Satchithanandha
Advanced Trainee
Gosford Hospital

The Pneumonia Severity Index is useful in predicting mortality and complications of community acquired pneumonia.



Dr Athiththa Satchithanandha is a Basic Physician Trainee currently working at Westmead Hospital, with an interest in Respiratory Medicine going forward.
Prof Hiran Selvadurai
Paediatric Respiratory Physician
The Children's Hospital at Westmead

Long-term safety and efficacy of elexacaftor/tezacaftor/ivacaftor (ELX/TEZ/IVA) in people with cystic fibrosis (CF) and at least one F508del allele: an open-label, 192-week extension study



Professor Selvadurai trained at Royal Prince Alfred and Royal Alexandra Hospital for Children. His PhD (USyd) was on exercise physiology in children with lung disease. He worked as a staff specialist at the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto and was Director of Cystic Fibrosis before returning to Sydney.
Dr Ruth Semprini
Respiratory And General Medical Physician
Capital, Coast and Hutt Valley District Health Board

Using Trikafta in adult liver transplant recipients and CFLD



Ruth currently works at Hutt Hospital as a respiratory and general internal medical physician. She has an interest in airways disease, having completed a PhD in asthma biomarkers, as well as pleural disease.
Dr Eskandarain Shafuddin
Respiratory Physician
Waikato Hospital

Characteristics and Disease Course of Sarcoidosis Patients in Waikato Hospital



Rain Shafuddin is a Respiratory Physician at Waikato Hospital, Hamilton, New Zealand. He has a PhD in cardiac dysfunction during COPD exacerbation. He has a special interest in sarcoidosis.
Dr Esther Sim
Respiratory Advanced Trainee
Peninsula Health

Use of FEV1% predicted to guide further testing for lung volume reduction



Dr Esther Sim is a first year Respiratory Advanced Trainee currently working at Peninsula Health in Frankston.
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Prof Dave Singh
Professor of Clinical Pharmacology and Respiratory Medicine
University of Manchester

Oscillometry complements spirometry in detecting reversible asthmatic airways obstruction (ATLANTIS)



Professor of Clinical Pharmacology & Respiratory Medicine at the University of Manchester. His research interest is the development of new drugs for asthma and COPD, acting as PI in >400 clinical trials. He is a member of the GOLD committee, and fellow of ERS and BPS with >400 publications.
Dr Sarteg Singh
Cairns Base Hospital

Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: Diagnosis and Management in a Regional Centre



Vlad is a both medical registrars and basic physician trainees at the Cairns Hospital with a keen interest for cardiopulmonary medicine.
Dr Hanson Siu
Respiratory Registrar
Monash Lung Sleep Allergy & Immunology

Variability in bronchoscopy for immunocompromised patients



Dr Hanson Siu is a Respiratory Registrar at Monash Lung, Sleep, Allergy and Immunology in Victoria, Australia. He has a special interest in respiratory infections including work in COVID and COPD. Hanson hopes to branch into further passions in chronic lung disease during his training years.
Dr Tracy Smith
Staff Specialist
Westmead Hospital

A multidisciplinary, non-pharmacologic intervention reduces breathlessness unpleasantness in people with moderately severe/severe COPD compared with waitlist controls. An RCT.



Dr Smith is a Respiratory Physician at Westmead Hospital. She has additional training in Palliative care and completed her PhD in the nexus between these 2 disciplines. Her clinical and research interests include the management of symptoms in patients with non malignant respiratory disease
Miss Michaela Smith
Phd Student
University of Technology Sydney

Lunar Dust Induces Minimal Pulmonary Toxicity Compared to Earth Dust



Michaela Smith is a first year PhD student. She has investigated the toxicity of lunar dust simulants on lung epithelial cells. Her PhD will research the impacts of microgravity on the function of the respiratory system at a cellular and molecular level.
Dr Brooke Smith
Advanced Trainee General Medicine
Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital

“5 Years of ILD-MDTs at an Australian Tertiary Specialist Centre”



Dr. Brooke Smith is an Advanced Trainee in Adult Acute and General Medicine at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Western Australia.
Dr Michelle Stubbs
University of Newcastle

Reducing psychological symptoms in severe asthma: desired model of care



Michelle is a registered nurse who completed her PhD in 2022, researching symptoms of anxiety/depression in people with severe asthma. Michelle is the current Program Convenor for the Bachelor of Nursing at the University of Newcastle and part of the Centre of Research Excellence in Asthma Treatable Traits (CREATT).
Dr Justin Tan
Thoracic Fellow
The Prince Charles Hospital

3d Slicer Application for measuring metastatic burden in lung cancer



Dr Justin is a 3rd year respiratory fellow from Malaysia with special interest in pulmonary malignancy. He will be attaching to TPCH for 1 year in pursue with respiratory training and research.
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Dr Alan Teoh
Respiratory Physician
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital

Diagnosis And Initial Decision-Making Process In The Management Of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: Analysis from the Australian Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Registry



Dr Alan Teoh is a respiratory physician at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney. He is a clinical research fellow of the Australian IPF Registry and Australasian ILD Registry. He is a fellow at the NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Pulmonary Fibrosis. He is currently completing his PhD at the University of Sydney.
Maureen Tham
Associate Head Of Medical Affairs
Chiesi Australia

High-strength BDP/FF/G before biologics is effective in asthmatics (PAL; high eosinophils)



Marielle van der Deijl works at the Global Medical Affairs department of Chiesi Farmaceutici S.p.A. as the Medical Lead Asthma. She has almost 10 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry and a background in health sciences.
Dr Belinda Thomas
Postdoctoral Scientist
Hudson Institute of Medical Research

Ex vivo viral infection of mouse precision cut lung slices



Dr Belinda Thomas is a senior postdoctoral researcher with interested in viral lung infections in chronic disease and the evaluation of treatment strategies.
Dr Gabriella Tikellis
Research Fellow
Alfred Health / Monash University

Navigating the COVID-19 pandemic: Experiences and self-management approaches adopted by people with interstitial lung disease



Gabriella Tikellis is a Research Fellow with an interest in promoting the effective transfer of research outcomes into health policy and/or clinical practice. She is currently working as part of a NHMRC CRE in ILD and is coordinating several silicosis studies. Gabriella led the research setting priorities exercise for pulmonary fibrosis and is involved in the LFA priorities setting work for silicosis.
Dr Sophie Timmins
Respiratory Physician - Net Zero Clinical Lead
Royal North Shore Hospital

A pilot study of respiratory inhaler recycling



Dr Sophie Timmins and Dr Katrina Tonga are both Respiratory and Sleep Medicine Physicians at tertiary hospitals in Sydney, NSW. Mellissa Batger is a Senior Clinical Pharmacist at Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney. All three are Net Zero Clinical Leads at Northern Sydney Local Health District.
Ms Samaneh Toukhanbeigli
Phd Student
University of Technology Sydney

The effect of extracellular matrix produced from epithelial cells as a model of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis



Samaneh, a dedicated PhD student at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), conducts research in the field of lung diseases under the esteemed supervision of Distinguished Professor Brian Oliver. Her academic background in cellular and molecular biology equips her with a strong foundation for her work in this area. Prior to her current research focus, Samaneh served as a lab manager and research assistant, making significant contributions to the field of gastrointestinal and liver diseases. Her dedication to research is underscored by her impressive track record, boasting over 20 publications since 2016.
Dr Ish Trivedi
Medical Registrar
Sutherland Hospital

May-Thurner-Syndrome as an uncommon cause of Thromboembolism: A case report



Dr Ish Trivedi is a Basic Physician Trainee and Medical Registrar based at St George and Sutherland Hospitals, Sydney. He has a strong passion for Respiratory Medicine and its various pathologies. His love for all things Respiratory began with his previous degree of Masters in Physiotherapy.
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Assoc Prof Lauren Troy
Senior Staff Specialist
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital

Lung function trajectory and symptom burden following COVID-19 infection



Lauren Troy is a junior medical officer working at Concord Hospital. Throughout the course of this research, she worked closely with the Department of Respiratory Medicine, Concord Hospital.
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Assoc Prof Lauren Troy
Senior Staff Specialist
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital

Health outcomes in hospitalised versus non-hospitalised patients following COVID-19 infection



Wanting Jia is a third-year medical student at Central Clinical School, Sydney Medical School, University of Sydney. She has worked with the Post-COVID Respiratory Clinic team at RPAH through the course of her MD project.
Miss Hoang Andra Tsang
Phd Student
University of Technology Sydney

Combined stone dust and cigarette smoke responses in co-culture models.



Hoang Andra Tsang is a 3rd year PhD student at the University of Technology Sydney. Andra is currently looking at he effect of stone dust and concurrent cigarette smoking on lung disease.
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Dr Evelyn Tsantikos
Monash University

Dysregulated lymphatic vasculature accompanies impaired lung development in bronchopulmonary dysplasia



Dr Tsantikos is an immunologist with a long-standing interest in chronic inflammatory lung disease. Her recent work in models of neonatal lung disease are centred on identifying pathogenic mechanisms of bronchopulmonary dysplasia, and how these can be targeted to improve outcomes for premature infants at risk of bronchopulmonary dysplasia.
Dr Reditta Tumali
Respiratory Advance Trainee
Northern Health

A Rare Chest Computed Tomography Finding of Melioidosis



Reditta is a Australian trained, Indonesian born junior doctor with a strong interest in Respiratory Medicine.
Dr William Upjohn
Monash University

The Impact of COVID-19 on the Lung Function Trajectory of Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A preliminary feasibility study



William Upjohn is a final year medical student studying at Monash University, and intends to graduate in 2023. He will complete his internship at Bendigo Health in 2024.
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Miss Paola Urroz Guerrero
Phd Student
University of Newcastle

Physical capacity and inactivity in obstructive airway diseases



Paola holds an undergraduate degree in sport and exercise science and is currently completing her PhD within the CRE of treatable traits. She is focused on understanding and improving movement behaviours in people with airway disease.
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Miss Paola Urroz Guerrero
Phd Student
University of Newcastle

Safety of the 6-Minute Walk Test in Severe Asthma



Paola holds an undergraduate degree in sport and exercise science and is currently completing her PhD within the CRE for treatable traits. She is focused on understanding and optimising movement behaviours in people with airway disease.
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Miss Paola Urroz Guerrero
Phd Student
University of Newcastle

Sedentary behaviour: perspectives of people with severe asthma



Paola holds an undergraduate degree in sport and exercise science and is currently completing her PhD within the CRE for treatable traits. She is focused on understanding and optimising movement behaviours in people with airway disease.
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Mrs Caitlin Vicary
Senior Physiotherapist
Fiona Stanley Hospital

Changes in 6MWD in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension over a 24-month period



Caitlin Vicary is a Senior Physiotherapist at Fiona Stanley Hospital, Perth Western Australia. She works with the Advanced Lung Disease unit and delivers pulmonary rehabilitation programs. Caitlin is co- chair of the WA Pulmonary Rehabilitation Network. She has worked in cardiorespiratory physiotherapy in Perth and Internationally for the last 16 years.
Dr Josephine Walker
Nepean Hospital

Malignant pleural effusions: gestalt, yield and outcome



Dr Walker is a PGY2 from Nepean Hospital about to formally start her BPT training.
Dr James Walsh
Physiotherapist - Clinical Consultant
The Prince Charles Hospital

Telerehabilitation is effective in delivering exercise rehabilitation to lung transplant candidates



Doctor James Walsh is a Physiotherapist – Clinical Consultant at the Prince Charles Hospital, Brisbane working as a clinician within the Queensland Lung Transplant Service. He currently holds an adjunct Senior Lecturer position at the School of Allied Health Sciences, Griffith University.
Dr Ian Wang
Respiratory/Sleep Registrar
St Vincent's Hospital

New ERS/ATS guidelines for restriction and DLCO applied to Australian Scleroderma patient cohort



Dr Ian Wang is a current Respiratory/Sleep Advanced Trainee who completed his Basic Physician Training at St Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne. His Advanced Training has thus far been at Eastern Health and St Vincent's Hospital, and his final year of training will be completed at Western Health.
Dr Jack Watson
Medical Registrar
Royal Melbourne Hospital

Analysis of systematic endoscopic lymph node sampling in non small cell lung cancer patients from the SEISMIC study



Jack Watson is an Advanced Trainee in General Medicine at the Royal Melbourne Hospital with an interest in Respiratory and Sleep Medicine.
Dr Jack Watson
Medical Registrar
Royal Melbourne Hospital

Report of radiation dosimetry using a novel externally cooled Bronchoscopic Radiofrequency Ablation Catheter



Jack Watson is an Advanced Trainee in General and Acute Care Medicine at the Royal Melbourne Hospital with an interest in Respiratory and Sleep Medicine
Ms Kirsty Watson
Phd Candidate
University of Sydney / Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service

Traits, treatments and measurements in bronchiectasis- a scoping review



Kirsty is a PhD candidate at the University of Sydney, and Advanced Allied Health Practitioner in the Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service, Rockhampton. Kirsty has 24 years clinical experience in respiratory care, and is investigating the health outcomes and acceptability of a treatable traits approach in adults with bronchiectasis.
Dr Alison Watters
Project Manager
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare

Strengthening national COPD monitoring using linked health services data



Alison Watters is a senior project manager at the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. During the last decade, she has gained experience working in the child, youth health, child protection and chronic conditions portfolios. Currently, Alison is responsible for monitoring chronic respiratory conditions (asthma and COPD) using indicator reporting and data linkage for populations of interest.
Dr Christopher Watters
Queensland Health

Increasing diagnostic yield of thrombophilia testing in venous thromboembolism



Christopher is a third year basic physician trainee at the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital and aspiring respiratory trainee. He has a keen interest in pulmonary thromboembolic disease as well as evidenced based medicine and hopes to use his research to guide more accurate thrombophilia testing in Queensland Hospitals.
Ms Jasmin Whillas
Alfred Health

Interventions to increase exercise capacity in chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension



Jasmin Whillas is a senior respiratory physiotherapist at Alfred Health in Melbourne. She has over 10 years of experience in managing people with chronic lung disease and she has a keen interest in exercise rehabilitation interventions.
Dr Cameron White
Advanced Trainee
St Vincent's Hospital

Acute tacrolimus toxicity due to Paxlovid successfully managed with phenytoin



Dr Cameron White is a Respiratory Advanced Trainee currently working at St Vincent's Hospital in Sydney.
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Dr Evan Williams
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
University of Newcastle

Saturated Fatty Acids Reduce Interferon-Lambda Response of Airway Epithelial Cells to Influenza A Virus



Dr Evan Williams is an early career nutritional biochemistry and immunology researcher within the Nutrition team of the Priority Research Centre for Healthy Lungs at the University of Newcastle and Hunter Medical Research Institute. Dr Williams is working in the areas of nutrition, respiratory diseases, obesity and inflammation.
Dr Simon Wilson
Advanced Trainee, General Medicine
Canberra Health Services

3D Reconstruction and dynamic shape analysis of the large airways from bronchoscopy



Having completed basic physician training in 2023, Dr Simon Wilson has resumed his research into the application of computer vision, machine learning and artificial intelligence to the understanding and measurement of structural large airways disease.
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Dr Matthew Wong
Paediatric Respiratory and Sleep Physician
Queensland Children's Hospital

Defining a bronchodilator response using intra-breath oscillometry in healthy preschoolers.



Matthew Wong is a paediatric respiratory and sleep physician at the Queensland Children's Hospital. He is completing a PhD through the University of Queensland exploring the clinical utility of intra-breath oscillometry in preschool airway disease.
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Dr Matthew Wong
Paediatric Respiratory and Sleep Physician
Queensland Children's Hospital

Assessment of a bronchodilator response in preschoolers: a systematic review



Matthew Wong is a paediatric respiratory and sleep physician at the Queensland Children's Hospital. He is completing a PhD through the University of Queensland exploring the clinical utility of intra-breath oscillometry in preschool airway disease.
Dr Sally Wootton
Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist
Northern Sydney Local Health District

A retrospective analysis comparing home-based tele-rehabilitation and centre-based pulmonary rehabilitation



Dr Wootton is a Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist in the Northern Sydney Local Health District and a Senior Clinical Lecturer in the Faculty of Medicine and Health at the University of Sydney. Sally has specialised in the area of pulmonary rehabilitation as a clinician, educator and researcher since 2004.
Dr Sally Wootton
Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist
Northern Sydney Local Health District

Pulmonary rehabilitation is feasible and improves exercise capacity following COVID-19



Dr Wootton is a Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist in the Northern Sydney Local Health District and a Senior Clinical Lecturer in the Faculty of Medicine and Health at the University of Sydney. Sally has specialised in the area of pulmonary rehabilitation as a clinician, educator and researcher since 2004.
Dr Peter Xie
Advanced Trainee
Western Sydney Local Health District

Virtual Lung Cancer MDT meeting in a peripheral hospital, improving efficiencies



Peter Xie is an Advanced trainee at Blacktown Hospital
Dr Ayaho Yamamoto
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
University of Queensland

Mechanisms by which environmentally persistent free radicals induce oxidative stress



Ayaho is an early career researcher in the field of Biomedical Science. Her research focuses on understanding the mechanistic links between environmental exposures and adverse respiratory outcomes. Investigate on early intervention strategies with dietary antioxidants to improve respiratory health and reduce the risk of long-term chronic diseases.
Dr Grace Yap
General Medicine Advanced Trainee
Latrobe Regional Hospital

Variability in Malignant Pleural Effusion Management in a Regional Centre



Dr Grace Yap is a general medicine advanced trainee at Latrobe Regional Hospital, she completed her basic physician training at Monash Health and intends to complete dual training in general medicine and respiratory.
Dr Grace Yap
General Medicine Advanced Trainee
Latrobe Regional Hospital

A case of pulmonary artery sarcoma



Dr Grace Yap is a general medicine advanced trainee at Latrobe Regional Hospital, she completed her basic physician training at Monash Health and intends to complete dual training in general medicine and respiratory.
Ms Jingwen Zhang
Research Fellow
University of Melbourne

Differential air pollutant-related associations with dry and productive cough in middle-aged adults



Jingwen Zhang is a newly graduate PhD student from the University of Melbourne, focusing the epidemiology of adult chronic cough. She is also a research fellow, participating in multiple population-based respiratory cohort studies.