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Track 4
Saturday, March 23, 2024
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Meeting Room 5


COPD-OSA Overlap Syndrome and Hyperventilation during sleep in lung diseases.


Dr Lai-Ying Zhang
Respiratory Physician
The Prince Charles Hospital

Cellular Genomics Reveals Insight into Mechanisms of Human Pulmonary Fibrosis

3:30 PM - 3:45 PM



Lai-Ying is a Respiratory Physician at The Prince Charles Hospital with clinical and research interests in interstitial lung disease, especially idiopathic and familial pulmonary fibrosis. She is currently undertaking a PhD investigating the transcriptional profiles of immune cells in pulmonary fibrosis at the University of Queensland.
Dr Habtamu Derseh
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
Federation University

Biodistribution of inhaled AD-214 in a sheep model of lung fibrosis – a proof of concept study

3:45 PM - 4:00 PM



Dr Habtamu Derseh is currently a postdoctoral research fellow at Federation University Australia. His research involves identifying and testing new therapeutic targets for human lung diseases using a sheep model. Dr Derseh completed his PhD at the University of Melbourne studying microvascular changes in experimental pulmonary fibrosis.
Dr Samantha Kung
Respiratory Advanced Trainee
Cairns Hospital

The Cairns experience of thrombolysis for acute pulmonary embolism

4:00 PM - 4:15 PM



Dr Samantha Kung is a second year Respiratory Advanced Trainee, currently working at the Cairns Hospital. She is very thankful for all of the support and guidance from her seniors and mentors with regards to research.
Mr William Studley
Monash University

FPR agonist Cmpd17b induces dilation and opposes constriction of pulmonary arteries ex vivo in a preclinical model of pulmonary hypertension

4:15 PM - 4:30 PM



William Studley is a 2nd year PhD candidate at Monash University under the supervision of A/Prof Jane Bourke and Dr Cheng Xue (Helena) Qin. His research focuses on targeting pro-resolving formyl-peptide receptors (FPRs) as dual action vasodilator and anti-remodelling therapies for pulmonary hypertension, using a novel precision-cut lung slice technique.
Dr Vanessa Wong
Advanced Trainee
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital

Pulmonary Hypertension Screening In Scleroderma Patients

4:30 PM - 4:45 PM



Vanessa is a final year advanced trainee at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital with an interest in pulmonary vascular medicine and medical education. A/Prof Edmund Lau is the respiratory lead for RPA's multidisciplinary pulmonary hypertension service and sits as the deputy convenor for the TSANZ OLIV SIG.
Dr Lai-Ying Zhang
Respiratory Physician
The Prince Charles Hospital

Lung Transplantation for Short-Telomere Interstitial Lung Disease: Outcomes from Australia

4:45 PM - 5:00 PM



Lai-Ying is a Respiratory Physician at The Prince Charles Hospital with clinical and research interests in interstitial lung disease, especially idiopathic and familial pulmonary fibrosis. She is currently undertaking a PhD investigating the transcriptional profiles of immune cells in pulmonary fibrosis at the University of Queensland.
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Assoc Prof Edmund Lau
Staff Specialist
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital


3:30 PM - 5:00 PM


Edmund Lau is an respiratory physician working at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney and Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Sydney. He is the lead Respiratory Physician of the Pulmonary Hypertension Service at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital. He is the Medical Director of the Australian and New Zealand Pulmonary Hypertension Registry.
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Dr Claire Thomson
Staff Specialist Respiratory And Lung Transplantation
St Vincent's Hospital


3:30 PM - 5:00 PM

