TSANZ SIG Orals: Paediatric
Track 6
Sunday, March 24, 2024 |
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM |
Theatrette 1 |
Assoc Prof Adam Collison
A/Prof Paediatrics And Child Health
1Asthma and Breathing Program / Hunter Medical Research Institute / University of Newcastle
Cord blood granulocyte levels are associated with severe bronchiolitis in the first year of life
1:00 PM - 1:15 PMBiography
Adam is a member of the Asthma and Breathing Program at HMRI with a particular interest in the epigenetic regulation of inflammation, asthma exacerbations and how these are influenced by environmental exposures and increase risk for future respiratory diseases such as Bronchiolitis and Childhood Asthma.
Miss Samantha Crute
Perth Childrens Hospital
Young children with cystic fibrosis and tracheobronchomalacia have longer and more frequent hospital admissions
1:15 PM - 1:30 PMBiography
Samantha Crute is a Physiotherapist at Perth Children’s Hospital, WA with experience working in adult and paediatric tertiary hospitals. Sam’s interests are in respiratory physiotherapy, paediatrics, and public health. She has combined these interests in quality improvement and research projects and is currently completing a postgraduate Master of Public Health.
Ms Annice Fulvia
University of New South Wales
Evaluating the Impact of Pectus Excavatum Deformity on Respiratory Function in Children and Adolescents
1:30 PM - 1:45 PMBiography
Annice Fulvia is a 4th-year medical student at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), with an interest in respiratory paediatric medicine. She is involved in research projects with the respiratory team at Sydney Children's Hospital. Her main supervisor is Dr. Sandra Chuang, a paediatric respiratory specialist.
Dr James Gibbons
Respiratory And Sleep Fellow
Perth Children's Hospital
Lung volumes, gas transfer, and oscillometry following preterm birth
1:45 PM - 2:00 PMBiography
Dr James Gibbons is a Fellow in Respiratory and Sleep Medicine working at Perth Children's Hospital. He has a particular interest in preterm birth, and is currently undertaking a PhD investigating the long-term impact preterm birth has on lung function.
Dr Gloria Lau
PhD candidate and Paediatric Respiratory Advanced Trainee
Wal-Yan Respiratory Research Centre
Culturally-informed strategies for chronic wet cough in multiple Indigenous communities
2:00 PM - 2:15 PMBiography
Dr Gloria Lau is a paediatric respiratory advanced trainee and PhD student based at Perth Children’s Hospital, Telethon Kids Institute and University of Western Australia. Her PhD is focused on improving clinical outcomes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children with chronic wet cough.
Dr Matthew Wong
Paediatric Respiratory and Sleep Physician
Queensland Children's Hospital
Intra-breath oscillometry impedance trajectories differ with wheeze status in preschoolers.
2:15 PM - 2:30 PMBiography
Matthew Wong is a paediatric respiratory and sleep physician at the Queensland Children's Hospital. He is completing a PhD through the University of Queensland exploring the clinical utility of intra-breath oscillometry in preschool airway disease.
Dr Sandra Chuang
Respiratory Consultant
Sydney Children's Hospital
1:00 PM - 2:30 PMBiography
Dr Ryan Mackle
Respiratory Advanced Trainee
Sydney Children's Hospital