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TSANZ SIG Orals: Physiotherapy

Track 6
Monday, March 25, 2024
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Theatrette 1


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Dr Leona Dowman
Research Fellow
Monash University

Survival benefit of pulmonary rehabilitation in interstitial lung disease

8:30 AM - 8:45 AM



Dr Leona Dowman is a senior exercise physiologist in the pulmonary rehabilitation program at Austin Health in Melbourne. She has extensive experience in both research and clinical care for people with interstitial lung disease (ILD), specifically in pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) and the management of oxygen requirements during exercise
Dr Mariana Hoffman
Research Fellow
Monash University

What are the important components of physical activity for people with chronic lung disease?

8:45 AM - 9:00 AM



Mariana is a physiotherapist and a Research Fellow at Monash University. Her research focuses on non-pharmacological treatments for pulmonary fibrosis. She is the clinical trial manager for the PFOX trial - a multicentre randomized controlled trial evaluating the efficacy of ambulatory oxygen in people with fibrotic interstitial lung disease and exertional desaturation.
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Assoc Prof Annemarie Lee
Associate Professor
Monash University

Strong Lungs: a website for First Nations with bronchiectasis

9:00 AM - 9:15 AM



Annemarie Lee is an Associate Professor at Monash University. Her current research areas include physiotherapy for bronchiectasis, in airway clearance therapy and exercise, and the clinical impact of comorbidities.
Ms Emma Marshall
Honorary Research Assistant
Institute of Breathing and Sleep

Comparison of Different Oximetry Devices during Six-Minute Walk Tests

9:15 AM - 9:30 AM



Emma Marshall is an honorary research assistant for the institute of breathing and sleep, Austin Health, being involved in multiple research projects. As an undergraduate health science student, Emma has an ongoing interest in respiratory and sleep research and is enthusiastic about improving lung health and patient care.
Ms Hannah Rutherford
Post Graduate Student
Sydney School of Health Sciences / University of Sydney

User experiences of pulmonary rehabilitation: home-based with mHealth or centre-based.

9:30 AM - 9:45 AM



Hannah Rutherford has a background in respiratory physiotherapy and pulmonary rehabilitation. She is currently a postgraduate research student with the School of Health Sciences at the University of Sydney and a Virtual Health Clinical Change Manager at South Eastern Sydney Local Health District.
Dr James Walsh
Physiotherapist - Clinical Consultant
The Prince Charles Hospital

Lung transplant candidates’ quadriceps strength can decouple from other markers of disease progression with targeted exercise training

9:45 AM - 10:00 AM



Doctor James Walsh is a Physiotherapist – Clinical Consultant at the Prince Charles Hospital, Brisbane working as a clinician within the Queensland Lung Transplant Service. He currently holds an adjunct Senior Lecturer position at the School of Allied Health Sciences, Griffith University.
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Dr Eliso Alves Pereira Neto
Lecturer In Physiotherapy (Acute Care)
University of South Australia


8:30 AM - 10:00 AM


Elisio is a physiotherapist and lecturer in physiotherapy at University of South Australia. Dr Elisio is an early career researcher with experience in blood restricted exercise training for people living with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.
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Ms Tanya Palmer
PhD Candidate and Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy Lecturer
Griffith University / CQUniversity


8:30 AM - 10:00 AM


Ms Tanya Palmer is an academic and clinical physiotherapist with over 15 years’ experience working in acute care who is currently employed at Central Queensland University (CQU) and The Prince Charles Hospital. Ms Palmer leads the cardiorespiratory program at CQU and co-ordinates the clinical education program. Ms Palmer is currently completing her PhD at Griffith University examining the sensitivity of tests to measure exertional breathlessness in cardiopulmonary disease.