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GSK Industry Innovator - Small airway response to single inhaler triple therapy in asthma

Monday, March 24, 2025
12:35 PM - 12:55 PM
Theatrette 2
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Small airway dysfunction is a key component of asthma pathophysiology leading to increased airway resistance, ventilation inhomogeneities and airflow limitation with subsequent impact on asthma control. Please join us in this session with our guest speaker from Canada, Prof Grace Parraga, to learn about improvements in ventilation using 129 Xe MRI imaging biomarkers and oscillometry in patients with asthma after treatment with single-inhaler triple therapy.


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Prof Gregory King
Staff Specialist
Royal North Shore Hospital

Small airway response to single inhaler triple therapy in asthma

12:35 PM - 12:55 PM


Is a respiratory physician at the Royal north Shore Hospital, The Woolcock Institute of Medical Research and Northern Clinical School, University of Sydney. He has a research and clinical practice interest and focus in asthma, COPD, and bronchiolitis in haemopoietic stem cell transplant
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Grace Parraga
Western University

Small airway response to single inhaler triple therapy in asthma


Is a Professor of Medicine and Medical Biophysics at Western University, London Canada as well as Scientist and Director of the Advanced Pulmonary Imaging Laboratories, at Roberts Research Institute. She trained at the University of Washington, Seattle WA and University of Basel, Switzerland, and later joined F Hoffman La Roche as a Scientist, Pharmaceutical Research and Development. She was recruited to Western University in 2004 to spearhead the development of a clinical imaging research program in COPD and asthma. Dr Parraga is a member of the Fleischner Society, a fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences, holds a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair and in 2025 was honoured with the Canadian Thoracic Society Distinguished Lectureship Award and the King Charles III Coronation Medal. Her research is focused on developing new clinical imaging tools and measurements of chronic lung disease. She assembled a highly productive research team which has been successful in attracting peer-reviewed and pharmaceutical company grant support for over 20 years. Dr Parraga’s outstanding trainees have also developed a network of research centres of excellence across Canada. She has lectured and published extensively, contributing over 280 peer-reviewed publications to date; her lab is internationally recognized for scientific excellence and training in respiratory research.