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TSANZ Symposium: Health challenges in the era of climate change: Evidence and response

TSANZ Symposia
Sunday, March 23, 2025
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Hall A


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Dr Kazi Rahman
Associate Professor of Healthcare Innovations
Bond University

The adverse health impact of flooding and natural disasters in the era of climate change

10:30 AM - 10:50 AM


Being a medical doctor (MBBS, Dhaka Medical College, University of Dhaka) with post-graduate qualifications in epidemiology (MS Epidemiology, Harvard School of Public Health, Harvard University) and population health (PhD, National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, The Australian National University), Dr Kazi Rahman has more than two decades of experience working for the health of the people in various settings through research, teaching and programs. Kazi focuses on the applied aspects of knowledge, the implementation of evidence-based interventions in real-life settings, translating the research findings into practice. Kazi has extensive experience working on infectious diseases, spanning from their discovery to delivery science. He also works on environmental determinants of health, especially climate change and extreme weather events. Kazi values the interface between human, animal and the ecosystem, and endeavours to find solutions for the health problems utilizing that space with One Health approach. Started as a quantitative researcher, Kazi is gradually moving more towards the social determinants of health and investigating them through mixed methods research and using implementation science. Kazi has extensive experience in evidence summarization and synthesis and finding research gaps using various forms of reviews.
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Prof Peng Bi
Professor Of Public Health And Environmental Medicine
University of Adelaide

The adverse health impact of extreme heat and heatwaves

10:50 AM - 11:10 AM


Professor Peng Bi is Director of Public Health and Environmental Medicine in the School of Public Health at the University of Adelaide, Australia. His team’s studies about health risk assessment, early warning and burden of disease due to climate change have provided original contributions with seminal papers and needed evidence for policy development and industry/community resilience. He has translated their scientific findings into public health policy and practice. For example, his team has developed and implemented a heat and health warning system (HHWS) in South Australia in 2010, which has now been adopted and utilised nationally by Emergency Management Australia. His research findings about the impact of heatwaves on work health and safety (WHS) has been adopted by Safe Work Australia as a national heat and WHS policy. He has published many papers in the most prestigious journals such as BMJ, New England Journal of Medicine, Lancet and JAMA. His team has received many awards in the past decade. He was elected as a Fellow of The Academy of The Social Sciences in Australia in 2022. He has served as Assessment Panel Member for the Germany Science Foundation, Australian Research Council, National Health and Medical Research Council, and New Zealand Health Research Council.
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Prof Fay Johnston
Public Health Physician
Menzies Institute for Medical Research, University of Tasmania

The adverse health impact of bushfire in the era of climate change

11:10 AM - 11:30 AM


Prof Johnston is a public health physician and environmental epidemiologist specialising in air quality hazards including air pollution and airborne allergens. She leads the environmental health research group at the Menzies Institute for Medical Research at the University of Tasmania, and is the lead investigator of the Centre for Safe Air, a NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence. Prof Johnston is a recognised global leader in fire research, health impacts of outdoor smoke, public health communication and interventions for mitigating harm.
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Mr Anthony Flynn
Director Knowledge Management And Translation
Asthma Australia

The role of consumer peak bodies in the preparedness and response to extreme weather events

11:30 AM - 11:50 AM


Director – Health Knowledge and Translation, Anthony is the Director of Health Knowledge and Translation at Asthma Australia. In this role he oversees Asthma Australia’s research program, strategic evaluation plans and supervises the quality development of consumer information and education resources. Anthony has a Masters Degree in Social Sciences and is a registered nurse who specialised in critical care nursing. He is responsible for connecting the need of the person with asthma with strategic research and evaluation decisions and the translation of these into consumer benefit.
Mr Dinh Bui
Senior Research Fellow
University of Melbourne



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Assoc Prof Philip Masel
Thoracic Physician
The Prince Charles Hospital


