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Postgraduate Workshop: Pulmonary embolism - exPERT opinions from diagnosis to management and beyond (Pt 1)

TSANZ Half Day Workshops
Friday, March 21, 2025
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM


Dr Luke Baker
Senior Staff Specialist Interventional Radiologist
Westmead Hospital

What constitutes risk in acute pulmonary embolism? (with Paul Geentry)

10:00 AM - 10:25 AM


Dr Luke Baker graduated from the University of Sydney and completed his specialist training at Westmead Public Hospital and the University Hospital of Alabama in Birmingham. He is subspecialty trained in Body Imaging and Interventional Radiology. Dr Baker is a fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists and The Australian College of Phlebologists. He is also accredited by the European Board of Interventional Radiology (EBIR) and the RANZCR Conjoint Committee for The Recognition of Training in Peripheral Endovascular Therapy. He was a cofounder of the Westmead PERT team for acute management of PE and DVT. He also cofounded the Western Sydney Percutaneous Dialysis Service at Westmead. He is active in research, academic presentations, and scientific meetings having convened Interventional Radiology Society Meeting in Sydney in June 2023. He sees patients at the Mater and Westmead.
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Dr Paul Geenty
Cardiology Research Fellow
Westmead Hospital

What constitutes risk in acute pulmonary embolism? (with Luke Baker)

10:00 AM - 10:25 AM


Paul is a cardiologist with an interest in cardiac imaging, who is currently a cardiology research fellow and PhD student at Westmead Hospital in Sydney. His research includes cardiac imaging and exercise testing following PE.
Dr Luke Baker
Senior Staff Specialist Interventional Radiologist
Westmead Hospital

Gaps in evidence in the management of intermediate to high-risk PE (with Anna Dunn and Natalie Kruit)

10:25 AM - 11:10 AM


Dr Luke Baker graduated from the University of Sydney and completed his specialist training at Westmead Public Hospital and the University Hospital of Alabama in Birmingham. He is subspecialty trained in Body Imaging and Interventional Radiology. Dr Baker is a fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists and The Australian College of Phlebologists. He is also accredited by the European Board of Interventional Radiology (EBIR) and the RANZCR Conjoint Committee for The Recognition of Training in Peripheral Endovascular Therapy. He was a cofounder of the Westmead PERT team for acute management of PE and DVT. He also cofounded the Western Sydney Percutaneous Dialysis Service at Westmead. He is active in research, academic presentations, and scientific meetings having convened Interventional Radiology Society Meeting in Sydney in June 2023. He sees patients at the Mater and Westmead.
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Dr Anna Dunn
Barwon Health

Gaps in evidence in the management of intermediate to high-risk PE (with Luke Baker and Natalie Kruit)

10:25 AM - 11:10 AM


A/ Prof Anna Dunn is the director of Barwon health respiratory department. She is also the clinical lead for the pulmonary vascular service including pulmonary hypertension and Victoria’s first comprehensive pulmonary embolism service. She is interested in acute management and long term sequalae of PE.
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Dr Natalie Kruit
Cardiac Anaesthetist And Ecmo Specialist
Westmead Hospital

Gaps in evidence in the management of intermediate to high-risk PE (with Luke Baker and Anna Dunn)

10:25 AM - 11:10 AM


Natalie is a cardiac anaesthetist, working at Westmead and Royal Prince Alfred Hospitals. She is the clinical lead for ECMO at Westmead Hospital and works as a pre-hospital physician for NSW Ambulance. She is currently undertaking her PhD in advanced cardiac arrest care delivery and is one of the chief investigators for the PRECARE trial (pre-hospital ECPR for refractory cardiac arrest). Her research interests centre around optimising CPR with the implementation of pre-hospital transoesophageal echo, advanced monitoring and the application of personalised haemodynamic resuscitation.
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Dr Sai Prakesh Vaheisvaran
Respiratory Advanced Trainee
Westmead Hospital

Interactive case with multidisciplinary panel and active audience participation (with Vanessa Wong and expert panel)

11:10 AM - 11:30 AM


Prakesh is a respiratory advanced trainee from Sydney, Australia, with a keen interest in pleural disease, tuberculosis and the practice of respiratory medicine in under-serviced communities. He is committed to research, learning and advancing clinical practice in these key areas of respiratory health.
Dr Vanessa Wong
Respiratory Physician
Westmead Hospital

Interactive case with multidisciplinary panel and active audience participation (with Prakesh Vaheisvaran and expert panel)

11:10 AM - 11:30 AM


Vanessa is currently a respiratory physician and the medical clinical superintendent at Westmead Hospital. Her specialty interests include that of pulmonary vascular disease, pulmonary hypertension and sleep medicine
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Dr Michael Putt
Senior Staff Specialist
Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital


11:10 AM - 11:30 AM


Michael Putt is a dual trained Intensivist and Respiratory Physician currently working as a Senior Staff Specialist at the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital. His interests include Pulmonary Embolism, Acute Respiratory failure and NIV.
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Dr Anna Dunn
Barwon Health



A/ Prof Anna Dunn is the director of Barwon health respiratory department. She is also the clinical lead for the pulmonary vascular service including pulmonary hypertension and Victoria’s first comprehensive pulmonary embolism service. She is interested in acute management and long term sequalae of PE.
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Prof Edmund Lau
Senior Staff Specialist
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital



Edmund Lau is an academic respiratory physician working at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney and Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of Sydney. He is the lead Respiratory Physician of the Pulmonary Hypertension Service at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital. He is the Co-Director of the Australian and New Zealand Pulmonary Hypertension Registry. He has authored more than 120 peer-reviewed publications, mostly on the topic of pulmonary hypertension.
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Dr Emily Lawton
Royal Adelaide Hospital



Emily Lawton is a Respiratory and Sleep Physician at The Royal Adelaide Hospital, South Australia. She completed her undergraduate and physician training in the UK NHS before undertaking specialist respiratory training and fellowship at the RAH, where she continues to work. She is the lead physician running the Respiratory Rapid Access Service at the RAH, designed to reduce ED presentations and hospital admissions and improve patient outcomes. Her clinical specialties include ILD and PH and she currently chairs the Royal Adelaide Hospital Complex pulmonary hypertension MDM. She is the current SA/NT Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand President.
Dr Vanessa Wong
Respiratory Physician
Westmead Hospital



Vanessa is currently a respiratory physician and the medical clinical superintendent at Westmead Hospital. Her specialty interests include that of pulmonary vascular disease, pulmonary hypertension and sleep medicine