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Chiesi Industry Innovator - Big change in little airways: establishing small airways disease as a treatable trait with oscillometry

Sunday, March 23, 2025
12:35 PM - 12:55 PM
Theatrette 2
Sponsored By:
Chiesi Australia


Small airways disease (SAD) is a fundamental concept in both asthma and COPD, unequivocally linked to risk of exacerbations, symptom control, airway hyperresponsiveness, spirometric abnormalities and inflammation. Furthermore, SAD is evident across all severities in both obstructive diseases, often present prior to spirometric alterations and amplified in more severe disease. Combining validated small airways measures such as oscillometry with the current gold standard spirometry is an innovative approach in obtaining valuable information which can improve disease diagnosis, management and identify phenotypes missed by current tests alone. This session will aim to present developments in research on SAD from Australia. Dr Li Ping Chung will share her groundbreaking study examining SAD in a severe asthma clinic using spirometry plus impulse oscillometry that demonstrated SAD was highly prevalent and predictive of exacerbations and symptoms. Professor Claude Farah will present the results of a world first Australian led Delphi study to establish consensus oscillometry values. This will help to simplify clinical interpretation of the results for clinicians in practice.


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Dr Li Ping Chung
Respiratory Consultant
Fiona Stanley Hospital

Big change in little airways: establishing small airways disease as a treatable trait with oscillometry

12:35 PM - 12:55 PM


Respiratory physician and clinical lead for airways disease at Fiona Stanley Hospital, Perth. Dr Li Ping Chung is a respiratory physician with special interests in severe airways disease including asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), and non-CF bronchiectasis. In 2013, Dr Chung completed her PhD, which focused on pharmacogenetics of severe asthma. In addition to her current role as the clinical lead for airways disease at Fiona Stanley Hospital, she is also involved in the development and expansion of community respiratory services by Silver Chain to better support patients with chronic respiratory diseases in the non-tertiary setting. Dr Chung is also involved in a number of NHMRC funded scientific and clinical research projects related to asthma and other airway disease.
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Prof Claude Farah
Respiratory Physician
Concord Hospital

Big change in little airways: establishing small airways disease as a treatable trait with oscillometry

12:35 PM - 12:55 PM


Clinical Professor Claude Farah is an adult respiratory physician at Concord Hospital and Macquarie University Hospital. His research interests include airway physiology, small airways disease and the management of asthma and COPD. He has published original research on respiratory oscillometry and has been involved in international consensus documents.