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GSK Industry Innovator - Step inside the consult room: Cardiovascular Impact of RSV inapatient with Respiratory Disease

Sunday, March 23, 2025
12:35 PM - 12:55 PM
Theatrette 1
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Step inside the consult room of internationally recognised cardiology Professor Timothy Tan as he educates a patient with respiratory disease on why RSV is impacting their cardiovascular system. The session will discuss how this impact occurs, why it is important for respiratory physicians and nurses to be aware of these impacts, and how to help protect your patients from RSV-related lower respiratory tract disease with vaccination.


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Consultant Cardiologist Professor Tim Tan
Consultant Cardiologist
Westmead Hospital

Step inside the consult room: Cardiovascular Impact of RSV inapatient with Respiratory Disease


Is a consultant cardiologist at Westmead and Blacktown Hospitals and has academic affiliations with Sydney University, Western Sydney University, and the University of New South Wales. He has a track record in cardiovascular research. He runs a research program spanning epidemiology, the utility of novel diagnostic parameters in tracking disease progression, and preventative strategies in clinical cardiology. Dr Tan has also been a local principal investigator in clinical trials including the iAMI trial (the largest randomized controlled trial to date for influenza vaccination and cardiac outcomes) and an investigator in local and national grants. He has contributed to over 120 peer-reviewed publications including book chapters and has presented at several national and international conferences.