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Data Processing Consent for the Marketing List for ForestSAT 2024

Why we ask for your consent

We are committed to protecting the privacy of all personal data you provide us. The following statements describe what we are doing with your data and how long we store it. This ensures you are fully informed prior to you submitting your personal information.

By checking the "I give consent" box in the Data Processing Consent section of the mailing list form, you consent to your personal information being used, stored and disclosed in accordance with this Data Consent Policy.


Data Controller Contact

Organisation Name and Address: The Conference Company Ltd and The Conference Company (Australia) Pty Ltd

Phone +64 9 360 1240 (New Zealand) 1800 193 405 (Australia)

Email: Forestsat2024@theconferencecompany.com 


Nominated Data Protection Officer

Name and Title: James Brehaut, General Manager

Phone: +64 9 360 1240

Email: Forestsat2024@theconferencecompany.com 


Why are we processing your personal data?

We ask for your personal data to provide marketing material that you have agreed to receive. Your data will be used solely for this, and under no circumstances be sold or used for other purposes.


Third parties that may have access to your personal data

Your data may be shared with other logistical organisations and third parties in order to deliver this material. Only data required to undertake their specific role will be made available to them. The third parties may include:


Organisations / 3rd Parties Their role in delivering the event Determination if data will be shared
Microsoft Azure Cloud computing platform the marketing database is hosted from All participants who are in the event database
Centium Software Events database developers All participants who are in the event database
SendGrid Email broadcast software All participants who are in the event database
Scion The host entity that contracts The Conference Company to deliver the event All participants who are in the marketing database



The right to inquire about your personal data

You retain the right to ask us about your personal data at any time. Please contact us at Forestsat2024@theconferencecompany.com with any enquiries you may have.


The right to withdraw your consent

We will retain your data indefinitely for the purpose it was retained for, you retain the right to withdraw consent to use your personal data at any time.  Please contact us at Forestsat2024@theconferencecompany.com with any enquiries you may have.


The right to forget or anonymise your personal details

You retain the right to request that we forget or anonymise your personal data. If you have attended any event with us, we will retain any financial, tax or event attendance records for reporting reasons, but will remove all personal data from our database, leaving an anonymised record for reporting reasons.

If we have provided your personal data to third parties we will inform these third parties that you have requested your data be anonymised.


Data Breaches

In the case of data breaches identified by anyone other than the Data Protection Officer, the identifying party must inform the Data Protection Officer of the data breach immediately.

Once aware of a data breach, the Data Protection Officer will immediately put measures in place cease and rectify the breach and will report the breach to the supervisory authority within the applicable country within 72 hrs (e.g. the Privacy Commissioner in New Zealand or the Information Commissioner in Australia).


Our Data Privacy Policy

The Conference Company has a detailed internal Data Privacy Policy that is reviewed and updated periodically. Staff are trained in the policy as part of their induction and are kept abreast of changes as they occur.
