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Confidence Shift: Empowering Facilities Managers for Peak Performance | He whakapikinga māia: E whakamana ana I ngā hanga whaitake me ngā kaiwhakahaere kia eke kairangi ai

Wednesday, September 25, 2024
2:35 PM - 3:15 PM
Kawau Room Plenary (Level 3)


Stuart Bryant and Stu van Rij


In the dynamic world of facilities management, confidence is not just beneficial; it’s essential. Confidence is at the prow of our efforts, creating a bow wave that empowers our leadership and performance. Our confidence flows into the room, telling a story to our stakeholders before we have even opened our mouths. And when we encounter turbulent waters that threaten to erode our confidence, we must learn to protect it. Join us for this engaging workshop where Stu Bryant, a seasoned facilities manager, and Stu van Rij, an expert in stakeholder influence, will share practical insights on nurturing your confidence and that of your team. Attend to get a deeper understanding of how confidence impacts our professional performance. Gain actionable insights and tools you can implement immediately allowing you to ride the waves of challenges with renewed vigour. What difference could a shift in your confidence make in the coming months when navigating professional and personal situations?


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Stuart Bryant
Kiwi Property

Confidence Shift: Empowering Facilities Managers for Peak Performance


Stuart Bryant is a forward-thinking FM, who has a wide range of experience. He has previously managed large-scale sites such as Britomart Precinct, SkyCity properties, and Sylvia Park, as well as other smaller retail, commercial and industrial property. Stuart is also a previous FMANZ Board member and member of a number of FMANZ Committees.
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Stu van Rij
Influencing & Negotiation Expert

Confidence Shift: Empowering Facilities Managers for Peak Performance


Nearly 10 years ago Stu stepped into the world of coaching, training and speaking, and hasn't looked back. It began with an itch to be a master negotiator, and grew from there. His background as a commercial lawyer provided fertile ground to explore the art and science of negotiation, but it was the late Jim Camp, a global expert on negotiations, who nudged him into the world of coaching. At the time, Jim Camp was coaching billions of dollars of transactions around the world, with stunning results. Stu trained under Jim and became his coach in the region. This fuelled a lifelong passion for unpicking what it takes to achieve high levels of human performance, particularly in the world of business. It also fuelled a rather large Kindle library and opportunities to expand into training and coaching in the fields of influencing and leadership. Since then Stu has worked with negotiators, influencers and leaders all over the globe and remains obsessed with helping execs and teams adopt the systems that level up their leadership, influencing and commercial relationships.