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Mechanisms and Preclinical Discovery: Epigenetics and cardiovascular health

Mechanisms and Preclinical Discovery
Sunday, August 4, 2024
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Meeting Room 6


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Prof Janna Morrison
Head, Early Origins of Adult Health Research Group
University of South Australia

Fetal cardiac development and cardiovascular risk

9:00 AM - 9:20 AM


Janna obtained her Masters in Physiology from the University of Western Ontario in 1998 and her PhD in Reproductive and Developmental Sciences from the University of British Columbia in 2001. Prof Morrison has been funded as a research fellow by the Heart Foundation (2004-13), the NHMRC (2014-17) and the ARC (Future Fellow, 2018-2021). Prof Morrison has authored >220 peer reviewed publications, has been cited over 10,000 times and has an h-Index of 42 (Scopus). Janna was inaugural Director of Health and Biomedical Innovation (2019-2024) at the University of South Australia and is now Deputy Director. She is Head of the Early Origins of Adult Health Research Group. She is a Fellow of the Cardiovascular Section of the American Physiological Society. She was awarded the Australian Physiological Society Medal Lecture in 2022 and the Joan Mott Lecture Prize (Physiological Society UK) in 2023. She is Reviewing Editor for the Journal of Physiology and Editor of Themed Issues for the Journal of the Developmental Origins of Adult Health. Her research focusses on how the fetal cardiovascular system responds to changes in nutrient supply during pregnancy, using MRI to study blood flow and oxygenation in preclinical models of fetal growth restriction. Her work in the field of fetal physiology, where she is pioneering the use of MRI to detect the cardiovascular effects of fetal growth restriction with the goal of improving heart health across the lifespan.
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Prof Doan Ngo
Hunter Medical Research Institute / University of Newcastle

Cardio-oncology influence on heart health

9:20 AM - 9:40 AM


Professor Doan Ngo is an academic pharmacist and a fundamental and translational scientist with multiple important contributions in the cardio-oncology and cardio-metabolic field. She is the co-director of the Newcastle Centre of Excellence in Cardio-Oncology research program, Hunter Medical Research Institute, and National Heart Foundation Future Leader Fellow at the University of Newcastle. Together with Professor Aaron Sverdlov, Doan has established the first-in-Australia bench-to-bedside "cardio-oncology" program combining basic and clinical research into cancer therapy-related cardiotoxicity with Calvary Mater Newcastle Hospital-based clinical outpatient service. The program incorporates mechanistic discovery studies looking at mechanisms of cardiotoxicity, drug discovery studies, translational human research, clinical research and clinical inpatient and outpatient service delivery.
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Assoc Prof Kim Mellor
Head, Cellular & Molecular Cardiology Lab
University of Auckland

Sugar mishandling in the diabetic heart

9:40 AM - 10:00 AM


Kim Mellor completed her PhD at the University of Melbourne in 2011, and established the Cellular and Molecular Cardiology Laboratory at the University of Auckland. Her discovery bioscience delves into the pathophysiology of heart failure and diabetic cardiomyopathy, interrogating disease targets at tissue, cellular and subcellular levels.
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Dr Frankie Butera
Postdoctoral Researcher
Murdoch Children’s Research Institute

Identification of regenerative compounds using high-throughput screening

10:00 AM - 10:20 AM


Frankie Butera is a postdoctoral researcher at the Murdoch Children's Research Institute (MCRI; Melbourne) in Professor Enzo Porrello and Professor Dave Elliott's lab. At MCRI, her research focuses on using high-throughput microscopy-based screening to identify compounds with the potential to enhance cardiomyocyte proliferation. Dr Butera's work builds on her PhD from the Institute of Cancer Research (London, UK), where she developed image analysis pipelines to assay live cell dynamics, including cell cycle progression.
Prof James Hudson
Senior Group Leader
QIMR Berghofer

Bromodomain extra-terminal Inhibitors to protect Cardiac Muscle against Inflammation induced Damage

10:20 AM - 10:35 AM


James completed a Bachelor of Chemical and Biological Engineering, a PhD in Biotechnology at the University of Queensland followed by a postdoc in Goettingen, Germany. James’ lab has brought together engineering and cell biology disiplines to develop human cardiac organoid sreening platforms. He is now generating a ‘Cardiopedia’ aiming to provide a comprehensive map of the molecular processes governing cardiac function. James regularly publishes in top journals in his field and is an inaugural recipient of the Snow Medical Fellowship in 2021.
Dr Miles De Blasio
Senior Research Fellow, Group Leader
Monash University



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Dr Nchafatso Obonyo
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Critical Care Research Group / Institute for Molecular Bioscience / University of Queensland


