09. Clinical/Surgery - Mini Oral Session - Friday Evening
Clinical / Surgical
Friday, August 2, 2024 |
5:20 PM - 6:00 PM |
Theatrette 2 |
Dr Nick Lan
Fiona Stanley Hospital
High-sensitivity cardiac troponin I to predict obstructive coronary artery disease and revascularisation in rural patients with non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction transferred for invasive coronary angiogram
5:20 PM - 5:25 PMBiography
Nick is an early career Cardiologist and researcher in the cardiometabolic clinic of Fiona Stanley Hospital.
Ms Olivia Girolamo
Phd Candidate
University of Adelaide
Coronary Slow Flow as measured by Corrected TIMI Frame Counts is associated with Impaired Microvascular Resistance
5:25 PM - 5:30 PMBiography
Olivia is currently undertaking her PhD candidature in Medicine (Cardiology) with the Translational Vascular Function Research Collaborative at the Basil Hetzel Institute & The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, supervised by Professor John Beltrame, Associate Professor Rosanna Tavella and Associate Professor Chris Zeitz.
Her interest lies in patients who have angina and non-obstructive coronary arteries with underlying Coronary Vasomotor Disorders, such as Coronary Artery Spasm and Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction.
Assoc Prof Sandhir Prasad
Metro North Hospital and Health Service
A Multi-parametric Clinical and Echocardiographic model to predict Mortality following Myocardial infarction in patients with mid-range or preserved Left Ventricular Ejection fraction.
5:30 PM - 5:35 PMBiography
A/Prof Sandhir Prasad is a cardiologist and clinical lead in echocardiography at the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital.
Dr Mark Whitman
Advanced Cardiac Clinical Educator
Logan Hospital
Does Functional Capacity during Treadmill Testing predict outcome in patients with prior Cardiovascular Disease?
5:35 PM - 5:40 PMBiography
Mark has worked for Queensland Health for the past 17 years in the cardiac investigation’s unit at Logan Hospital. His role has evolved over the years and currently includes delivery of electrocardiogram education throughout the hospital. Mark holds a medical science doctorate in cardiac stress testing and continues to produce research in this area. He regularly provides teaching as a guest lecturer with Griffith University in the area of clinical exercise testing. His area of interest is exercise testing and the body’s response to exercise, with a keen interest in the electrocardiogram as well. He is a current fellow of the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand.
Dr Matthew Lim
Basic Physician Trainee
Royal Adelaide Hospital
Impact of dedicated Cardiologist input on the rate of prescription of guideline-directed Medical Therapy after Coronary Artery Bypass Graft surgery – a retrospective cohort study
5:40 PM - 5:45 PMBiography
A Basic Physician Trainee from the Central Adelaide Local Health Network and Associate Clinical Lecturer at the University of Adelaide. Currently working at the Royal Adelaide Hospital as well as the Department of Cardiology at St Andrew's Hospital. Interests lie in the fields of Interventional Cardiology and in Medical Education.
Dr Princess Neila Litkouhi
Resident Medical Officer
Royal North Shore Hospital
Feasibility of same day discharge after Transcatheter Aortic valve implantation: The first retrospective analysis in an Australian cohort
5:45 PM - 5:50 PMBiography
Neila Litkouhi is a junior doctor at Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney and is also undertaking a Master of Philosophy in Research at the University of Sydney. She is an Associate Fellow of the Advanced Higher Education Academy in the United Kingdom. She has a keen interest in structural cardiology and developing clinical practice guidelines and optimizing health policy. Her current research focusses on the safety and feasibility of same day discharge after TAVI for select, low-risk patients.
Dr Nicola Straiton
Senior Research Fellow
Australian Catholic University
Frailty response in patients with aortic stenosis undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation: protocol for a pilot, cluster randomised controlled trial (FRAIL-AS Response Trial)
5:50 PM - 5:55 PMBiography
Nicola is a qualified nurse with over 15 years clinical experience in cardiovascular disease care in Australia and the United Kingdom. Currently employed as the Senior Research Fellow (Implementation Science) at the Nursing Research Institute, Australian Catholic University based at St Vincent’s Health Network Sydney. Her role is focused on leading and conducting collaborative research to increase the translation of evidence into practice, and on building the research capacity and capabilities of clinician researchers. Nicola completed a Doctor of Philosophy (Nursing) at The University of Sydney in 2023 focused on the acceptability of heart valve replacement procedures, and patient-reported outcomes in adults with aortic stenosis.
Ms Sarena La
PhD Candidate
University of Adelaide
Chronic Coronary Syndrome with/without Obstructive Coronary Arteries – Are there differences in ongoing chest pain?
5:55 PM - 6:00 PMBiography
Sarena La is a third year PhD Candidate at The University of Adelaide, based at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital. Sarena is interested in NOCA (Non-Obstructive Coronary Artery) syndromes, and she was awarded The Research Training Program Scholarship Stipend in 2020 to commence a PhD in this topic. Her PhD studies are now focusing on establishing NOCA syndrome registries encompassing clinical characteristics, patient reported outcomes, linked data and MRI findings which will provide the national analytic foundation for evaluating and risk stratifying the NOCA endotypes. Sarena is passionate in advocating for these under-diagnosed and overlooked group of patients through her research. In 2023, she received the New Investigator (PhD) Poster Prize during the CSANZ conference for demonstrating the translational impact of her work. Sarena has also showcased her work interstate and internationally.
Agneta Geldenhuys