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Multidisciplinary: Patricia M. Davidson Lecture and Nursing Prize session

Saturday, August 3, 2024
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Riverview Room 4


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Dr Aaron Conway
Senior Research Fellow
Queensland University of Technology

Patricia M. Davidson Lecture: My biggest lesson from the North: A guide to how AI can support cardiovascular nursing practice

10:35 AM - 11:00 AM


Dr. Aaron Conway holds a Conjoint Senior Research Fellow position with QUT School of Nursing and The Prince Charles Hospital. His research aims to make procedural sedation as safe and effective as possible. This program of research is informed by his clinical experience working as a nurse in the cardiac catheterization laboratory. Dr. Conway has held prestigious research appointments, including the RBC Chair of Cardiovascular Nursing Research at the Peter Munk Cardiac Centre, University Health Network and Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing at the University of Toronto (2018-2023) and a NHMRC Early Career Fellowship at the Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation, Queensland University of Technology (2015 to 2018). His research has produced high-quality evidence to support clinician’s decision-making regarding approaches for procedural sedation. Notable publications in highly ranked journals include randomized controlled trials in Heart and the European Journal of Anaesthesiology and meta-analyses in Anaesthesia and Thorax. Dr. Conway's recent work has leveraged machine learning to create innovative solutions for common problems encountered in procedural sedation, including using deep learning to optimize capnography alarm management, and automating sedation state assessments.
Mr Ararso Baru Olani
Phd Student
Monash University

Emergency medical service use for acute coronary syndrome in culturally and linguistically diverse immigrant populations

11:00 AM - 11:15 AM


Ararso Olani is an international PhD student at Monash University's School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine. In 2022, he received a full scholarship from Monash University to study for his PhD. Ararso is conducting his PhD on "Understanding prehospital treatment-seeking for acute coronary syndrome in culturally and linguistically diverse immigrant populations in Australia." Ararso holds a BSc degree in Nursing, an MSc in Emergency Medicine and Critical Care Nursing, and an MHS in Reproductive Health. He has published over 20 research articles as a first author and co-author.
Dr Elyn Montgomery
Post-doctoral Research Nurse
Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute

Frailty prevalence and characteristics in a transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy cohort

11:15 AM - 11:30 AM


Elyn Montgomery is a registered nurse with over 20 years experience. Elyn completed her PhD in 2022. Her post-doctoral work is investigating frailty in amyloidosis.
Ms Ellen Gardner
Structural Heart Clinical Nurse Consultant
The Alfred Hospital

Nurse-Supported Sedation for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implants: A Retrospective Analysis.

11:30 AM - 11:45 AM


Ellen Gardner is a CNC with over 10 years of experience in cardiology, specialising in structural heart conditions, with a postgraduate in critical care. She is currently undergoing her Nurse Practitioner-Candidacy at Alfred Hospital in Melbourne.
Miss Asmita Dalal
Research Assistant Nurse
Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute

Reasons for non-participation in a Nurse-Led mHealth secondary prevention program for Coronary Artery Disease

11:45 AM - 12:00 PM


I am a Research Assistant Nurse at the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute in the Pre Clinical and Disease Prevention Lab since 2021. I am enrolled in Master of Advanced Nursing at Monash University. I have completed undergraduate and postgraduate studies in Biology and Psychology in New Zealand. My areas of interest are nurse led programmes in primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease.
Prof Caleb Ferguson
University of Wollongong



Prof Rochelle Wynne
Professor In Nursing
Western Health



Professor Rochelle Wynne is the Chair of Nursing in the Western Health and Deakin University Partnership. Rochelle is a Board Director for the Australian Cardiovascular Research Alliance (ACvA), and the Secretary of the CSANZ Cardiovascular Nursing Council.