ANZSBT: Is it all worth it?
Tuesday, November 7, 2023 |
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM |
Combined Meeting room 212 & 213 |
Prof Andrew Charlton
NHS Blood and Transplant
Transfusion in haem-onc – current challenges
4:00 PM - 4:30 PMBiography
Andy is a Consultant Haematologist working in a joint post between NHS Blood and Transplant and Newcastle Hospitals, UK. He is Secretary to the National Blood Transfusion Committee in England, Clinical Lead for the Patient Blood Management and Components clinical team, supports the NHSBT Red Cell Immuno-haematology clinical service and is Clinical Lead for Transfusion and Myeloma at Newcastle Hospitals. He supports regional and national transfusion education initiatives and is involved in guideline-writing and examining. He is an active PI, and UK CI for the REDDS-2 clinical trial.
Dr Allison Mo
Monash University / Monash Health / Austin Health
Does transfusion improve QoL in patients with MDS?
4:30 PM - 5:00 PMBiography
Dr Allison Mo is a clinical and laboratory haematologist at Monash Health and Austin Health, Melbourne. She is currently undertaking a PhD with the Transfusion Research Unit at Monash University, investigating optimal transfusion support for patients with myelodysplastic syndromes, including the impacts of transfusion on quality of life and functional outcomes. She is interested in promoting transfusion research and education, and is a member of the ALLG supportive care group, the ANZSBT education standing committee, and the ISBT lead in the Transfusion Evidence Round-Up program. She is also PI on the REDDS2 randomised pilot clinical trial investigating transfusion schedules in MDS patients.
Amanda Ormerod
Latrobe Regional Hospital