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ADS Clinical Oral 2: Complications

Stream 8
Wednesday, August 23, 2023
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Riverbank Room 4


Dr Christopher Chan
Basic Physician Trainee
NSW Health

Clinical characteristics, neonatal and maternal outcomes in pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus and COVID-19 infection: a retrospective study

4:00 PM - 4:15 PM



Dr Christopher Chan is a current Basic Physician Trainee with a keen interest in diabetes research. A/Prof Vincent Wong is the current director of Diabetes and Endocrine services at Liverpool Hospital.
Dr Michael d'Emden
Senior Staff Specialist
Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital

Shifts in KDIGO CKD risk groups with Empagliflozin

4:15 PM - 4:30 PM



Associate Professor Michael d’Emden is the Director of Department of Endocrinology and Diabetes at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital. Michael was involved in the development of the Electronic Health Record used by Queensland Health and the development of Australian Insulin In-patient management chart
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Prof Dianna Magliano
Head, Diabetes and Population Health
Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute

Trends in the incidence of type 2 diabetes in Australia

4:30 PM - 4:45 PM



Professor Dianna Magliano heads the Diabetes and Population Health Unit at the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute. She is interested in the use of large datasets, such as the National Diabetes Service Scheme, to advance understanding of diabetes trends to inform investment in health resources and enhance diabetes care.
Dr Julian Sacre
Senior Research Officer
Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute

Incidence of type 2 diabetes among people treated for osteoporosis: comparison of denosumab and oral bisphosphonates

4:45 PM - 5:00 PM



Dr Julian Sacre is a senior postdoctoral research officer with the Clinical Diabetes and Epidemiology group at the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute. His work focuses on improving risk prediction for cardiorenal and other complications of type 2 diabetes.
Dr Tessa Weir
Nepean Hospital

A systematic review of the effects of maternal obesity on neonatal outcomes in women with gestational diabetes mellitus

5:00 PM - 5:15 PM



Dr Tessa Weir, is an Endocrinologist at Nepean-Blue Mountains Hospital and Associate Clinical Lecturer [USYD]. She is currently undertaking a PhD focusing on developing a personalised risk prediction tool to improve pregnancy outcomes and exploring how maternal obesity influences placental function in gestational diabetes.
Miss Yixuan Sun
PhD Student
University of Adelaide

Immediate and long-term effects of four-week insulin pump therapy on gastric emptying in newly diagnosed, treatment-naïve, Chinese patients with type 2 diabetes

5:15 PM - 5:30 PM



Miss Yixuan Sun is a second-year PhD student studying at the University of Adelaide. She is undertaking a joint program between The University of Adelaide and Nottingham University. Her research interest focus on bile acids and gastrointestinal function in glycaemia control in health and type 2 diabetes.
Mr Jacob Harland
PhD Candidate
Deakin University

Risk Factors for the Progression or Regression to Diabetes or Normoglycaemia for Men with Impaired Fasting Glucose

5:30 PM - 5:45 PM



Jacob Harland is a PhD candidate at Deakin University. He is in his third year of study investigating how novel diabetes subgroups vary in muscle and bone health.


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Emma Hamilton
Consultant Endocrinologist
Fiona Stanley And Fremantle Hospitals Group

Tang Wong
Bankstown/Prince of Wales Hospitals
