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8D-2 Global Impact Experience: Redesigning international programmes through interdisciplinarity and sustainability (20mins)

Wednesday, March 15, 2023
2:05 PM - 2:25 PM


As the world adjusts to living with covid-19, we must redesign international programmes to prepare students to tackle the most pressing challenges of today’s societies while considering what we learned during the pandemic years. How can we build on existing partnerships consolidated over these critical years and use tools that emerged to countervail physical distance? Global Experience (GEx) and Impact Experience (IEx) were created with that purpose. Both are modules offered by NUS College, the recently launched honours programme of the National University of Singapore. GEx is a specially curated module with NUSC’s partners and delivered in seven different cities (Beijing, Ho Chi Minh City, Jakarta, New York, Paris, Stockholm, and Toronto). It involves seminars with guest professors, workshops with practitioners, masterclasses with experts and field trips to relevant institutions, among other activities. IEx is a mandatory module “where students get to organise in interdisciplinary teams and work with non-profit partners to innovate future solutions to today’s problems to benefit communities and society”. The session will present the main innovations and challenges these two interdisciplinary programmes bring. We will use concrete examples from GExParis that will help other higher education institutions to learn from this experience and design their own. Learning Objectives: • To build on former collaborations to launch new models of international partnerships • To create new interdisciplinary programmes focused on sustainability • To identify the key challenges and opportunities of international education in the post-pandemic world Target Audience: - Developing active partnerships - Designed innovative international programmes - Developing globally competent and socially responsible graduates - Education and SDGs Target Audience Level: Intermediate


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Dr Mariana Losada
Paris-NUS Programme Director
Université Paris Cité / Sciences Po / National University of Singapore

Global Impact Experience: Redesigning international programmes through interdisciplinarity and sustainability

2:05 PM - 2:25 PM


Mariana Losada is a Senior Fellow at NUS College where she teaches GEx Paris. She is also the Paris-NUS Programme Director at the National University of Singapore and acts as a representative of Université Paris Cité, Sciences Po, and Inalco in Southeast Asia. In her role, Mariana facilitates and manages the research and teaching collaborations between these French higher education institutions, and NUS.


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Rian Beise-Zee
Vice President
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan
