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8A-2 Leveraging Technology for Student-Centered Development (20mins)

Wednesday, March 15, 2023
2:05 PM - 2:25 PM


Creating a sustainable future for international education in APAC means leveraging new technologies (videoconferencing and cloud-based learning management systems) to innovate low-cost, high-impact interventions — which must be tailored to the unique needs of today’s globally mobile students. The familiar three-stage model (pre-departure, onsite, and re-entry) was a convenience limited by technology. It made sense to gather large groups of students in person for one-time workshops, because that’s what the technology allowed. We know that well-designed interventions accelerate student development (Vande Berg, Connor-Linton, and Paige, 2009), and that students undergo far more than three stages in their development (Gullahorn & Gullahorn, 1963; Gray and Savicki, 2015). The three-stage approach, while appropriate to the times, was insufficient in two ways. First, it didn’t differentiate enough to support the many developmental stages that students experience in their sojourns. Second, it treated students as a monolith, rather than addressing students’ individual needs. Videoconferencing and cloud-based learning management systems can overcome these limitations. “Bite-sized,” self-paced modules — supplemented with group videoconferencing sessions — mean that (1) greater differentiation is possible (addressing far more than just three stages), (2) students can visit and revisit interventions when it is most helpful and impactful to them. Learning Objectives: • Review of research showing the need for intentional interventions that serve our students’ intercultural, personal, and professional development. • Discussion of models for student adjustment, including “U-Curve” and “W-Curve” models (for both onsite and re-entry experiences). • Discussion and Q&A around participants’ own experiences, challenges, and successes using videoconferencing and online learning management systems to provide impactful interventions. Participants will leave with specific, actionable suggestions for enhancing student development through targeted interventions at appropriate stages of the abroad experience. Target Audience: • International educators at any level that are involved in sending or receiving students, or whose work touches the student experience in any way. • Anyone involved in technology to enhance the globally mobile student experience. Target Audience Level: Intermediate


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Dr Jason Patent

Leveraging Technology for Student-Centered Development

2:05 PM - 2:25 PM


Jason D. Patent, Ph.D., is Co-Founder of BridgeLabs, a global educational and organizational leadership development practice. A fluent Mandarin speaker, Dr. Patent’s past positions include Chief of Operations and Director of the Robertson Center for Intercultural Leadership at International House UC Berkeley, American Co-Director of the Hopkins–Nanjing Center for Chinese and American Studies, and inaugural Director of the Stanford Program in Beijing.


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Sibrandes Poppema
Sunway University in Malaysia, Malaysia
