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12B - European aspirations for innovation and resilience (60mins)

Thursday, March 16, 2023
9:45 AM - 10:15 AM


2022 has been both an encouraging year and a challenging time for the higher sector worldwide. As with other world regions, Europe has seen a resumption of widespread travel and in-person meetings, yet the lingering effects of the pandemic are wreaking havoc on the operations of airports and airlines. Green travel initiatives are gaining significant steam but are also raising questions about the costs of sustainable mobility and the complexities of scaling up these efforts. Unique to Europe, the European Commission released a strategy for Europe’s universities in early 2022 and approved a new round of European University alliances, simultaneously signalling robust ambitions for the region’s universities and exposing significant challenges to implementing innovations. And the devasting war in Ukraine threatens political, social and economic stability while dramatically strengthening solidarity and commitments to a shared purpose in European higher education. For the benefit of participants less familiar with the European context, or keen to explore specific aspects more deeply, this session aims to share the latest updates on several cross-cutting aspirations for innovation and resilience in play in Europe as we move from 2022 into 2023, particularly in relation to digitalisation, inclusion, environmental responsibility and collaboration for mutual benefit. Learning Objectives: • Participants will gain insight into several key current developments in European higher education that may have a direct impact on decision making around their engagement strategies with Europe. • Participants will be exposed to primary sources of information on European programs and initiatives that will allow them to follow developments independently long after the session. Target Audience: This session would benefit a cross-section of audience members with responsibility for engagement with European higher education partners, as well as those with general interests in the areas of interinstitutional partnerships, academic mobility, digitalisation and environmental responsibility. Target Audience Level: Intermediate


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Dr Miguel Lim
Senior Lecturer in Education and International Development / ARC9 Researcher
The University of Manchester, United Kingdom

European aspirations for innovation and resilience

9:45 AM - 10:45 AM


Senior Researcher with special focus on transnational and international HE, education policy, 'quality' HE in emerging economies, 'knowledge diplomacy', and issues around China and Southeast Asian higher education. His work has been supported by the British Academy, the European Commission, the Marie Curie Alumni Association, the Confucius Institute. Lead researcher of the ARC9 Studies Mapping Higher Education Working Towards Sustainable Development, commissioned by the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF).
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Ms Olga Belova
International Project Manager
Alianza 4 Universidades, Spain

European aspirations for innovation and resilience

9:45 AM - 10:45 AM


Sara joined Pompeu Fabra University (UPF), Barcelona, in 2007, where she is currently Director of International Relations. She is responsible for influencing and implementing internationalisation strategy, promoting agreements and projects for mobility and academic cooperation worldwide, supervising international student services and programme development.


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Douglas Proctor
Pro Vice-Chancellor, Global Engagement
Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
